Transcribed by Judy Benson & Ivy Benoit. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors

Newfoundland will books volume 9 pages 172-175 probate year 1910

Will of Cornelius Winsor


The Last will and Testament of Cornelius Winsor, Planter, Wesleyville Being of sound mind and memory, I do hereby make this, my last will and testament in manner and form as follows:-

First I give and bequeath to my three sons namely. - Jabez Winsor, Leslie Hann Winsor and Alexander Smith Winsor, all lands owned and occupied by me, with the exception of that hereinafter mentioned, to share and share alike.

(A) The piece of land upon which my house stands, with boundaries as follows:- on the south by a flake, now standing, owned by myself and my brother David Winsor; North, by the government road; west by the government road; east, by land owned by my brother Joseph Winsor

(B) a piece of land to the east a part of which is owned and occupied by my brother Japhet Winsor this having been given to him by my brother David and myself in consideration of his giving up his claim on a piece of land to the west owned by my brother David and myself. The before named piece of land owned and occupied by my brother Japhet is regarded as being one full share - The balance of said piece of land is to be equally divided into three parts, namely between my brothers Japhet and David Winsor and my before-named three sons, my sons taking one-third in which they are to share and share alike.

( C) a piece of land situated on otter Swains Island, owned by myself and my before named brothers Japhet and David Winsor my share being one-third of the same. Before-named lands shall not be sold other that to the Winsor families; If at any time it was deemed necessary to make sale of before-named lands.

Second. I do give and bequeath to my before-named three sons - all my fishing - gear, consisting of vessel, two trap - boats and one vessels boat, three cod-traps, with all their moorings, etc; two seal-nets one herring-net; also one store situated on the west of water-side and front of wharf on the south - of the before-named, my three sons, as before named shall share and share alike

Third, the store and stage now occupied by myself and my brother David, I do give and bequeath to my before-named brother David, my share of the same to become his sole property

Fourth. my dwelling-house and furniture of two bedrooms occupied by myself and wife and daughters, with furniture of dining room and Kitchen. I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, Martha Winsor, to be her sole property, as long as she shall remain a widow - should she marry again, the said Martha Winsor shall forfeit her claim on the before named property, and the same shall go to my before - named sons to share and share alike.

Fifth. the piece of land upon which my dwelling house stands, with thirty feet at the rear, and thirty feet at the front, being bounded on the east by garden - fence, and on the west by garden - fence, the said strip of land running right across the garden upon which the house stands, with thirty feet at the rear, and thirty feet in front, as above - mentioned shall also be the property of my before-named wife as long as she shall remain a widow, but in case of the said Martha Winsor marrying again, she shall forfeit all claim upon Said piece of land which shall go to my before named three sons to share and share alike

Sixth The shares of my two youngest sons Leslie Hann Winsor and Alexander Smith Winsor shall be controlled by my beloved wife Martha Winsor for the benefit of herself and the two before-named sons and my five daughters namely Sophia Winsor, Jane Winsor, Flora May Winsor, Alfredia Winsor and Stella Annie Winsor Should the before-named Martha Winsor my beloved wife marry again, she forfeits all control of the before-named shares my before-named daughters shall receive assistance from before-named shares only as long as they remain at home and are unable to support themselves.

Seventh. The organ, which is in the house, shall at the death of my beloved wife, become the property of my youngest daughter, Stella Annie Winsor

Eighth one endowment policy, upon which I pay the premium, shall become the property of my son Jabez, in whose favour it is drawn

ninth, - It is my wish that my before-named sons shall do all in their power to support my beloved wife, Martha Winsor, and the children who are unable to support themselves as long as they may need the support of the before named

Tenth. - When my son Jabez Winsor shall build a dwelling - house for himself the dwelling house now occupied by my family, at the death of my beloved wife, shall become the sole property of my two before - named younger sons.
Eleventh I also will and bequeath to my wife Martha Winsor, the sum of five hundred dollars, less funeral expenses, being amount of life insurance of my deceased son John, the same to be held by her so long as she shall remain a widow, and by her to be left to my two younger sons. In the event of either of these dying, the whole amount is to go to the surviving one. Should both die the whole amount is to be equally divided among my surviving children.

Twelfth - As upon Jabez my eldest son shall fall the care of the family, my will is that he shall receive five per cent of half of the vessel's earnings, this amount to be paid until my younger sons reach the age of sixteen years

Thirteenth. - I do hereby appoint Captain Edward Bishop and Captain Jesse Winsor to be the executors of this my last will and testament Signed by me "Cornelius Winsor" In the presence of Edward Bishop Jesse Winsor Wesleyville Bonavista Bay October twenty - seventh nineteen hundred and ten A.D.

— Certified correct ----
D. M. Browning

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Fiat Dec 1/10 Emerson J. Probate Dec 2/10 granted to Edward Bishop & Jesse Winsor Estate sworn at $3000.00

© Judy Benson, Ivy Benoit and NL GenWeb