NFGenWeb Wills

Conception Bay North Region ~ Harbour Grace District
Harbour Grace - Will of Charles Garland (1810)
This will was read, recorded and transcribed by BONNIE HICKEY, October 2000. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors. If you should find any errors, then please contact me among the list of contributors.

Will of Charles Garland
Newfoundland in the Probate Court
I Charles Garland of Harbour Grace Conception Bay Newfoundland finding myself at present weak in Body, yet enjoying perfect soundness of mind and memory, thanks be to the Almighty for this mercy and knowing the Certainty of Death and uncertainty of Life do think it necessary to make this my last Will and Testament, first I commit my soul to the almighty God who gave it and my Body to the Earth there to be decently deposited according to the discretion of my Executors and my Worldly Goods I leave and bequeat h as follows:

To my beloved Wife Honor Garland Fifty pounds Sterling p annum during her natural Life to be paid her out of the Rents and profits of my Estate & plantation that Mr. Oliver St. John holds of me by Lease and now lives on and after her decease I give the whole of the said Estate with all the buildings and improvements which are to be made hereafter or Erected thereon to my Daughter Ann Garland now Kearney and to her heirs for Ever.

I also give and bequeath to my said Daughter Ann Garland, now Kearney all my possessions and property on Harbor Grace Island my quarter part of little Bell Isle which I hold by Grant together with a place and meadow on the south shore known by the name of Emanuels and to her Heirs for ever.

I give and bequeath to my Daughter Charlotte Garland now St. John and to her Heirs for ever all my right, title and interest of my Estates, Plantations, Fishing Rooms on Carbonear Island, Salmon Cove and Perrys Cove.

I give to my Grand Daughter Maria Heffernan and to her heirs for ever the whole of my Estate which I now lives on called the Grove with liberty for her Grand mother to live on it as long as she please, together, with the fishing Room & Plantation which Samuel Gorden at Miskitto now possesseth and holds of me by contract for twenty five years at forty shillings p year commencing two years since. I further give to my said Grand Daughter Maria Heffernan The sett of large Tables, six chairs, the large l ooking Glass with the other Furniture of the Parlour, One Bed, Bedding and Furniture, One Cow and six Sheep.

I give unto my Grand Daughter Charlotte Heffernan One Bed and Bedding, the two second Tables, six chairs, the second size looking Glass, One Cow and all the Goats.

I give unto my Grand Daughter Matilda Garland One Cow and the third best looking Glass.

I give unto my Grand Son Edward Pike my new Gun and Watch together with my Gold Buttons and Stock Buckle.

I give further to my beloved Wife Honor Garland One Bed, Bedding and furniture, all the silver spoons and other plate which I may be possissed of at the time of my decease with every other necessary which the Widow usually enjoys.

I give and bequeath to my three Grand Daughters as follows (say) Maria Heffernan Fifty pounds, Charlotte Heffernan Ten pounds, Matilda Pike Ten pounds and to my sister Ann Bradbury Ten pounds, all the rest and residue of my personal property both in England and Newfoundland I give to my good Daughters Charlotte St. John and Ann Kearney to be equally devided between them by my Executors after my Funeral Charges and other lawfull accounts are discharged, And I appoint my good Friends and Kinsmen Mr. Ja mes Cawley and Oliver St. John to be my true and lawfull Executors to see that the above is truly executed and performed according to the true intent and meaning thereof, And I do hereby make null and void all former Wills bearing my name and do declare this to be my only true last Will & Testament.

Given under my hand and seal Harbor Grace NfLand this second day of Feb(y) in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred & ten.

Cha Garland [seal]

Signed and sealed in the presence of us} James Cawley

Jonathan Mac Cawley

The following memo is declared by Ja(s) Cawley to have been done by him agreeable to the direction of Cha Garland after his Will was executed: And I give and be queath my proportion of the room left me by my Father to the Eastward of the House my Brother [John Davis Garland] lives in together with the Garden to the Eastward of the former pathway that led to the old House To my nephew Henry Garland and to his heirs for ever.

The above data was transcribed by Bonnie Hickey and posted to the Internet in October 2000 by Stephen Baker.

© 2000 Bonnie Hickey and Stephen Baker