NL GenWeb Wills

Transcribed by CAROL WALSH from original handwritten wills. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be typographical errors

Conception Bay North

Will of William French Sr.
This my Last Will and Testament Given.

To Samuel French that spot of ground which Nathaniel French, his father now lives on after his decease. Also to Robert, son of William, that spot of ground which he lives on after his decease also my bed and bedding. Also Edward, son of John that lot of ground which he lives on after his decease. Also, the dwelling house and houses and all the land to the eastern of Edward, I give my son, William, after his decease. I give and if ever he married and his wife should have a son, I give all the property to him not wishing that any of the land should go out of the name of the Frenches. Witness our hand this thirtieth day of July one thousand and eight hundred and thirty nine. William (his mark) French, Senior – William Bartlett, George Jackson, John Moore.

I hereby certify that the executor of the Will of which the foregoing is a true and correct and literal copy of William French Senior, the Testator was proved before me by the Oath of George Jackson, one of the subscribing witnesses thereto on the thirtieth day of March one thousand eight hundred and forty and the same is hereby actually registered by me this day.

Given under my hand this second day of April one thousand eight hundred and forty. A.D. 1840.

No. 1950 John Stark, Registrar

© 2004 Carol Walsh and NL GenWeb
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