Conception Bay North Region
Harbour Main District  
Will of Patrick Byrne
From Newfoundland will books, volume 11 pages 52 to 54 probate year 1917

This will was read, recorded and transcribed by JUDY BENSON
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors

Patrick Byrne

In re
Patrick Byrne deceased

In the name of God, Amen. I Patrick Byrne of Holyrood Electoral District of Harbor Main Newfoundland Farmer. Being of sound disposing mind memory and understanding do make publish and declare this as my last will and Testament. I hereby appoint Capt. John Lewis to be executor of my will, and direct him to pay all my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses as soon as possible after my decease. I hereby give devise and bequeath to my beloved wife Ann Byrne:-[1] All my property situate at the Main Beach Holyrood consisting one piece of landbounded N.W. by Mrs. Thomas Moore's property; S.E. by William Byrne's property, N.E. by the Main Road and S.W. partly by land bequeathed by me to my nephew John Byrne, together with my Dwelling House, Barn Cellar icehouse and timber thereupon: my house-hold furniture and effects: my Horse, Harness, (?) and (?) and slide: [2]all my waterside property [excluding what I have sold and conveyed to Capt. John Lewis] bounded North by Mrs. Thomas Moore's land South by Wm. Byrne land N.E. by the sea: and S.W. by the Railway Track. I give devise and bequeath to my nephew John Byrne Sixty feet of land extending in straight lines from the beginning of William Byrnes boundary fence to mine the testators back fence, in consideration for his good services to me during my illness; I hereby will order and direct that my wife Ann Byrne shall give this property I have willed to her to whoever of her family and friends merits and deserves best from her. But I authorize and empower her to sell or dispose of what ever property she thinks sufficient for her caring maintenance and support, if it becomes necessary for her to do so. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 31st day of October A.D. 1917Patrick Byrne. Signed published and declared by the said Patrick Byrne as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us present at the same time, who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses to the due execution hereof Richard Dwyer Phillip O'Neil. `Codicle Holyrood Nov 9th 17. This is the codicle to my last will and testament wherein I have willed certain property to my wife Ann Byrne now deceased, I hereby give devise and bequeath all and singular this property so willed to her, and Four hundred and fifty dollars cash to Michael Byrne my son who is to look after me when living and have masses for the repose of my soul and my wife Ann Byrnes. In all other respects I confirm my will Patrick his X mark Byrne. Witnesses Richard Dwyer Phillip O'Neil Wm Coady.

Correct Charles H. Emerson
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland.
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Dec 20/17
Kent J.
Dec. 21/17
granted to
John Lewis
Estate sworn at $1510.00

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