In re
Peter Healey deceased
In the name of God Amen. I Peter Healey being weak in body but of sound mind and memory do make this as my last will and testament I do by these presents appoint my beloved friends William Hartnett and John Mackey as my lawfull executors. I will and bequeath my soul to God my body to the earth I also bequeath the sum of Five pounds to the Rev. Dennis Mackin and five pounds to the Revd Nicholas Devereux for their own proper uses hoping they will celebrate Masses for the repose of my soul and the sum of Five pounds for the
Chapel of Carboear and also the sume of Five pounds for the Poor of Carbonear to be distributed by the Rev. Dennis Mackin & the Revd. Nicholas Devereux. I will and bequeath to my beloved wife Jane Healey my dwelling house and that part of my plantation bounded on the east by a fence running nearly north and south [ie] the eastward fence of the lane leading to my dwelling house and to be continued as it now stands down to Powells Brook with all ground to the westward with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging with all moneys
goods and chattels that I now possess also all money due to me at this present time made and excepted the sum of one hundred pounds to be paid unto my daughter Mary Healy if she should marry with her mothers consent and leave the premises I also will & bequeath to my beloved daughter Mary Healey after the decease of my beloved wife aforesaid all that part of my plantation before discribed and willed to my wife with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging. These presents also provide that if my wife should marry again or
otherwise disgrace herself by a companion she is to be paid only one shilling and all the moneys goods & chattels to be divided between my beloved daughter Mary and the children or offspring of my beloved daughter Margaret Healey [alias] Hamilton. I will and bequeath to Margaret Healey my daughter in trust for her offspring all that part of my plantation situated to eastward of the lane leading to my dwelling house as before described [after the
decease of my beloved wife] be it remembered that the eastward fence of the lane leading to my dwelling house is to be continued round to the eastward of the wood yard as it now stands & also my wife is to retain it during her natural life provided the above stated exceptions all the plantation now in my possession.
As witness my hand and seal in Carbonear February 26th 1826, Peter his X mark Healey. Witness Jno Mackey Anthy W. Godfrey. William his X mark Hartnett.
Certified correct D.M. Browning