NL GenWeb

Bonavista Bay Region ~ Bonavista South District

Rochfort's 1877 Directory


John A. Rochfort's "Business and General Directory of Newfoundland 1877", containing classified lists of the business men of St. John's and the leading towns and districts of the Colony....
Merchants and Traders:

Abbott Stephen
Brown Wm
Estell Thomas
Fitzgerald Charles
Harris Thomas
McGaihan Angus
Ryan Michael
Webber George

Abbott Henry
Abbott Jonathan
Abbott Joseph
Brown Joseph
Brown Robert
Carroll James
Chade George
Chade William
Clocke Robert
Cuffe James
Dwydle Joseph
Dyke Richard
Elliott John
Farrell Michael
Fisher John
Fitzgerald John
Goodland John
Goodland Joseph
Green James
Grous Richard
Gay Thomas
Harris James

Harris Rodger
Hicks James
Keel John
Kough Patrick
Little John
Little William
May Philip
Mifflen George
Mish Charles
Mish Joseph
Moreland John
Moreland Stephen
Moreland William
Power Robert
Readen George
Rolls Joseph
Rolls Thomas
Russell Edward
Sweetland James
Sweetland John
Sweetland Joseph
Templeman John
Templeman Wm

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Bonavista Bay South