NL GenWeb

Bonavista Bay - Gooseberry Island

Synopsis Censuses ~ 1836 - 1945

Gooseberry Island Census
Bonavista Bay
17 Male under 14 years of age. 26 Female
27 Male 14 to 60 years of age.16 Female
1 Male Upwards of 60 yr of age1 Female
45Total male43 Total female
Total 88 population.

There were 11 dwelling houses
5 fishing boats under 5 Qtls.
4 fishing boats 15 to 30 Qtls

Gooseberry Island Census
Bonavista Bay
Male under 10 years of age =33 Female = 35
Male 10 to 20 years of age =16Female =22
Male 20 to 30 years of age =23Female =16
Male 30 to 40 years of age =19Female = 9
Male 40 to 50 years of age = 8Female = 5
Male 50 to 70 years of age = 6Female = 4
Male 70 and upwards = 3Female = 1
Married couples = 31

Population 200 persons

Gooseberry Island Census
Bonavista Bay
Male under 10 years of age =61Female = 14 *maybe 41
Male 10 to 20 years of age =40Female =42
Male 20 to 30 years of age =20Female =18
Male 30 to 40 years of age =16Female =20
Male 40 to 50 years of age =23Female = 17
Male 50 to 70 years of age = 8 Female = 4
Male 70 and upwards = 2Female = 1
Population 316 persons *does not add up

Married couples = 31
Widowers = 1
Widows = 6

Children who can read and write =113
Children attending school=28
Stores, barns and outhouses =18
Fishing rooms in actual use=21
Milch cows=2
Fishing boats 15 to 30 Qtls.=3
Fishing boats 30 Qtls. & up=1

Gooseberry Island Census
Bonavista Bay
Male under 10 years of age =58Female = 35
Male 10 to 20 years of age =52Female =48
Male 20 to 30 years of age =30Female =21
Male 30 to 40 years of age =15Female =15
Male 40 to 50 years of age =13Female = 20
Male 50 to 70 years of age =19Female = 6
Male 70 and upwards = 1Female = 3
Population 336 persons *does not add up

Married couples = 52
Widowers = 2
Widows = 4
Male Idiots = 2
Female Idiots = 0

Persons who can read and write = 156
Children attending school = 18
Stores, barns and outhouses = 19
Milch cows = 3
Sheep = 71
Swine = 83
Goats = 18
Fishing rooms in actual use = 22
Fishing boats 4 to 15 Qtls. = 2
Fishing boats 15 to 30 Qtls. = 3
Fishing boats 30 Qtls. & up = 1

Gooseberry Island Census
Bonavista Bay
Male under 10 years of age =48Female = 41
Male 10 to 20 years of age =37Female =29
Male 20 to 30 years of age =51Female =34
Male 30 to 40 years of age =23Female =11
Male 40 to 50 years of age =13Female = 10
Male 50 to 70 years of age =27Female = 23
Male 70 and upwards 2Female = 1
Population 350 persons

Married Couples = 66
Widowers = 5
Widows = 2
Orphans = 9

Persons who can read and write = 195
Children attending school = 41
Children not attending school = 65
Stores, barns and outhouses = 44
Sheep = 53
Swine = 140
Goats = 21
Fishing rooms in actual use = 20
Fishing boats 15 to 30 Qtls. = 2
Fishing boats 30 Qtls. & up = 1

Gooseberry Island Census
Bonavista Bay
Population 381 Persons.
The male population was=225
The female population was=156
Married Couples=62
Crippled and Paupers=3
Government service employed=1
Males who can read=123
Females who can read=84
Males who can write=89
Females who can write=50
Children at school=32

Gooseberry Island Census
Bonavista Bay
Population 380 Persons.
The male population was=214
The female population was=166
Married males=71
Married females=71
Crippled and Paupers=3

Gooseberry Island Census
Bonavista Bay
Population 234 Persons.
The male population was=134
The female population was=100
Married males=47
Married females=47
Orphans under 15 yr. of age Male=3
Orphans under 15 yr. of age Female=2
Crippled and disabled=7
Children at school=45
Persons who can read and write=125
Persons who cannot read and write=85

© 1999 Martha Taylor & Fred Pafford & NL GenWeb
Bonavista Bay Index