Edward Fewer, Blacksmith of Hr. Main. I bequeath to my son Richard all I possess in Hr. Main, consisting of land, houses, horse, waggon, and all of my personal effects. He is to support my wife until she changes her name, also Edward Agustus until he is able to earn for himself, and my two daughters, and if they disagree my wife is to have the use of two rooms and the way to and from each. She is also to have the setting in ground of two barrels of seed potatoes.
I leave to Edward Agustus the land known as Charley's pond, and to Michael Hubert all my land situate at Chapel's Cove.
Of the two hundred dollars on deposit in the Royal Bank of Canada I leave one hundred of which to Richard, and fifty each to my wife Johanna and son Michael Hubert the interest to be divided equally between Edward Agustus and two daughters
Richard is to have my watch and ring If my son Richard take Michael Quirk and wife or either to live with him or domicile on any part of my property, he there forfeits all claim to said property, which then shall be divided equally between my two daughters.
I appoint my son Richard executor of this my last will. I witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal this the fifteenth day of September one thousand nine hundred and fifteen Edward his X mark Fewer (LS) his seal Signed and acknowledged in presence of us William Parsley George Furey
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Decr 18/15
Decr 20/15
granted to
Richd Fewer
Estate sworn
at $956.00