Transcribed by NORMA ELLIOTT
Contributed by C. HAYNES from microfilm reels at LDS Center
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors


The Guardianship of Abraham Bussey

Son of the Late George Bussey

Probate year 1831, from the LDS microfilm # 2056192


Be it remembered that on this seventeenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty one before the Honorable Edward Brabazon Esquire Acting Chief Judge, the Honorable Augustus Wallet Des Barres Assistant Judge and the Honorable William Paterson Acting Assistant Judge of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland came Robert J. Pinsent and Robert Prowse of Port de Grave Merchants and William B. Row of St. Johns in the Island aforesaid Esquire and did acknowledge themselves jointly and severally to owe to our Sovereign Lord the King his heirs and successors the sum of Two Hundred pounds of lawful money of Great Britain to be levied goods chattels lands or tenements.

The condition of this obligation is such that if the said Robert J. Pinsent and Robert Prowse do and shall well and truly perform and discharge all the duties which appertain and belong to them and each of them as Tutors of the Person and Curators and Guardians of the estate of Abraham Bussey the infant son of the late George Bussey of Port de Grave aforesaid deceased then this recognizance to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force virtue and effect.

[signed] Robert Prowse

[signed] Robert Pinsent

Taken & acknowledged the

day and year put above written

M? Dickson

Actg Clerk of the Sup. Court

[undecipherable signature here]


Bond Robt Prowse and others



To the Honorable the Judges of the Supreme Court of the Island of Newfoundland

We the undersigned Executors of the last will of the late George Bussey of Port de Grave Planter deceased pray that your Lordships will be pleased to grant us Letters of Guardianship to Abraham Bussey, his son, a minor and legatee under the said will in order to our being impowered to Lease a certain property in terms most advantageous to the parties concerned in it as set forth in our memorial to your Lordships dated the ? June last.

We have the honor

to be very respectfully

your Lordships

most obedient servant

Rob’t Jn? Pinsent

R. Prowse



The Honorable the Judges of the Supreme Court of the Island of Newfoundland

The Memorial Robert John Pinsent and Robert Prowse of Port de Grave, Executors to the Will of the late George Bussey of Port de Grave aforesaid, Planter

Humbly sheweth

That your memorialists are directed by the will of the said George Bussey ? of a certain premise situated at Port de Grave aforesaid unto a Abraham Bussey his son (who is now a minor 12 years old) when he shall have attained the age of 21 years the said George Bussey came into possession of the premises on the death of his father, John Bussey who left it to him by will at the same time directs him (George Bussey) to keep them leased for the purpose of paying his Annuitants, one £5? & the other £1? per annum. In consequence of the premise having being destroyed by fire We your Memorialists are unable to let the period on a building lease for a shorter term than 21 years, at £7 per annum. which sum of course shall have to pay to the Annuitants under the will of the late John Bussey, grandfather of the present minor, and We apprehend that on his (the minor) attaining his majority (and the premise being then much improved by the Tenant who will now take? the Land) he may endeavor to set aside the Lease we should now give. We therefore pray that your Lordships will be pleased to authorize us to let the ground in the terms proposed so that our lease may be binding on the minor, it being the best that can possibly be done for all parties concerned, and the only way in which the first Claimants the annuitants can be placed in the receipt of the yearly stipend.

And as in duty bound we shall ever pray.

Rob’t Jn? Pinsent

Rob’t Prowse

Port de Grave, Newfoundland

6th June 1831



Estate of George Bussey

Memorial of Pinsent & Prowse

4 July 1831

? Pinsent & Prowse

18th July to take out Letters of Guardianship of the minor