NL GenWeb Wills

Carbonear - Will of Charles Ballam (1861)

Note the photocopy of this document had been cut off on the right margin, therefore some words were lost - indicated with a “?”. Punctuation has been added by transcriber to aid in the reading of this document.

This will was read, recorded and transcribed by SUSAN SNELGROVE, July 2000. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be typographical errors

Will of Charles Ballam
In ye name of ye holy, blessed & glorious Trinity, three persons ? God, Amen. This is ye last Will and Testament of me Charles Ballam, Planter of Carbonear in Conception Bay, Newfoundland. First ? & bequeath to my two sons Samuel & George, ye house in which ? together with all tings, who are in it, all ye land also owned ? Carbonear aforesaid & all things pertaining thereto, provided also ? these my two sons do allow my daughter Eliza to live on ye said ? do maintain her until she be married, or not marrying so long ? live. Secondly, to my three sons James, Samuel and George, ye ? property (as land, fishing room, &c) situate and being at Red Point ? to be equally divided between them, & ye ? now thereon. Thirdly, ? four sons James, Charles, Samuel and George, in equal ? ye whole of my Boats, Seines, Nets, & all other things used ? ye prosecution of ye fishing. Fourthly, to my son James ye ? eight pounds two shillings or whatsoever sum it may be when ? him last autumn. Fifthly, to my daughter Elizabeth Welsh ? five pounds currency for ye purchase of a bed, ye same to be ? take by my four sons aforesaid. Moreover, it is my desire that ? son James do exercise chief direction and control in carrying ? in conjunction with my sons hereinbefore named.) Ye provisions ? last Will and Testament & I do exhort my Children to love as Brothers ? at peace among themselves. Signed, Sealed & delivered this twentieth day of May, A.D. 1861, in presence of ye Subscribing Witnesses.

Charles Ballam his x mark (seal)

Witnesses present at ye ? writing.

W. F? Hoyles Thomas Roberts Jo. Walla?

I hereby certify that the execution of the Will of which the foregoing is a true and correct copy ? Charles Ballam, the Testator party thereto was proved before me by the Affidavit of ? one of the subscribing Witnesses to the same, on the second day of June, one thousand eight hundred and sixty two, and a true and correct copy of the same is hereby Registered ?

Given under my hand this sixth day of June one thousand eight hundred and sixty two Lewis N. Emerson

© 2000 Susan Snelgrove and NL GenWeb

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