NL GenWeb

Transcribed by Marilyn Pilkington.  While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors.


Harbour Grace - January 30, 1815

Court of Sessions



Jane Collins vs. Mr. Linahan

This was a complaint brought before the Court against the Defendant, stating that on Sunday evening as the Plaintiff was coming from some neighbour's house to her master's, he, the Defendant, met the Plaintiff in the street and behaved to her in a very indecent manner and after, on her way home, prevented her by treading on her heels -- to the great detriment of her walking.

After due investigation, it was clearly proved that the Defendant was guilty of the charge -- therefore, the Court gave judgment that he pay a fine to the King of 40 pence first class court charges and also that he be fined security for keeping the peace Twelve Calendar months himself in Twenty-Five Pounds and two sureties Twelve Pounds & Ten Shillings each and that he do pay other charges attending the suit.

Fine  2-----  
1st Class  2-----  
Recognizance  1.14.6  
    4.14.6 For the Sherrif


[Note: This Jane Collins is believed to be a daughter of Timothy and Jane Collins of Mint Cove. The event happened in Harbour Grace, while she was on her way to “her master’s house”—this suggests she was in service to someone in Harbour Grace at the time. Jane Collins of Harbour Grace married Joseph Pippy on June 7, 1821, at Carbonear. – M. Pilkington]


© Marilyn Pilkington and NL GenWeb