NL GenWeb

Conception Bay North - Harbour Grace

Selected Harbour Grace Roman Catholic (HGRC) Records:

Following is a partial list of Harbour Grace Roman Catholic parish registers currently housed at the Provincial Archives of Newfoundland (PANL-The Rooms). Sources: St. Paul's Anglican Church, Trinity Bay. National Museum of Canada, Microfilm #: 1947. Harbour Grace Roman Catholic Immaculate Conception Parish, Baptisms (1806-1828) Box 1. Abbreviations: TA-Trinity Anglican

Cathn of Braziel Peter & Mary Ann Bask
Sps Richd Ragan & Cathn English
Thos. Ewer
Note the burial of a Peter Brazil (noted Indian) [aged 49, b. ca. 1772] on Dec. 30, 1821, at the St. Paul's Anglican cemetery, Trinity, Trinity Bay, the particulars of the parish registers entry as noted below:
Record #: Name: Abode: When Buried:Age: By Whom the ceremony was performed
16 Peter Brazil
the noted Indian
died at Trinity
but had no fixed
place of abode
Dec 30th
49 J. Clarke
Note also the burials of two other Native or Aboriginal males in the St. Paul's Anglican cemetery, Trinity, T.B..
Octr 29
- Interred John August [ a Native of this Island] Servt of Jeffry & Street [TA]
April 17
- Interred Indian, Servt to Mr. John Jeffery, who fell overboard near Hearts Ease and unfortunately drown’d before any ? could get to him [TA]