Port de Grave District


Transcribed by CAROL WALSH from original handwritten wills. 
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors
Will of Edward French of Bearneed
In the name of God Amen. By this my last Will and Testament, I, Edward French, at the Dock, Bearneed, being of sound mind and memory do will and bequeath as follows:- 

First, I commit my soul and body to the Mercy of God, praying that he may give me a joyful resurrection and a place in his heavenly kingdom. 

2. I bequeath to each of my children, the sum of one hundred pounds sterling (except my eldest and youngest sons, John and Edward French, i.e. to Elizabeth Hussey, Joseph French, Ann Daw, of Ship Cove, Abraham French and Mary Batten. 

3. I bequeath to my wife, Mary, and to my son, Edward, jointly all the monies which may be in England at the time of my death, together with the house, outbuildings and land, occupied and owned by me at the Dock, Bearneed at the time of my death. 

4. I give to my sons, Joseph and Abraham, the House, ground and all thereunto pertaining, belonging formerly to James Butler, and given to me by a decree of the court at Harbor Grace. 

5. I give to my wife, Mary and my son, Edward, jointly, the balance which may be due to me on the voyage of the present season after paying all wages and other lawful expenses. 

6. I give to my four sons, John, Joseph, Abraham and Edward, the Schooner “Brothen” with all her materials, together with all the nets, seines and every article used in the fishery, skiffs, boats, barking kettle, etc. 

7. I give to my wife and my son Edward all my cattle and sheep to dispose of as they please. 

8. I also give to my wife and my son Edward all monies which may remain after the payment of the aforesaid legacies wheresoever such money may be placed. They must see, however, that I am respectably buried and pay out of said money my funeral expenses. 

9. I here appoint my brother, Abraham French of Bay Roberts, and Richard Ryan of Bearneed, my Executors to see that my last Will carried into effect. 

10. I hereby also direct that when my sons, Joseph and Abraham shall require shingles, board and nails, my son, Edward shall supply them with a sufficiency for the erection of a convenient house each. Joseph and Abraham , however, are to assist in sawing such board as may require sawing. 

Given under my hand and seal at Bearneed this third day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine. 

Witnesses Edward (his mark) French (Seal) Charles Blackman Ann Beecham Grace Boone 

I hereby certify that the execution of the Will of Edward French of which the foregoing pages two hundred and thirty three and thirty four contain a true and correct copy was proved before me by the Oath of Ann Beecham, one of the subscribing witnesses on the thirteenth day of October in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine and the same is hereby actually registered by me this day. 

Given under my hand at the Registrar of Deeds Office, Harbor Grace, Newfoundland, this twenty seventh day of October one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine. 1829. 

No. 322                   John Stark, Registrar

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