Transcribed by C. HAYNES from microfilm
reels at LDS Center
While I have endeavored to be as
correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors
Petition Michael Target - Estate of William Targett |
The Petition of Michael Targett of Holyrood in the Electoral District of Harbor Main, Carpenter. HUMBLY SHEWETH AS FOLLOWS 1. William Targett late of Holywood aforesaid Retired Farmer died at Holyrood on or about the 3rd day of October A.D. 1928 having made no Will. 2. The said deceased left him surviving his lawful Widow, Mary Targett of Holyrood aforesaid, and as next of kin the following: Mary Frances Whelan of Sydney, Cape Breton, in the Dominion of Canada, Married Woman; Michael Targett (Your Petitioner); and William Targett and Rita Targett both of Sydney aforesaid, children of Joseph Targett deceased son of the said deceased, and no other next of kin. 3. The said deceased died possessed of property within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court of the value of $1115.00. 4. The Inventory hereto annexed marked “A” contains a full and true Inventory and valuation of the property and estate of the said deceased at the time of his death. 5. Here to annexed marked “B” is the consent on the part of Mary Targett of Holyrood aforesaid, Widow to the application on the part of Your Petitioner for the Letters of Administration of the estate and effects of the said deceased. 6. No Probate of any Will or Letters of Administration of the Estate of the said deceased has been granted forth of this Honourable Court. Your Petition therefore prays that Letters of Administration of the Estate and effects of the said deceased be granted to him and Your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray etc. R.D. Dated at Holyrood this 19 day of January A.D. 1929. PARSONS
Michael Targett |
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