In re
Jesse Harvey deceased
This is the last will & testament of me Jesse Harvey of Freshwater in the County Dist of Bay De Verde in Dominion of Newfoundland & Province of same made this third day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eighteen I revoke all former wills or testamentary dispositions by me at any time heretofore made, and declare this to be may last will and testament. I give devise and bequeath all my real & personal estate of which I may die possessed of or interested in in the manner following that is to say: -
I here leave to my youngest son John B. Harvey what land I possess on Freshwater Hill and Houses included excepting water side premises to build stage or flakes if needed to belong to the three sons And I here leave my land inside by the Pond to my three sons John B. Harvey to have the setting of two Barrels of Potatoes if needed. I also leave Jesse my grandson a place to build a house if needed, and the rest to be equally divided between
Wm & Joesph Harvey. I also leave my Labrador property to my three sons Wm & Joseph & John to be equally divided if needed. I also leave to my son John B. Harvey what money I have in Bank. And I nominate and apoint two persons Charles Parsons & Wm Joyce to be executors of this my last will & testament.
Signed, Published & declared Jesse Harvey X by the said the testator as for his last will & testament in the presence of both, who present together & in the presence of each other, have hereto at Freshwater this third day of May 1918 subscribed our names as witnesses. Charles Parson William Joyce
Correct William F. Lloyd
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland.
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Fiat March 2/21
Kent J
Probate granted to
Wm Joyce and Charles
Parsons March 8/21
Estate sworn at