NL GenWeb

Conception Bay North Region

Historical Records

John Lewis, Wesleyan Missionary ~ 1814-1817

The records were transcribed by FRED SWED JR. and posted to the Internet in February 2001. While we have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be typographical errors.

Persons referenced in the journals of John Lewis

Wesleyan Missionary to Conception Bay, 1814 - 1817

John Lewis was a Wesleyan missionary from England, serving the settlements of Conception Bay from approximately 1814 to 1817. He later moved to the Burin Peninsula. While on Conception Bay he lived alternately in Adams Cove and Port de Grave, traveling extensively along the coast to serve the pastoral needs of various classes and congregations that were developing. While doing so, he kept a series of journals that documented his daily work. A typewritten transcript of these journals is available at the Centre for Newfoundland Studies, MUN, St. Johns.

The information contained below has been extracted from the first 4 journals, which cover the period when Mr. Lewis was serving Conception Bay. With a few exceptions, I have noted only those persons who are clearly identified by a first and last name, and a place of residence. In many cases, the journals refer to persons only by their surnames and may not identify a residence or other information by which they can be further identified. When the same person is referred to on multiple dates, I have usually included only the first or most noteworthy contact. I have tried to retain the original spelling of surnames, even where it is likely to vary from what we would accept as a more common or contemporary spelling. Occasionally I included an interpretation in parentheses, based on my knowledge of families otherwise known to be living in the specific communities.

For each person, I have summarized the corresponding event that Mr. Lewis logged in his journal. Occasionally this was a baptism or funeral, but many times just a visitation by Mr. Lewis or other daily contact. It is hoped that in combination with other data, family historians can use this information to piece together some of the routine events in the lives of their ancestors from this time period.

Last NameFirst NameLocationDateEvent
Adams JamesAdams Cove1/8/1816Sent by Mr. Lewis to deliver medicine to Rev. Ellis in Job Cove.
AndrewsWm.Ship Cove3/5/1817On this date, Mr. Andrews was accidentally shot in the eye while sealing.
AshF.Carbonear11/26/1814A Saturday. One of the group of people on the boat when Adam Mulley drowned during his rescue of Rev. Ellis. Mr. Ash also died.
BaggsSarahAdams Cove (?)10/26/1814Married to Larrence Morresy.
BarretJamesPerlican3/11/1815103 years of age when visited by Mr. Lewis.
BarretJamesPerlican8/10/1815Visited by Mr. Lewis.
BucklerJohnNorthern Bay8/26/1815Mr. Buckler was drowned after falling asleep at the helm between Western Bay and Bradley's Cove. He was accompanied by two sons, the elder being 15, who survived. He left a wife and a total of 8 or 9 small children. Also killed in the accident were "an English Man who fished" and "Mr. Jones, Mr. Goss's storekeeper a young man from Exetor." Mr. Buckler's body was later recovered and buried by Mr. Lewis on Sunday, September 3.
BurseyJosephJob Cove9/16/1815Came to Mr. Androson (Anderson ?) of Adams Cove to obtain medicine.
BurseyRichardPerlican8/14/1815One of the local subscribers for the construction of a new church.
BurseyRobertJob Cove8/20/1815Mr. Lewis baptized Robert's son on this date, naming him after the father.
BurseyWmJob Cove9/23/1815Died on this date while walking from this house to the skiff that was taking he and his wife to St. John's. He was buried on September 26 by Mr. Lewis.
ButlerJamesPort de Grave10/22/1816Visited by Mr. Lewis on this date and others.
ButlerJohnPort de Grave11/6/1815Attended class with Mr. Lewis on this date. There is a later reference to a daughter, "Julian." There also appear to be multiple "John Butlers" in the vicinity, at least one of which was referred to on occasion as "John Butler Senior."
ButlerMrs. AnnPort de Grave10/21/1816Visited by Mr. Lewis while she was ill.
ButlerMrs. DianaPort de Grave10/21/1816Visited by Mr. Lewis while she was ill.
ButlerWm. & JaneShip Cove10/6/1816Two of their children, Grace (the older) and Jane (the younger) were baptized on this date.
9/29/1816Married in Blackhead to Mary Martin on this date.
ButtHenryBlackhead1/28/1817Mr. Lewis preached at Mr. Butt's home.
ButtWm.Blackhead10/2/1815Traveled with Mr. Lewis to St. John's on this date.
CampbellHughShip Cove3/1/1816Visited by Mr. Lewis on this date.
CollreabyJohnPerry Cove2/28/1815Native of Torquay Devon. Close to death when visited by Mr. Lewis.
CransenWm.Perlican8/14/1815Assigned by Mr. Lewis to the building committee for a new church.
CrowlyOliveWestern Bay1/29/1815Married to Joseph Dalton.
DaltonJosephWestern Bay1/29/1815Married to Olive Crowly.
DaltonThomasWestern Bay7/30/1815Mr. Dalton angered Mr. Lewis when his crew worked "smoking fish" on Sunday.
DawesJohnSandy Cove10/7/1816Drowned on this date. Aged 23. Son of Nicholas Dawes.
DawesSamuelSandy Cove10/7/1816Drowned on this date. Aged 25. Son of Nicholas Dawes. Was engaged to be married to Ann Taylor, daughter of Jacob Taylor, of Sandy Cove.
Dimond (Diamond)JohnAdams Cove7/19/1815Came ashore suffering violent pain in his shoulders, "the first fit of sickness that ever he had."
Dimont (Diamond)JohnAdams Cove1/6/1816Traveled to Job Cove, with others, to see Rev. Ellis who was ill.
Dimont (Diamond)Mrs. Wm.Adams Cove5/23/1815Died on this date, after taking ill on May 15 at Mr. Evans' funeral.
Dimont (Diamond)RobtAdams Cove7/16/1815Husband of Jane Evans, whose child was very sick.
Dimont (Diamond)Robt.Adams Cove8/31/1815Visited by Mr. Lewis.
EffordElizabethPort de Grave5/5/1816Visited by Mr. Lewis on this and other occasions. He appeared to have a romantic interest, that does not appear to have been mutual.
EffordJohnPort de Grave5/5/1816Visited by Mr. Lewis. He may have been the father of "Elizabeth", for whom Mr. Lewis had an apparent romantic interest.
EnglishJamesPort de Grave5/13/1816Mr. Lewis baptized James' son, James, on this date.
EvansElizabethAdams Cove8/2/1815Taken ill and visited by Mr. Lewis.
EvansJaneAdams Cove7/16/1815Wife of Robt Dimont (Diamond), whose child was very sick.
EvansJohnAdams Cove1/10/1816Part of a large group of people who traveled to Job Cove to visit Rev. Ellis, who was quite ill at the time.
EvansRobertAdams Cove5/15/1815Approximate date of death, as reported to Mr. Lewis.
FelliourAnnPort de Grave11/11/1815Married to Wm. Mugford of Port de Grave on this date.
GarlandWm.Adams Cove8/31/1815Visited by Mr. Lewis.
GoobeyJ.Perlican8/14/1815Assigned by Mr. Lewis to the building committee for a new church.
GreenJn., Sr.Perlican8/14/1815Assigned by Mr. Lewis to the building committee for a new church.
GriffithThomasBlackhead8/3/1815Visited by Mr. Lewis during an illness.
HalfyardStephenOcre Pits8/7/1815Son of "Mrs. Halfyard", who perhaps was the wife of the man who died earlier.
HalfyardTamsen (?)Ocre Pits7/16/1815Her father, referred to only as Mr. Halfyard, was buried on this date.
HarrisChristopherOcre Pits1/4/1816Visited by Mr. Lewis.
HitchcombeJonathenOcre Pits8/31/1815Stood as a witness on this date at the baptism of Jonathan Parson's child (also named Jonathan.)
HolmesJAdams Cove9/1/1814Stageowner.
HolmesJAdams Cove9/28/1815Mr. Lewis held at prayer meeting at Mr. Holmes on this date. Mr. Holmes was celebrating his 44th birthday, that would put his birth in 1771.
HolmesJohnAdams Cove9/12/1815Left on this day to take his fish to St. John's.
HolmesPhilAdams Cove1/6/1816Traveled to Job Cove, with others, to see Rev. Ellis who was ill.
HudsonClemAdams Cove9/11/1815Traveled with Mr. Lewis to Carbonear
HudsonGeorge & CatherineAdams Cove8/1/1815Visited with Mr. Lewis on this date.
HudsonGeorge Jr.(?)11/26/1814A Saturday. One of the group on the boat when Adam Mulley drowned while rescuing Rev. Ellis.
HudsonGeorge, Sr.Adams Cove1/4/1816Traveled with Mr. Lewis to Lower Job Cove.
HudsonHughAdams Cove9/22/1815Returned to Adams Cove from St. John's with mail for Mr. Lewis.
HudsonJohnAdams Cove10/8/1815Sailed from St. John's back to Adams Cove with Mr. Lewis on this date.
HudsonJohn & HughAdams Cove1/10/1816Part of a large group of people who traveled to Job Cove to visit Rev. Ellis, who was quite ill at the time.
HudsonJohn Sr.(?)11/26/1814A Saturday. One of the group on the boat when Adam Mulley drowned while rescuing Rev. Ellis.
HusseyGeorgeBay Roberts or Port de Grave1/18/1816Mr. Hussey died on this date at the age of 32. He was buried on 1/20/1816. He left a wife, 4 children and a father and mother.
HusseyGracePort de Grave2/11/1816Ms. Hussey, along with at least one child, attended a prayer meeting on this date.
HusseyJohnPort de Grave3/30/1817Mr. Lewis held a prayer meeting at Mr. Hussey's home on this date.
HusseyThomasShip Cove3/10/1817Baptized on this date, son of Thomas Hussey.
HusseyWilliam(possibly) Port de Grave12/5/1816Was married to Patience Tucker on this date.
JamesEdwardBroad Cove7/6/1815Taken with the same illness sweeping through the area.
JanesE.Broad Cove8/31/1815Visited by Mr. Lewis.
KingWm.Bradley's Cove6/25/1815Visited by Mr. Lewis on this date.
LeDroveIsaacCubits3/16/1816Mr. LeDrove was buried on this date.
LutherStephenAdams Cove9/12/1815Traveled by boat from Carbonear back to Adams Cove with Mr. Lewis. During the trip, he was "drunk as he could hardly be."
Mailly (Milley)EdWestern Bay7/3/1815Visited by Mr. Lewis.
9/29/1816Married in Blackhead to George Butt on this date.
MooreJamesAdams Cove7/3/1815Visited this day by Mr. Lewis after having taken ill the night before. Remained ill through July 20, when he was finally able to go fishing again.
MoorsGeorgeNorthern Bay9/21/1815Mr. Lewis preached at Mr. Moors' home on this date.
MoorsHenryBlackhead8/3/1815Apparently part of a crew of workers who were outfitting the church with new seats at this time.
MoorsJonathanBlackhead1/3/1816Visited by Mr. Lewis.
MoorsThomasBlackhead7/16/1815Held a Wesleyan class meeting for Mr. Lewis on this date.
MoorsThomasBlackhead8/6/1815Dined with Mr. Lewis on this Sunday.
Moors (Moores)Mrs. JohnBlackhead7/4/1815Visited by Mr. Lewis. Apparently ill from grief over "the loss of her brothers, especially Joseph."
MorresyLarrenceAdams Cove (?)10/26/1814Married to Sarah Baggs.
MorriseyThomasIsland Cove1/11/1815A child of Mr. Morrisey was buried on this date. The child was burned when left unattended by the fire.
MugfordAnthonyPort de Grave11/24/1815His daughter, Mary, was buried on this date.
MugfordMaryPort de Grave11/24/1815Buried on this date by Mr. Lewis. 15 years and 1 month of age. Daughter of Anthony Mugford.
MugfordWm.Port de Grave11/11/1815Married to Ann Felliour of Port de Grave on this date.
NormanOliverAdams Cove1/6/1816Traveled to Job Cove, with others, to see Rev. Ellis who was ill.
NorrisJohnPerlican3/11/1815Attended services and visited with Mr. Lewis.
NorrisRichardPerlican8/14/1815One of the local subscribers for the construction of a new church.
ParsonJonathanOcre Pits8/31/1815His son, Jonathan, was baptized on this date. He offered 10 shillings for the service, but Mr. Lewis declined.
ParsonsJonathanBear Cove11/7/1816Visited by Mr. Lewis on this date.
ParsonsMiss MaryPort de Grave (probably)2/16/1817Mr. Lewis preached at her home on this date.
PippyPeterBlackhead8/28/1815Visited by Mr. Lewis while ill.
PudesterJaneNorthern Bay8/22/1815Daughter of John Pudester, baptized on this date.
Pudester JohnNorthern Bay8/22/1815His daughter, Jane, was baptized on this date.
RalphJohn(possibly) Port de Grave11/25/1816Was married to Rachel Tucker on this date.
ReansIsrealAdams Cove1/10/1816Part of a large group of people who traveled to Job Cove to visit Rev. Ellis, who was quite ill at the time.
ReevesJohnAdams Cove1/8/1816Sent by Mr. Lewis to deliver medicine to Rev. Ellis in Job Cove.
ReynoldsJamesAdams Cove9/1/1814Owner of a boat that was used by John Lewis in an attempted trip to Port de Grave.
RichardsIsaacBareneed2/1/1816Visited by Mr. Lewis on this date.
SimonsJamesJob Cove8/8/1815This young man is described by Mr. Lewis as being insane, and was "shut up in an out house under Mr. Garland's flake, where he was cruelly teased by the local children. He is accused of destroying and sinking Mr. Garland's skiff, that later floats to the surface.
StrongThomas, Sr.Perlican8/14/1815Assigned by Mr. Lewis to the building committee for a new church.
TaylorMrs. Wm.Port de Grave12/8/1816Mr. Lewis took a collection for the widow, Mrs. Taylor, and her "3 small daughters."
TaylorWm.Port de Grave5/24/1816Was drowned on 5/18/1816 and buried on this date by Mr. Lewis.
Thissel (Thistle)JohnMulley's Cove4/3/1816Buried on this date by Rev. Ellis.
TillyJ. Jr.Perlican8/14/1815Assigned by Mr. Lewis to the building committee for a new church.
TillyJoseph, Sr.Perlican8/14/1815Assigned by Mr. Lewis to the building committee for a new church.
TuckerCharlesShip Cove4/25/1816Visited by Mr. Lewis on this date.
TuckerPatience(possibly) Port de Grave12/5/1816Was married to William Hussey on this date.
TuckerRachel(possibly) Port de Grave11/25/1816Was married to John Ralph on this date.
TuffJamesWestern Bay7/1/1815Died on or about this date, at 18 years of age. He had become ill at the time of his brother Joseph's funeral. Buried by Mr. Vanenhoff on July 2.
TuffJosephWestern Bay6/22/1815Died on this date, 22 years of age, after taking ill on June 12. Buried by Mr. Lewis on June 25. Described as "one of the nicest, the friendliest, the handsomest and one of the best beloved young men in Conception Bay."
VandanoffGWestern Bay4/30/1815Accompanied Mr. Lewis during trip to Adams Cove.
WhelanAlexander Shinclo (?)Western Bay (?)7/9/815Son of Mr. Wm. Whelan, perhaps of Bradley's Cove (?). Baptized on this date.
WhelanJacobBradley's Cove (Western Bay ?)7/30/1815Mr. Whelan angered Mr. Lewis for having his crew working on Sunday.
WhelanWm.Bradley's Cove7/3/1815Visited by Mr. Lewis.
WillsN.Perlican8/14/1815Assigned by Mr. Lewis to the building committee for a new church.
YoungGeorgeDorsetshier12/15/1814At "Divel" Cove. Married to Cathrine Goobey of Burnt Point.

© 2001 Frederick M. Swed, Jr. & NL GenWeb
Conception Bay North, Northern District