NL GenWeb Wills
Will of Hugh Hudson |
If it should please God to take me to himself before I see my dear brother again, I leave this as my dying request that my share and interest in the Boat and Room may be kept for the benefit of my dear children and given to them as soon as they are of age to take charge thereof and that my beloved wife, Jane, have her support so long as she holds her present name. My dear brother, John will please to see to this and manage for them as a father. God Bless You – meet me in Heaven, your dying brother, Hugh (his mark) Hudson – James England, Wesleyan Minister. Witness Backhead 3 August 1847. I hereby certify that the executor of the Will of which the foregoing is a copy by Hugh Hudson, the Testator party thereto appease to the affidavit endorsed thereof to have been proved on the twentieth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three at Bonavista by the Reverend James England, the only subscribing witness thereto before John Lawrence, a Commissioner of Affidavits and the same was on this day deposited in my office and is hereby actually registered by me this same day. Given under my hand this Fourth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four. 1854. No. 3234 John Stark, Registrar |
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