In re
James Evans deceased
I, James Evans, of Adams Cove, in the District of Bay De Verde, Merchant, being of sound mind and memory, have thought proper to make, and hereby do make, my last will and testament in manner following, that is to say:-
[1]. I direct that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid by my executors as soon as may be conveniently done after my decease.
[2]. I give and bequeath to my son James Leonard Evans
[A] The piece of land situate at Adams Cove, on the North-West side of the main road - bounded on the North-East by the School House land and Peter Hudson's land, on the North-West by Peter Hudson's land, on the South-West by Charles Hudson's land and on the South-East by the main road, with all erections thereon.
[B] The property situate at Adams Cove covered by a Grant from the Crown numbered 9627, [1903], and the buildings thereon.
[C] The property covered by Grant numbered 9195, [1901], together with the land situate on the North-West side of Longshore Road, containing flake room and store and meadow, this land is bounded by land owned by Edward Milley .
[D] The property East of main road, and running by the same to a point opposite the School building and bounded on the rear by Hudson's land to local road South-East of main road.
[E] All the property extending from the main line to waterside road bounded as follows, from the main line South-East by Joseph Moores property to Jabez Moores property on the hill and running by the side of Jabez Moores and Eli Moores property and my own property in the marsh, then running South-West by Eli Moores property to local road, then by local road to the waterside road and thereby to Hudson's land then North-West by Hudson's land
to the end, then running North-East by Hudson's land to the corner, then East by Hudson's land to road leading inland to main road. Together with the large store by the side of the main line.
[F] That piece of land situate on Adams Cove Hill extending from main line to Holmes Hill South bounded by local road East by George Moores South-West.
[G] All that strip of land on Adams Cove outside ridge by outside road leading to Black Head North of Gusset's Cove, and all other land not hereby devised to my son John H. Evans, of which I may die possessed.
[3]. I give and bequeath to my son John H. Evans my East property North-West of main road extending therefrom North-West by Peter Hudson's land bounded on the North-West side by Ryan's land on the North-East by bottom road leading to main line, also my East fishing property between Gill's front property and the long-shore road; also the strip of flake room leading from along-shore road South-East between Gill's flake room and Ryan's flake room, and also my late father's share of stage property, the outside stage property in
Adams Cove dock.
[4]. To my son James Leonard Evans I give the sum of three thousand dollars for his sole use and
[5]. All my stock in trade and business and the goodwill thereof I bequeath to my son James Leonard Evans and my wife Mary Ann Evans jointly, the business to be conducted by them for their use and benefit, my daughter Mary Ann Evans, however is to be supported and maintained out of the business as heretofore, so long as she shall remain unmarried, and is to live in my home, if she so desires, till her marriage, so long as peace is maintained in the family. My son James Leonard Evans and his mother are also to live in this
home, and in the event of my daughter leaving the home no furniture is to be removed therefrom excepting her bedding and bed.
[6]. I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Ann Evans my life insurance money.
[7]. The residue of my property, including the sum of two thousand dollars cash I give and bequeath to my wife Mary Ann Evans and my son James Leonard Evans for their equal use while they live. I appoint Levi Hudson and Willis Hudson to be the executors of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand at Adams Cove aforesaid this 20 third day of________Anno Domini one thousand nine hundred and seventeen. James Evans. Signed published and declared by the said James Evans as and for his last
will and testament, in the presence of us, who in his presence and at his request, and in the presence of each other, have hereunto set our names as witnesses. James Evans. Executors Levi Hudson. Willis Hudson. Witness Thomas Hudson. Re-Executed by the said James Evans at St. John's this 20 day of November 1917 in the presence of us, who in the presence of said James Evans and of each other [all present at the same time] have hereunto
subscribed our names as witnesses. D. Morison. M. Keppie.
Correct William F. Lloyd
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland.
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Fiat Aug. 18/19
Kent J.
adm granted to
The Eastern Trust
Co. Aug. 20/19.
Estate sworn at