In re
John Rose [Elias John Curlew] deceased
Copy. Newfoundland Contingent Copy of "Will" of No. 2079, Cpl. J. Rose. France July 22nd./16. In the event of my death I leave the whole of my property and effects to:-My sister Mrs. Bridget Quinlan, Clarke's Beach, Con. Bay. [sgd] Cpl. J. Snow No. 2079, Roy. Nfld. Regt. Witness. George M. Emerson 2/Lt. Certified True Copy. [sgd] F. W. Marshall, Major. For Chief Paymaster & O i/c Records
Correct William F. Lloyd
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland.
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Fiat May 5/19
Horwood CJ
adm granted to
Bridget Quinlan
may 5/19
Estate sworn at