NL GenWeb Wills The Petition of Margaret Fitzgerald
of Harbor Grace.
Humbly sheweth
That Your Petitioner’s husband the
late Charles Fitzgerald of Harbor Grace, Ferryman(?) died at that place
– on the tenth day of October last intestate.
That he left surviving him
besides Your Petitioner, as next of kin, one Brother – John Fitzgerald
and one Sister Ann Cleary , both living in Boston, U.S.A.
That the value of the said
Estate to amount Eight hundred Dollars.
That in Administration lr (letter?)
the said Estate has Petitioner been granted by the Honourable Court.
Your Petitioner therefore prays
that Administration lr (letters?) of the said Estate may be granted
to her.
And as in duty bound has ever
pray to.
??signature illegible
18th October 1899
Fitzgerald © 2003 C. HAYNES and NL GenWeb