Transcribed by C. HAYNES from microfilm
reels at LDS Center
While I have endeavored to be as
correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors
Petition of Ellen Kehoe - Estate of Edward Dwyer |
To the Honorable the Supreme Court
or one of the Honorable the Judges thereof.
The Petition
Humbly sheweth that her late father Edward Dwyer formerly of Harbor Grace aforesaid Fisherman died at that place aforesaid about Thirty-six years ago having first made and executed his last will and testament --- copy of which is hereto annexed. That deceased at the time of his death left him surviving his son Peter Dwyer who died in Harbor Grace aforesaid on the 18th of February 1890? and three daughters namely Mary now wife of Thomas Dallon (Dalton?), Margaret wife of Michael Duggan, now deceased but whose son John Duggan is living and Anne wife of Patrick Lynch now dead but whose children Anastasia Hamahan ? and Mary I. Holden are living. That the said Peter Dwyer married during his life time and has now a wife alive but never had any children of the marriage. That your Petitioner has no means of estimating the value of the property of the said Edward Dwyer at the time of his death but now believes it is of the probable value of $1350.00. That Peter Dwyer occupied the land and Dwelling House and all other property mentioned in the will of said Edward Dwyer during his life-time. That the said will has been duly proved and registered in the Registrar Office but that no Probate nor Administration has yet been granted to the Estate of the said Edward Dwyer. That no Executors have been appointed in the said will. That your Petitioner is the eldest surviving daughter of the said Edward Dwyer and has the consent of a majority of the next of kin to apply for a grant of Letters of Administration. That an Examined Copy of said will is hereto annexed. Your Petitioner therefore prays that your Lordships may be pleased to grant his letters of Administration even testaments annexed to the Estate of the said Edward Dwyer. And as in duty bound will ever pray. Dated at Harbor Grace this fourteenth
day of August A.D. 1893.
the Supreme Court
Harbor Grace
I Ellen Kehoe the Petitioner named in the foregoing Petition made oath and say that the contents thereof are correct and true to the best of my Knowledge and belief. Sworn before me at
The Last Will and Testament of Edward Dwyer, Probate year 1893 Edward Dwyer – Will Harbor Grace December 7th, 1857.
The last will and Testament of Edward Dwyer. He bequeaths to his son Peter
Dwyer all and everything that belongs to him including a Dwelling House
and farm, outhouses House and Cows and are such property as may belong
to the said Edward Dwyer forever his heir executor and assigns To Have
and To Hold for ever as their lawful property. If the said Peter Dwyer
in his lifetime have no family then the rest of Edward Dwyers children
become sharers of the said property and also the said Peter Dwyer after
his Fathers death is to provide for his two younger sisters until they
are settled for themselves the same as they were in their Father’s lifetime.
Thereby certify that the execution
of the will of Edward Dwyer of which the foregoing is a true and correct
copy by the said Testator was proved before myself by the affidavit endorsed
thereon of Michael Kelly one of the subscribing witnesses thereto on the
Twenty-sixth day of fifty-eight and the same is in due course hereby actually
Registered by me this day. Given under my hand this Twenty-seventh day
of May one thousand eight hundred and Fifty eight A.D. 1858 – John Clark
Note on bottom left hand side says:
Original child to Peter Dwyer 29 May 1858
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