NFGenWeb Wills

Conception Bay North

Carbonear - Deed of Benson to Butler, 1835


Dated 1835

Memorial of a deed bearing date the fourth day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five, whereby Edmund Benson residing at Grates Cove in the District of Trinity Bay, Planter, for and in consideration of the sum of ten pounds current money of Newfoundland, to be paid in manner following: three pounds currency at the ensealing of the said Deed the receipt whereof is acknowledged, and the further sum of seven pounds to be paid on the twentieth day of September next ensuing, the date hereof did bargain, sell, transfer and set over unto John Butler of Carbonear, Cooper, “All his the said Edmund Bensons right, title and interest in a certain Property situate and lying at the south side of Carbonear, aforesaid consisting of two plots of ground, one of which plots Eastward, and whereon a Dwelling House is erected, measuring from North to South one hundred and two feet and bounded on the East and on the South by Powells Brook, on the North by Frances Gambon (Moon), and on the West by the main road leading to Harbor Grace, the other plot westward measuring from East to West on the North part seventy-four feet, on the south part ninety-four feet, and from North to South on the East part seventy feet, and on the West part ninety feet, having for its boundaries on the North the aforesaid Frances Gambon, on the South a Public Road, on the East the Main Road leading to Harbor Grace, and on the West by Joseph Bensons land (the same being held by Edmund Benson under a Deed of Gift from his late Father Thomas Benson of Carbonear)”. To have and to hold unto the said John Butler, his heirs and assigns Forever:

Which Instrument under the hand and seal of “Edmund (x his mark) Benson” is witnessed by “Benjamin Rowe”, “Thomas White”.

I hereby certify that the execution of the Instrument of which this page contains a Memorial was acknowledged before me by Edmund Benson, party thereto, on the six day of May at 11 a.m. in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five, and the same is hereby actually Registered by me this day.

Given under my hand at the Registrar of Deeds Office, Harbour Grace, this first day of June, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five, 1835.

Transcribed by Susan Snelgrove, Etobicoke, ON October 23, 1999

Note: Punctuation has been added to the transcription to aid in the reading of this document.

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