In re
Thomas Rose deceased
I, Thomas Rose, of Clarks Beach, bequeath to my wife Kate Rose all my land on the North side of the road leading to the Upper end of the Farm, also house and barn, horse, cart, dray and wheels and all farm implements and all live stock I give to my wife Kate Rose. I bequeath to my son Joseph Rose all my land on the South side of the road leading through the farm, his heirs and assigns for ever. Thomas his X mark Rose. Signed in the presence of the following witnesses 24th day of May, 1918, being first read over to him.
Wm. J. Snow. Joseph Coveyduck. Thos Corbbett. John Crowley. Aubrey Newell.
Correct William F. Lloyd
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland.
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Fiat Feb. 27/20.
The Chief Justice
adm C.T.A
granted to
Kate Rose
April 1st 1920.
Estate sworn
at $760.00