James Burke |
In re
James Burke deceased This is the last will and Testament of me James Burke, son of James Burke and Ann Cummins of Brigus, Conception Bay, Newfoundland, made this twenty-eighth day of August [28th Aug] in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, [1915] I revoke all former wills or other testamentary dispositions by me at any time heretofore made and declare this only to be and contain my last Will and Testament. I direct that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid as soon as conveniently after my decease, 1. I will and bequeath to my youngest daughter Bridget Raphal the part of the house that I now occupy together with household effects and land adjoining the front of the house as long as she lives should she die without issue, after her death I wish it to go back to my grandson James Leonard of Richard Burke. I also will and bequeath the ground on the back of the house which my wife and myself occupy to my youngest daughter Bridget Raphal as follows as she lives and should she die without issue to go back to my grandson James Leonard of Richard Burke. The fruit that comes from trees to be equally divided between my sons James and Richard Burke and my daughter Bridget Raphal. I also will and bequeath the land adjoining Jonathan Knights to my daughter Bridget Raphal for her personal use and should she not need it to be given to my son Richard. 2. To my son James I will and bequeath the part of the house which he now occupies, the part of the waterside [Southeast part] and also the land he now occupies, namely the farm he has and also the land on back of the house which he now occupies. 3. I will and bequeath to my son Richard the house, land adjoining and hill garden which he now occupies and land between the first and second pond south of the road coming to Riverhead. 4. To my grandson James of Richard I will and bequeath the store, stable and the land before my brother Edward's house and for my daughter Bridget Raphal to have use of stable and store if required, and also for my son James to have use of the store, providing he should help to keep it in repair. I will and bequeath to my son Richard the old farm which I now occupy and after his death to be given to James his son. I will and bequeath my property on Labrador [American Harbour] that my son Richard will collect rent of same to be used for masses for myself and wife or should he and his sons wish to use same property for fishing they can do so. The hire of Barking Kettle (?) to go for masses for his Grandfather and Grandmother. 7. I will and bequeath to my grandson James of Richard one featherbed and also to my grandson James of James one featherbed and these not be taken until after my wifes demise unless my wife wishes to dispose of the above two beds before. I will and bequeath to my son Richard the lade (?) and for his brother James to have use of same when he needs it. To my son Richard I will and bequeath my Adze (?), Axe, Mall, Sledge, ripping saw and small thumb saw and for James my son to have use of sledge when needed. To my son James I will and bequeath my hand saw, and hammer saw remainder of my tools to be equally divided between my two sons. To my son Richard I will and bequeath my mainsail and three stacells (?) staysails to be disposed of as he thinks proper and money to be used for masses for myself and my wife, also I will and bequeath my caplin seine to my two sons Richard and James, and also whatever remains in store to be equally divided between my two sons. I appoint as my executors Patrick James and Richard Walker of George, in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written. James Burke. Witnesses Stephen Jarvis, Stephen V. James. Correct Charles H. Emerson Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland. (Listed in the margin next to this will the following) Fiat Oct 24/17 C.J. Probate Jan 9/18 granted to Richard Walker & Patrick James Estate sworn at $900.00 |
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