Transcribed by C. HAYNES from microfilm reels at LDS Center
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors

Mortgage Deed Thomas Thistle and Gosse, Pack & Fryer


Mortage deed between Thomas Thistle and Gosse, Pack and Fryer 1829, pages 203 and 204

Thomas Thistle-------------------to--------------Gosse Pack & Fryer


Memorial of an Indenture bearing date the Twenty Third day of May in the year of our Lord One Thousand eighth hundred and twenty nine, whereby Thomas Thistle of Carbonear Planter for and in consideration of the sum of Sixty pounds Currency to him in hand paid by Gosse Pack & Fryer, the receipt whereof is acknowledged did bargain and sell unto the said Gosse Pack and Fryer and set over unto them, “All that part of a Plantation and Fishing Room in the occupancy of the said Thomas Thistle, situated in Carbonear and being a portion of that room, which belonged to his late Father (now deceased) on the South side of the Harbour, near William Taylors premises”  To have and behold the said Plantation and fishing room, together with all and singular the Dwelling House, Outhouses Stages Flakes and other erections thereon, and to be erected thereon, forever.”  Nevertheless the said Bargain and Sale is upon the express condition that if the said Thomas Thistle his heirs and assign shall pay or cause to be paid, unto the said Gosse Park and Fryer their heirs or assigns the full sum of Two pounds Currency on or before the last day of November next, and continue so to do, yearly and every year until such yearly payments come to and make up the full sum of Sixty pounds Currency then the said Bargain and Sale shall become void as it never had been made, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue, which said Instrument under the hands and Seals of the parties thereto is witnessed by William Gosse and John Bemister.

 Thereby Certify that the execution of the Instrument of which the foregoing pages Two hundred and three and four contain a Memorial, was acknowledged before me by Thomas Thistle party thereto, on the Twenty fifth day of May at twenty five minutes after two O’Clock in the afternoon in the year of our lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty nine and the same is hereby actually Registered by me this day.

Given under my hand at the Registrar of Deeds Office Harbor Grace Newfoundland this Twenty second day of June in the year One thousand eight
Hundred and twenty nine 1829.

No 303       Thomas Thistle
Fee to 10:0 upon Conion ?     Registrar
Original delivered to Robert 
Pack 18 February 1830.

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