Transcribed by C. HAYNES from microfilm reels at LDS Center
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors

Petition of George Pike - Estate William Pike

To the Honorable the Supreme Court or to one of the Honorable the Judges thereof.

The Petition of George Pike of Carbonear Laborer,  Respectfully sheweth as follows:

(1). William Pike Father of Petitioner died at Carbonear about forty years ago.

(2). The said deceased left him surviving his Widow Eliza Ann since deceased and six  children, namely Lucretia wife of William Stevenson both of whom have since died but left four children two of whom are now living at Catalina namely Robert and George the thereabouts of the other two are unknown to your Petitioner.  Adeline married James Gudger now residing at Catalina, Jane wife of John Broderick both of whom have since died but left six children surviving them namely Lewis and Theodore now residing at Bay of Islands, and George, John, Joe and Bill now residing at Freshwater Carbonear, Henrietta now wife of Francis Taylor and residing on the south side of Carbonear, Lewis since deceased but left children surviving him namely Mark and Karnest(?) now residing at Carbonear, Cephas now in the United States of America, Dora wife of Robert Cave of St. John’s, Emily wife of Thomas King now residing at Catalina and your Petitioner.

(3). The said deceased at the time of his death was possessed of property of the probable value of $200.

(4) No probate of Will or Letter of Administration of the estate of said deceased have been previously applied for.

  Your Petitioner therefore prays that Letters of Administration of the estate    of said deceased may be granted to him and as in duty bound will ever 

    DATED at St. John’s this 24th day of October A.D. 1899.

      George  X  Pike
(The same having been
first read over and

(signature too faint to read)

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