This is the last will and Testament of me William Henry Goodland, of St. John's Printer. I hereby devise and bequeath all my property of every kind to my wife Clara Goodland - that is to say: all my right title and interest in the land and dwelling house situated on the south side of Winter Avenue, together with all the furniture and effects therein contained at the time of my death, also the dwelling house on the Southside of William Street, (Monkstown Road) and the rents derived therefrom, also my interest in the business firm of Gray & Goodland (Printers, Booksellers, and Stationers) amounting to about fourteen hundred dollars, and all my mortality benefits - namely one thousand dollars in the Equitable Life Insurance Company; one hundred dollars in Lodge Dudley (E.O.E.) Sixty dollars in the Newfoundland British Society, and forty dollars in St. John's Lodge (I.W.F.).
I hereby appoint my son Ernest J. Goodland and son-in-law Kenneth J. Menzies to be the Executors of this my will. Out of the monies collected they are to pay all my funeral expenses and lawful debts. The balance is to be deposited in the Newfoundland Government Savings Bank in the name of my said wife, and the account book and all other papers and documents to be delivered up to her. In witness whereof, I, the said William Henry Goodland have to this my will set my hand this Twenty-sixth day of August one thousand nine hundred and fifteen. W.H. Goodland.
Charles H. Emerson
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland
(Listed in the margin of this will)
Feb 2/17
granted to
Ernest J.
J. Menzies
on the 6th
day of February
AD 1917
Estate sworn
at $5150.00