Transcribed by C. HAYNES from microfilm
reels at LDS Center
While I have endeavored to be as
correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors
Petition of Mary Pike’s next of
kin Probate year 1929
THE PETITION Of Sir William F. Lloyd, Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland. HUMBLY SHEWETH THAT 1. Mary Pike of Carbonear in the Island aforesaid, Widow, on the 14th Day of April A.D. 1881, made and executed her last Will and Testament but appointed no executor, therein. 2. The said Mary Pike died on or about the 10th Day of September A.D. 1886, at Carbonear. 3. By Order of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland dated the 3rd day of October A.D. 1921, Letters of Administration C.T. A. of the Will of late Mary Pike, were granted to James Pike Carbonear. 4. The said James Pike, Administrator C.T.A. of the Estate of Mary Pike, died on or about the day of A.D. 1925, without having completed the administration of the said Estate. 5. The following are the next of kin of the said Mary Pike: (a) Joshua Pike (deceased) Left a Will, Letters of Administration C.T.A. granted to Ella M. Pike on 6th April, 1908. (b) James Pike (deceased) Left a Will; Letters of Probate granted to wife Susannah Pike on 29th of June, 1925. (c) Emily Bemister (deceased) Husband
(d) Frank Pike (deceased) wife (deceased)
left 2 children viz:
(e) Mrs. Eliza Pike (deceased) 6. Hereto annexed marked “A” is a true copy of the will of late Mary Pike. 7. There still remains undistributed the sum of, one thousand and Twenty-two 23/100 dollars, as will more fully appear by reference to the Inventory hereto annexed marked “B”. Your Petitioner, therefore, humbly prays that letters of Administration cum testamento annexo and De Bonis Non of the said estate may be granted to him. And as in duty bound Your Petitioner will ever pray etc. Dated at St. John’s this 30th day of April A.D. 1929. A.E.
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