NL GenWeb Wills
Newfoundland will books volume 13 pages 473-475 probate year 1926 |
Will of Charles Andrews |
IN RE: CHARLES ANDREWS. DECEASED First. I give and bequeath to my son John the cultivated inside land, situate at Upper Gullies on the South by the main road leading to Holyrood and bound on the South by land of Garland Dawe, on the North by land I intend giving to my son Edward, on the East by the Upper Gullies local road, and on the West by land of Richard Dawe. Second. I give and bequeath to my son Edward that piece of uncleared land, bound on the South by land I have given to my son John, under the first clause of this my will, on the West by land of Richard Dawe, on the North by land I intend giving to my son Samuel, and on the East by the said local road, and being of a breadth from South to North of two hundred and five feet, more or less. Third. I give and bequeath to my son Samuel that piece of uncleared land, bound on the South by land I have given to my son Edward, under the second clause of this my will, on the West by land of Richard Dawe and the Upper Gully Brook, on the North by land I intend giving to my grandson Rex Andrews, and on the East by the said local road, and being a breadth from South to North by two hundred and five feet, more or less. Fourth. I give and bequeath to my grandson Rex Andrews that piece of uncleared land, bounded on the South by land I have given to my son Samuel under the 3rd clause of this my will, on the West by the Upper Gully Brook, on the North by land I intend giving to my son John, and on the East by the said Upper Gully local road, and being of a breadth from South to North of two hundred and five feet, more or less. Fifth. I give and bequeath to my son John, that piece of uncleared land, bounded on the South by land I have given to my grandson under the 4th clause of this my will, West by the Upper Gully Brook, North by land I intend giving to my son Samuel, and East by the said Upper Gully local road, and being of a breadth from South to North or two hundred and five feet more or less. Sixth. I give and bequeath to my son Samuel that piece of uncleared land, bounded on the south by land I have given to my son John under the fifth clause of this my will, and bounded on the West by the Upper Gully Brook, on the North by land I intend giving to my daughter Lilly, and on the east by the local road aforesaid, and being of a breadth from South to North of two hundred and five feet more or less. Seventh. I give and bequeath to my daughter Lilly that piece of uncleared land bounded on the South by land I have given to my son Samuel under the sixth clause of this my will, on the west by the Upper Gully Brook, on the North by my son John's land, and on the East by the local road aforesaid, and being of a breadth from South to North of two hundred and five feet, more or less. Eighth. I give and bequeath to my son John all that piece and parcel of land that his dwelling house and all his erections are on, bounded on the South by land I have given to my daughter Lilly, under the seventh clause of this my will, on the West by the Upper Gully Brook, on the North by the Upper Gully School land, and on the East by the local road aforesaid. Ninth. I give and bequeath to my son Samuel all that piece or parcel of land, situate at Upper Gullies, and being North of the main road, that all my erections are on, viz: dwelling House, Stable, Cellar and Outhouses, bounded on the North by land of Isaac Andrews, on the East by the local road leading to the waterside, on the South by my brother William's land, and on the West by the Upper Gully Brook, but I direct that should my wife survive me she is to live in the dwelling house and to enjoy the use of all outhouses as long as she may choose to do so, and my son is not to have full possession of the same until after her death..
Tenth. I give and bequeath to my son Samuel that piece of Eleventh. I give and bequeath to my son John all that piece of cleared land situated by the waterside and bounded on the West by the river, on the North by the river, and on the East and South by land of my brother William. And I also give and bequeath to my said son John, the piece of old cabbage garden adjoining, and which is bounded on three side by my own land, and on the other side by my brother William's land. Twelfth. My fishing room I give and bequeath to my two sons, John and Samuel, bounded on the West by the road, on the South by Charles Dawe and on the East by Heber Andrews. Thirteenth. My personal estate consisting of all my furniture, loose gear, express, cart, farming implements and tools of all kinds, which I may not have disposed of at the time of my death, I direct my Executor to take care of and dispose of the same as and when he may think fit for the support of my wife, after he has provided for my funeral expenses, and for the erection of a suitable monument in the Churchyard to my memory, saving and excepting my gun and the two large tables which I direct shall be given to my grandson Rex Andrews. I appoint and ordain my son John Andrews Sole Executor of this my will and Testament, and I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke and disannul all and every other former Testaments, Wills and bequests by me in anywise before named, willed and bequeathed, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof, I have hereunder set my hand and Seal, this eleventh day of March, in the year of our Lord One thousand nine hundred and Twenty-six. CHARLES ANDREWS. Signed, Sealed, published pronounced and declared by the said Charles Andrews as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us, who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses. Hugh W. Facey. Ebenezer Andrews.
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