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Historical Information

Conception Bay North - Carbonear District

Carbonear - Fire, 1873

The Harbor Grace Standard and Conception Bay Advertiser, November 22, 1873

On Tuesday night last, at about 11 o'clock p.m., the fire-bells in Town rang out quite alarmingly; and on inquiring, it was found that a large fire was raging in Carbonear, as the reflection upon the sky but too truly showed. Although the night was pitch dark, and the rain descending in torrents, a number of our citizens hastily repaired to the scene of the fire, for the purpose of rendering their assistance in subduing the conflagration. In the absence of every kind of engine, it was difficult to check the progress of the flames, which, however, after considerable exertions, was accomplished in such a large Town as Carbonear, we are of opinion that some arrangement ought to be entered into for the protection of property from fire. The amount of damage done, as far as we can learn, was as follows: - Mr. GOULD's shop, two stores, and a dwelling house, attached; one block, consisting of three houses, occupied by Messrs. Thomas FURLONG, John MARSHALL, and Patrick CULLEN; Mrs. O'SHAUGHNESSEY's, including the Reading Room; and two unoccupied houses belonging to LEGG's Estate.

The people of this community deeply sympathise with their friends in Carbonear, as they are led to believe that but very partial insurance had been effected on the different buildings destroyed.

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