Transcribed by Clyde Noel (1980) 
Contributed by Karen Wheadon
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors




IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. I, Elizabeth NOEL of Grates Cove, being weak in body: but of perfect mind and memory: And knowing that it is appointed unto all persons once to die, do make and ordain, this my last Will, and Testament: That principally and first of all I recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it, and my body I commend to the Earth, To be buried in decent Christian burial, nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection, I shall receive the same again by the might power of Almighty God.

And as to my worldly goods and estates I dispose of the same in the following manner and form:

First: I give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter ELIZAR; all that part of a Fishing Room and plantation situated in Old Perlican, at present in the occupancy of JOHN BURK: - known by the northern portion of said Room and plantation: All of which her lawful right during her natural life, after which the said Fishing Room and plantation, shall decend unto her Heirs, as their lawful right:

Second: I bequeath unto my beloved son PETER: And my beloved daughter AMELIA: their Heirs and Assigned, all that part of a fishing Room and plantation situated in Old Perlican, and at present the occupancy of WILLAM HERDER and Son: I direct my Executors that the said WILLIAM HERDER, and Son, shall not be disposed of the usage of said Room and plantation, as long as they continue to pay unto my son PETER, and my Daughter AMELIA Annually the sum of twenty Shillings Currency: I direct my son PETER, and Daughter AMELIA, that five Shillings annually and every year, for the space of Twenty years, shall be given to the Wesleyn Mission cause, as a small thank offering unto my good, and gracious Lord, for the many mercies and blessings received by me from his bountiful hands:

Third: I bequeath unto my beloved son PETER, his Heirs and assigned for evermore: one half a Fishing Stage known by the name of GULCH STAGE: With this conclusion, that my Daughter AMELIA's husband JOHN AVERY their Heirs and Assigns, shall have the priviledge of landing and salting fish in said Stage at any time when it may be not convenient to land Fish in another Stage. I have in the Will bequeathed unto my Daughter AMELIA and Heirs in the last section of this my Will:

I farther bequeath unto my son PETER, His Heirs and assigned all the Fish Flakes and Fish flake grounds in my possession as their lawful property for evermore: With all the land now under fence which shall all be their lawful property for evermore: With the exception of what flake ground I have disposed of otherwise, and that my Daughter AMELIA shall forever hold possession of that portion of land she is now in possession of.

Fourth: I bequeath unto my Daughter AMELIA her Heirs and Assigned for evermore A Site to build a Fish Stage, With land to build Fish Flakes, extending from PETER NOEL bounds Southward unto JOHN STOYLES property:

Signed and delivered at Grace Cove: As my last Will and Testament This Fifth day of April, And in the year of Our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty five.

Elizabeth Noel


Thereby appoint THOMAS COOPER of Grates Cove, and JOHN BURK of Old Perlican, As Executor of this my last Will and Testament.

Signed and delivered in the presence of JOHN SNELGROVE and JOHN AVERY

©  Clyde Noel, Karen Wheadon and NL GenWeb