NFGenWeb Wills

Conception Bay North Region ~ Carbonear District
Crocker's Cove - Deed of Elias Cole (1833)
This will was read, recorded and transcribed by SUSAN SNELGROVE, November 2000. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors.

Deed of Elias Cole of Crocker's Cove(1833)

Elias Cole Sen., John Cole, Henry Cole, Richard Cole, and Elias Cole Junior

-- to – Gosse Pack & Fryer

Memorial of a Deed bearing date the twenty seventh day of November one thousand eight hundred and thirty three whereby Elias Cole Senior, John Cole, Henry Cole, Richard Cole and Elias Cole Junior of Crockers Cove for and in consideration of the sum of One hundred and fifty pounds currency to them in hand paid the receipt whereof is acknowledged did grant, bargain and sell unto Gosse Pack and Fryer of Carbonear, Merchants “All that Plantation with two Dwelling Houses at present on it situated in Crockers Cove aforesaid, and bounded on the East by Nicholas Moran’s, on the West by George Clarke’s and on the South by Matthew George’s and on the North by (w)aste? Land” to share and to hold unto the said Gosse Pack and Fryer with all the Dwelling Houses, Fences and (unknown symbol) forever “Provided Nevertheless that if the said Elias Cole Senior, John Cole, Henry Cole, Richard Cole and Elias Cole Junior shall pay or cause to be paid unto the said Gosse Pack and Fryer the full sum of fifteen pounds currency on or before the twentieth day of November next and continue soforth do yearly and every year until such yearly payments make up the full sum of one hundred and fifty pounds currency, then the said bargain and sale shall be void or else remain in full force and virtue: Which Deed under the hands and seals of Elias Cole Sen. (his mark) – John Cole (his mark) – Henry Cole (his mark) – Richard Cole (his mark) – Elias Cole Junior (his mark) and “Robert Pack” for self and Partners “Wm. Fryer” and “John Gosse” is witnessed by “Jno Bemister” and “Moses “Wilshear”.

Thereby certify that the execution of the Instrument of which this page contains a memorial was acknowledged before me by Elias Cole Junior one of the parties thereto on the third day of December at 2 p.m. in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three and the same is hereby actually Registered by me this day.

Given under my hand at the Registrar of Deeds Office Harbor Grace this twentieth day of December one thousand eight hundred and thirty three (1833).

Signed John Stark, Registrar

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