NL GenWeb 1871 Lovell's Directory

Bonavista Bay - Bonavista North District

Pool's Island

POOL'S ISLAND - An island on the north side of Bonavista Bay, district of Bonavista, with a fine harbor. Distant from Greenspond 3 miles by boat. Mail fortnightly. Population 524.

Abbot John fisherman
Abbot Stephen fisherman
Atwood Thomas planter
Ayles Charles fisherman
Barefoot Georgefisherman
Barefoot William fisherman
Brown Robertfisherman
Brown Samuelfisherman
Brown Thomasplanter
Brown William fisherman
Dalton Johnfisherman
Dalton Williamfisherman
Davis Isaacfisherman
Davis Jobplanter
Dick Samuelfisherman
Dick Edwardfisherman
Dick Georgeplanter
Feltham Williamfisherman
Gillingham Thomasfisherman
Hallett Reubenfisherman
Hallett Williamfisherman
Haskins Georgefisherman
Helleway Charles planter
House Petermerchant
Howell Henryfisherman
Howell Jamesfisherman
James Jamesplanter
Jeans Georgefisherman
Jeans Henryfisherman
Jeans Robertplanter
Jeans Thomasfisherman
Jeans William fisherman
Kents Jobfisherman
Keane Benjaminfisherman
Keane William merchant
King Georgeplanter
Knee Benjamin fisherman
Knee Georgeplanter
Knee James fisherman
Knee John, jun.fisherman
Knee John, sen.planter
Knee Peter fisherman
Knee Philipfisherman
Knee Philip, sen.fisherman
Knee Williamplanter
Pope Johnfisherman
Preston Jacob fisherman
Rogers Jamesfisherman
Scott William planter
Sheppard Jamesfisherman
Sheppard John fisherman
Sheppard William fisherman
Spurrell John fisherman
Spurrell Robertplanter
Spurrell Samuelfisherman
Spurrell William planter
Stoke Francis fisherman
White Georgefisherman
Winter Davidfisherman
Winter James, jun.fisherman
Winter James sen.
Winter Johnfisherman

Name in DirectoryDescription of ErrorMy Name
HELLEWAY Most likely KELLOWAY. Stephen Baker
HASKINS Most likely HOSKINS. Stephen Baker
DYKE DICK, should be DYKE in this list. David Dyke

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