Transcribed by C. HAYNES from microfilm
reels at LDS Center
While I have endeavored to be as
correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors
Petition of Mary O'Neil - Estate of David Sullivan |
To the Honorable Sir Robert J Pincent?
D.C.L. Presiding Judge of the Supreme Court in Northern District
The Petition
Humbly shewth that David Sullivan late of the Calls Bay Railway Line was killed near Clode Sound on the 22nd say of August AD 1892. That deceased made no will. That deceased at the time of his death was possessed of property of the probable value of Five Hundred Dollars. That deceased left him surviving his mother Mary O’Neil your petitioner and two brothers who have been absent from the colony for many years. That no Probate or Administration has been granted to the Estate of the said David Sullivan. That your Petitioner Mary O’Neil is the mother of deceased. Your Petitioner therefore prays that your Lordship may be pleased to grant her letters of Administration to the Estate of the said David Sullivan. And as in duty bound will ever pray. Dated at Hr. Grace this 10th day of November AD 1982.
Dated at Hr. Grace this seventh day of November, 1892 P Gur…..
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