Will of Patrick Henley
Newfoundland will books vol 1 page 66 probate year 1829-1830

This will was read, recorded and transcribed by JUDY BENSON
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors

Patrick Henley

In re 
Patrick Henley deceased

The last will and testament of Patrick Henley of Andfield in the County of Tiprary in Ireland but late of Newfoundland. In the name of God Amen. I Patrick Henly of Brigus By South being of perfect mind and memory make this my last will and testament. I bequeath and give to Catherine Hays my house and plantation and all other properties beloning to me I bequeath to the said Catherine Hays two pounds eighteen shillings which is lawfully due to me of Richard Arlon The said Catherine Hays whom I constitute and appoint the hole and sole executor of this my last will and testament and I do hearby utterly revoke disalow and disannul all further bequests will and legacies by me heartofore in any wise left or made declearing ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament in witness whereof I have set my hand to it this fifteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty six. Patrick his X mark Henly.

Signed and published and decleared by the within named testator Patrick Henly as his last will and testament in the presence of us who subscribed our names in presence of the said testator and each other. John his X mark Hays, Garth Brien.

Certified correct D.M. Browning

© 2004 Judy Benson and NL GenWeb