NL GenWeb

Will of Ann Snelgrove
Newfoundland will books Vol 1 pages 2 & 3 probate years 1825-1830

This will was read, recorded and transcribed by JUDY BENSON
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors
Another transcription for this will may be found here: Ann Snelgrove

Ann Snelgrove


In the name of God Amen. The eleventh day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty two. I Ann Snelgrove of Island Cove Newfoundland, being by the blessing of god, in a sound state of mind & memory but calling to mind the weake state of this life and that it is appointed to me soon to die; do make and ordain this my last will and testament.

First of all I give and commend my soul to god who gave it me, my body to the disposal and direction of my dutiful son Jacob. With respect to my worldly goods I dispose of them in the manner following To James the son of my son Jacob I give and bequeath the fishing room with all privileges thereto belonging now occupied by Mr. Robert Bussey to which I annax the garden which I bought from George Moors, But with the condition that it shall not be sold, or taken for debt, but continue to be possessed by the Snelgrove family forever, And be further knowen that the said room & garden shall be held by my beloved son Jacob till his son James shall become of age. To the said James Snelgrove son of Jacob I give my bed which his father shall keep for the use of his faithful friends till his son shall become of age. To my dear daughter Rachel I give one of my gold rings. To my dear daughter Grace I give the other gold ring. To my dear daughters Hannah, and, Rachel and Grace I give my best cloths to be distributed among them by my beloved friend Mrs. Elizth Lash and according to her judgment. To Ann I give all my old cloths and an apron over and above her share of my best cloths. To my beloved granddaughter [of Jacob] Elizabeth, I give my small trunk and the large one to her sister Rachel. All the money belonging to me I give to my faithful son Jacob to defray the expenses of my funeral and getting a head stone for my grave when I lay in the cold clay.

I make Wm. Garland, Sr. and my son Jacob my executors. Ann her X mark Snelgrove [LS] Signed and pronounced by the said Ann Snelgrove as her last will and testament in the presence of us the subscribers. Nimian Barr [LS] Robert Normore [LS] George his X mark Moors [LS]

Certified correct
D.M. Browning

© 2004 Judy Benson and NL GenWeb