NFGenWeb Wills

Conception Bay North

Perry's Cove - Proprietors of Chapel, 184?


Memorial of a Deed bearing date the tenth day of September, the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty ? (may be “two”), whereby the Proprietors for a certain Chapel being at Perry’s Cove, for and in consideration of the sum of one shilling to them in funds paid, the receipt of which is acknowledged and ? good care and valuable considerations did grant, bargain, sell, transfer, assign and setover Robert PARSONS, William KING Snr, John BUTT Sen, John KELLAWAY, John ROSE, John SLADE, Richard KING and John BUTT Junior, “All the aforesaid Chapel and the appurtenances thereon belonging, and as soon as convenient to be used for Divine ? and Public Worship”. To have and to hold to the persons before named, their heirs, successors and assigns forever on the special Inst. and Confidence that they and their survivors and ? upon the conditions and views as are expressed in a former deed of which the above is a copy and dated at Carbonear the 11th day of November 1816.

In witness whereof each of us for ourselves, our heirs, administrators and assigns, have hereunto affixed our hands and seals this twenty-first day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty three (1833)

John LUTHER (x his mark) Witness J. ELSON (seal)
John PIKE (seal)
Thomas OATES (x his mark) Witness George APSEY (seal)
Christopher PENNY (seal)
Henry PARSONS (seal)
Henry PARSONS Jnr (seal)
Thomas PARSONS Junr (seal)
Thomas PARSONS Junr (seal) - (this name appears twice)
Francis PIKE (seal)
Roger BUTT (x his mark) R. KNIGHT Witness (seal)
Aaron BUTTS (x his mark) (seal)
___do___ Charles BUTTS (x his mark) (seal)
___do___ Joseph JEFFERS
Marg? SHEPPARDS (x mark) (seal)
___do___ Richard DEAN (x my mark) (seal)
___do___ W. W. BEMISTER (seal)
Wm. HOWELL (seal)
James HOWDE (or perhaps HOWELL) (seal)
Peter HOWELL of William (seal)
Henry PENNY (seal)
Richard HOPKINS Junr. (seal)
Nicholas ASH (seal)
Clement NOEL (seal)
Edward PIKE (seal)
Francis PIKE Senr (seal)
Jane GOULD (seal)
Richd. Hwd. TAYLOR (seal)
John BEMISTER (seal)
Gosse Pack & Fryer (seal)
Thomas CHANCEY & Co (seal)
Thoms. CHANCEY (seal)
Simon LEVI (seal)
Philip T?eg?r (seal)
James LEGG (x my mark) Witness Simon LEVI
Mary TAYLOR (x her mark) Witness J.?P. (seal)
John PIKE (x his mark) (seal)
__do__ Ann TAYLOR (x her mark) of Rd. (note, Richard?) (seal)
do ? Mary PARSONS Alfred PARSONS (seal)
William BENNETT (Seal)
William POWELL (seal)
Samuel DOWLAND (seal)
I acknowledge to have signed the above Gosse Pack & Fryer at the time stated Robert PACK, George FORWARD (seal)
? H. TAYLOR, W.P. TAYLOR (seal)
Richard Taylor PENNY (x his mark) Witness C.W.
Henry ROWE (seal)
Francis DRAKE (seal)
Christopher PIKE (seal)
Jonathon TAYLOR (seal)
William PENNY of John (seal)
William WINSOR (seal)
Wm GILES Nov 21/45 (seal)
George SOPER (x his mark)
James PELLEY (x his mark)
Basil BUTT (x her mark)
Joseph BUTT (x his mark)
John MOORES (x his mark)
Charles MOORES (x his mark)
William BUTT (x his mark)

I hereby certify that the execution of the deed written on parchment of which the foregoing pages 287, 288,289 and 290 contain a true and correct copy by William Willis BEMISTER, one of the Grantors party thereto, was proved before myself on the twenty-first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven (1857) by the Affidavit of the Reverend William E. THENSTON (or SHENSTON) endorsed thereon and the same is in due course hereby actually registered by me this day. Given under my hand this twenty-second day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty seven AD (1857).

Wm. STARK, Registrar

Transcribed by Susan Snelgrove, Toronto, ON November 5, 1999. Surnames have been capitalized by the transcriber, and punctuation has been added to aid in the reading of this document. Any notations by transcriber have been been italicized.

© 1999 Susan Snelgrove & NL GenWeb