NL GenWeb

Transcribed by Marilyn Pilkington.  While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors.


Harbour Grace Summons

Granted in the Sessions of Surrogate Court 1821

May 1, 1821

Plaintiff: Michael Farrell

Defendant: James Noseworthy

Wm Porter Jr.

John Collins

Of what nature: respecting firebrand *

How served: Summons

When returned: 8 May

Constable: Henry Sheppard

[Note: Wm Porter Jr. was John Collins's brother-in-law – M. Pilkington]

* Excerpt from Court of Sessions, Conception Bay


26 June 1804

The Court orders that all Persons carrying Firebrands through the Harbor by Day or Night shall be fined 2p and the informer to receive one half.


May 1, 1821

Plaintiff: Michael Farrell

Defendant: John Collins

Of what nature: Complaint

How served: Summons

When returned: 8 May

Constable: Henry Sheppard

May 11, 1821

Plaintiff: Jane Collins

Defendant: M. Farrell

Of what nature: Dispute about ground

How served: Summons

When returned: 22 May

Constable: R. Gosse

May 26, 1821

Plaintiff: Jane Collins

Defendant: Michael Farrell

Of what nature: About pathway

How served: Summons

When returned: 5 June

Constable: Henry Sheppard

July 24, 1821

Plaintiff: Henry Sheppard

Defendant: George Collins

Of what nature: Assault & Battery

How served: Complaint

When returned: Postponed till general sessions

Constable: ?

July 24, 1821

Plaintiff: Henry Sheppard

Defendant: George Collins

Of what nature: Assault & Battery

How served: Warrant

When returned:

Constable: Michael Farrell*

July 24, 1821

Plaintiff: Mr. Henry Sheppard

Defendant: Jane Collins

Of what nature: Premises

How served: Petition

When returned:


July 24, 1821

Plaintiff: Mrs. Jane Collins

Defendant: Henry Sheppard

Of what nature: Assault

How served: Petition

When returned:


Oct 13, 1821

Plaintiff: Michael Farrell

Defendant: George Collins

Of what nature: Debt 18, 3, 10

How served: Summons

When returned:

Constable: Henry Sheppard*

Nov 10, 1821

Plaintiff: John Collins

Defendant: Michael Mahoney

Of what nature: Wages

How served: Summons

When returned: 13 Nov

Constable: R. Connell

Dec 11, 1822

Plaintiff: Henry Garland

Defendant: John Collins

Of what nature: C (court?) charges 8.4.8

How served:

When returned: the 19th

Place of Residence: Spaniard's Bay


May 7, 1822

Plaintiff: Oliver St. John

Defendant: Michael Farrell

Of what nature: To foreclose a mortgage

When returned: May 19

[Note: The Minutes for this time period is missing. Therefore, there is no way of knowing whether these cases actually came to trial. – M. Pilkington]


© Marilyn Pilkington and NL GenWeb