NL GenWeb

Transcribed by Geoff Martin. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors

Estate of Alfred Charles Warren

In the Supreme Court,

In re Estate of
Alf. Chas. Warren


Administration granted to Henrietta Warren on the 19th day of September, 1901

Value of Estate $200.00

Wm. J Barnes
??? Warren

Vol 5 Folio 338

To the Honourable the Supreme Court of Newfoundland or to one of the Honourable the Judges thereof The Petition of the undersigned Henrietta Warren at present of Sydney in the Dominion Of Canada Humbly Sheweth,

1. That Alfred Charles Warren late of Lower Upper Island Cove in the Island of Newfoundland aforesaid Church of England Clergyman died at that place on or about the 23rd. day of March A.D. 1889 intestate.
2. That deceased left him surviving his Widow, your Petitioner, and four children.
3. That deceased left property within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court of the probable value of $200.00 as by the Inventory hereto annexed marked "A" will more fully appear.
4. That no Probate or Administration to the Estate of said deceased has been granted out of this Honourable Court. Petitioner therefore prays that Administration to the said Estate may be granted to her.
And as in duty bound she will ever pray &c.
Dated at Sydney this 5th. day of September A. D. 1901

Henrietta Warren LS

In the Estate of Alfred Charles Warren deceased.

I, Henrietta Warren, of Sydney in the Dominion of Canada, Widow, make oath and say as follows viz:-

1. That I am the Petitioner in the foregoing Petition named.
2. That the contents of the said Petition are correct and true.
3. That the paper writing hereto annexed marked "A" is to the best of my knowledge, information and belief a just and true Inventory and Valuation of the property of said deceased at the time of his death as far as I can at present ascertain

Sworn at Sydney in the Dominion of Canada this Henrietta Warren LS fifth day of September A. D. 1901
Before me, Alex J. G. MacEachern LS

Commissioner Sup. Court of Newfoundland.

Transcriber's notes: Reverend Alfred Charles James Warren was born in May 1848 on the Southside of St. John's, the son of George Warren and Sarah Ann Coyell. The Warren and Coyell families hailed from Devon, England. He was married to Henrietta M Oliver in Sydney, Cape Breton in June 1875. Henrietta and Alfred Charles had five daughters and one son between 1878 and August 1888. On a Thursday night in November 1882, a serious fire occurred at Upper Island Cove, resulting in the total destruction of the Parsonage House, when Reverend WARREN was in Harbor Grace. His wife discovered the calamity only just in time to escape from the burning building with her three children, snatched from their beds in their night clothes. The eldest child Isabel Theresa Warren died shortly afterwards from a chill, caught on that awful night. A son born in 1884 also died as a young child. Reverend Warren died from smallpox which he contracted when he was taking care of a parishioner afflicted with the same disease.

© Geoff Martin and NL GenWeb