In the Supreme Court
In re:
Ewen S Hennebury
Probate granted to Frances
G Hennebury
on the 8th day of May A. D., 1929.
Value of Estate $2000.00
Vol 8 Folio 590
The petition of Frances Gertrude Hennebury, of Angle Brook, Glovertown,
widow, humbly sheweth;
1. That Ewan Stanley Hennebury of Angle Brook, Glovertown aforesaid,
husband of the petitioner, died on the 17th day of March, 1929,
having first made and executed his last will and testament, which said last
will and testament has been duly proven upon the oath of John H. B.
Roberts, one of the subscribing witnesses thereto, and is hereto annexed
marked "A".
2. In and by his said last will the deceased appointed your petitioner
sole executrix.
3. At the date of his death said deceased was possessed of property within
the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, of a value not exceeding $2000.00.
as will more fully appear by reference to the inventory hereto annexed marked
"B" which is to be taken as a part hereof.
4. No Letters of Probate of any last will or Letters of Administration of
The estate of the deceased have been applied for or granted to any person.
Your petitioner therefore prays that Letters of Probate of the last will of
the deceased may be granted to her, and as in duty bound will ever pray.
Dated at St. John's the 19th day of April, 1929.
Frances G Hennebury LS
This is the paper writing marked "A" which in the affidavit of
John H. B. Roberts sworn before me and hereto annexed, is
deposed to be the last will and testament of Ewen S Hennebury
late of Angle Brook, Retired Civil Servant
N Short
Commissioner Affidavits
Unknown initials
This is the last will and testament of
me, ES Hennebury of Beaverton, I revoke all
former wills and give, devise and bequeath
all my property, real and personal, after
payment of my just debts, to my wife,
Fanny Gertrude Hennebury, for her own use
absolutely. I appoint Harry Saunders and
my wife executor of this, my will. In
testimony whereof I have hereto set my
hand and seal this 6th. day of August 1906.
ES Hennebury LS
Signed, sealed published
and declared in the presence of
Vokard Davidsen LS
Johan Jorgensen LS
John H. B. Roberts LS
Transcriber's Notes:
Ewen Stanley Hennebury was born in Quidi Vidi 20 March 1860. He was one of eight children of Thomas Hennebury of Quidi Vidi and Diana Chafe from Petty Harbour.
There are no known children from his marriage to Frances Gertrude unknown. A child Daisy was born in Big Bear Cove in Notre Dame Bay 14 December 1890 from a relationship with a Jane Elliott.
Ewan Stanley Hennbury was admitted to the Hospital for Insane in St. John’s as a person of unsound mind on the 13 July, 1928 and this is where he died on 17 March, 1929.
Geoff Martin