NL GenWeb

Avalon South Region ~ St. John's District

Vital Statistics Volume 23

Congregational Church, St. John's, Newfoundland

Marriages 1802-1892

The information was transcribed by JILL MARSHALL from the microfilm no. 2133618 (Latter Days Saints Church, Utah USA) While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be typographical errors.

Brief history of the Congregational Church of St Johns (taken from the Encyclopedia of Nfld & Lab.)
Members started to meet in the summer of 1775 when a jailer, a sergeant and his wife, and 3 soldiers had prayer meetings in the barracks in St Johns: their sergeant leader, JOHN JONES was in the Royal Artillery on his 2nd tour of duty in NF. The meetings grew and in the winter services were held on Wed. & Sun. nights in the Courthouse. However in the spring of 1776 Gov. John Montague banned further services and forbid anyone to rent space to the Dissenters. They continued however, to meet secretly on the barrens until winter forced them to seek rooms in the town. The next year they build the first Meeting House: the governor swore to tear it down and banish Jones to Placentia but the lease held good. Jones returned to England and obtained ordination at the hands of 9 Dissenting ministers, and accepted the call to become the first minister of ''The Dissenting Church of Christ at St Johns'', arriving back at St Johns in July 1779. Services were still banned however, and the congregation met in Jones' house while leading Independent clergymen argued the case in London and until the petition of Col. Pringle and other principal St Johns merchants was successful. A new meeting House was completed 1789. In 1799 John Jones suffered a stroke and had to retire: he died Mar 1 1800 age 63. In 1824 Rev. Daniel Ward arrived and stayed until his death 20 yrs later. In 1834 Christ Church, Quidi Vidi, a joint venture that lasted 8 yrs, was opened under the auspices of the Church of England, Methodist and Congregational churches. A new Meeting House (the Stone Chapel) was completed 1853 which was destroyed in the Great Fire of 1892. A new wooden church was opened 1895 on Queens Rd. In the mid 1920s the church was experiencing difficulties attracting a new minister from England, and was losing members to emigration to Canada and the USA. It was served from 1926-1932 by ministers from the new United Church of Canada (formed 1925). Rev Joseph Thackeray, a Congregational minister who had retired 1912, came out of retirement and served the congregation until 1937. The congregation joined the Presbyterian Church IN Canada 1938. The original parish records of the Congregational Church of St Johns are kept at St. Davids Presbyterian Church, Elizabeth Avenue, St Johns, NF.

NOTE: The writing in this Vital Statistics volume was difficult to read at times, and my uncertainty is indicated by ''?''. Please remember that my transcription is a COPY of a COPY and therefore the likelihood of errors is increased. Readers are well advised to consult the original records, held at St Davids Presbyterian Church, Elizabeth Avenue, St Johns, for confirmation.

NOTE: While the Baptismal records of this church begin 1780, the marriage records do not begin until 1802. I assume that this was when the Church was first permitted to perform marriage rites.

Corrected or updated by transcriber since original posting

DATE > Place Groom Groom's Information Bride Bride's Information Witnesses Other Information Provided
July 28 1802 St. Johns George BRACE - Ann ROBERTS - James Milledge?, Thomas Nurse, George Ney (?Vey), John Barnes, John Masters - -
Oct 6 1802 St. Johns Philip KNIGHT - Mary BRADBURY - George Brace, John Hart, Thomas Nurse - -
Nov 2 1802 St. Johns Richard T. HAMMOND - Mary ?HAFFORD (?EFFORD) - Richard Halland, John (n/g) - -
Oct 19 1803 St. Johns Daniel WOODCOCK - Margaret DIGNAM, widow of Sgt DIGNAM - Alexander Fraser, Ellen McDonough - -
Nov 2 1804 St. Johns Thomas HARRIS - Catherine NURS (NURSE) - Thomas Nurs(e), Ann Foreman, Rev. John Hillyard*, Jonathan Parsons - *not clear if Rev John Hillyard was really a witness or if he married them.
Jan 2 1806 St. Johns William HEAD - Catherine KNIGHT - Michael Thomas Knight, William Bolt, Michael Knight Sr. - -
Apr 6 1808 St. Johns Richard KNIGHT - Ann ASHE - none given. - -
Jan 3 1809 St. Johns William FOOTE - Frances BROWN - James Furneaux, William Brown, John Foote - -
Apr 11 1809 St. Johns George ''CALLAN?'' (KELLAND added) - Elizabeth ANDREWS - John Masters, George Vey, Jonathan Parsons - -
May 6 1809 St. Johns Robert LACEY - Elizabeth THISTLE - William Barnes, John Stantaford, William Notting - -
Nov 14 1809 St. Johns John SNOW - Ann HISCOCK - John ''Keebury?'', (no other) - -
Jan 13 1810 St. Johns John FOOTE - Mary MOORE - James Furneaux, William Foote - -
Nov 5 1810 St. Johns Samuel BENNET - Sarah McGUIRE - none given. - -
June 2 1810 St. Johns George COOK - Elizabeth ''DOWAN?'' - Robert Snook, Nathaniel Finn - -
Oct 16 1810 St. Johns Isaac BENSON - Hannah HAYSON - John Hoskins, Thomas Benson - -
Feb 26 1812 St. Johns Robert SEARL - Ann ANDREWS - William Freeman, Jonathan Parsons - -
June 10 1812 St. Johns James HODGE - Mary Ann VIOLET - Samuel Bulley, Jas? Willedge, Thomas Bulley - -
Sep 29 1812 St. Johns Edmund HOLLAHAN - Ann BARRETT - Jas. Barrett, Thomas Barrett, Fredk. Marsh, Nathan Parker* - *Nathan Parker was a Congregationalist from the USA, per the Encyclopedia of NF & LAB.
Dec 14 1813 St. Johns William POWER - Sarah PARDY - John Somerford, I___? McGrath, Silas Parker, Elizabeth Hyde - -
Aug 15 1815 St. Johns Charles STACEY - Mary WHITTEN - William Whitten, Rachel Whitten, J___? Smith, Robert Seares - -
Oct 4 1815 St. Johns William MUNN - Sarah EFFORD - John Hutchings, Samuel ''Toms?'', George Bates - -
Jan 1 1816 St. Johns William COWAN - Martha BARNES - John Knollin, William Barnes, Elizabeth Andrews - -
Jan 15 1816 St. Johns Daniel LAURRANCE (sic) - Jane FOWLER - Sarah England, George Allen, Samuel Thoms - -
Jan 16 1817 St. Johns James WATSON - Catherine POWER - M. Neven?, Susan Ann Brown, J. Samuel Wadden, Sarah Brown - -
June 17 1817 St. Johns William WATERMAN - Catherine HARRIS - John J. Fry, Ann Sabine, Richard P____ard, Mary P____rornd? - Some offspring baptized at ANGLICAN CATHEDRAL
July 8 1834 St Johns Thomas JOB - Jessie CARSON - J. Noad, Charlotte Rich___?, Robert? St. Job (sic), Ann Hoyles, Ed. Archibald, William Carson, ''Mrs?'' Butler Bully, W. Stoyle?, C. Nicholls, J. Shea, Edmund Robinson, Robert Job. - -
July 17 1834 St Johns Henry LILLY - Elizabeth SQUAREY - George Lilly, Sarah Squarey, George Mayward, Jane Keith, Jas. Lily Esq., Jemima Anderson, Mary A. Lush, George Anderson, Patience Lilly, John Haywood, Robert Lilly, Robert Parsons, Elizabeth Lilly. - -
Aug 12 1834 St Johns Jas. LAIRD Greenock Janet Walker? JOHNSTON - William Marsh, Ann McCalman, Francis McDougall - -
Sep 22 1834 St Johns Jas. Thos. McFARLANE Corporal Mary Ann CULLEN - John Line? R.A., Catherine Brice ''(? Brace)'', Samuel Richard R.A. - -
Dec 3 1834 St Johns John KNIGHT shipwright Mary PATTEN - Rachel Knight, Wm.? Barnes, Thomas Knight, George Knight, William Patten, John Patten - -
Nov 25 1835 St Johns John ENGLAND cooper Catherine BRINE - Isabella Seymour?, Sarah Ward, John Nukey? - -
July 7 1835 St Johns Joseph NOAD Esq. Emma LILLY - J. Lilly, Elizb. Lilly, William B. Bulley, Jas. Allen, Thomas ''B. or R.'' Job, J.B.C. Lilly, Robert Job, Amelia M. Allen?, John Nichols, Jessy Job, Robert R.W. Lilly, William Lilly - -
Feb 5 1836 St Johns John WOOLAM R.V.C.'s Honor GALLAVAN - Bridget Doyle, Alexander Hand R.V.C. - At least one offspring baptized Anglican.
Nov 26 1836 St Johns William LONG - Amelia SOLOMON - John Nichols, W.L. Solomon, John Westcott, Anna Westcott - -
May 17 1836 St Johns Robert SNOOK - Bridget KENNY - Nathaniel Jillard, Mach Stewart - -
June 14 1836 St Johns Patrick DONAHUE R.V.C. Mary Ann SEIRS - Catherine Crummy, R. Nevins - -
Oct 3 1836 St Johns Charles RADFORD - Ann CARTER - Mary A. Radford, Thomas Walters, Pascoe Carter - -
Nov 2 1836 St Johns William ROCHESTER R.A. Mary Ann BARNES - Charles Antel, Ellen Tobin, Elizabeth Forsaith - Some offspring baptized Anglican.
Oct 3/8? 1837 St Johns John McDONALD R.V.C. Mary SHEEHAN - John Percy, Jane Cummings - -
Oct 16 1837 St Johns John CUSACH (?CUSACK) - Johanna ANDERSON - James Elliott, Margaret Brown - -
Feb 6 1838 St Johns Alfred KING - Mary STACEY - Charles Stacey, Elizb. Stacey, John Nicholls, Charlotte Nicholls, William Long, Amelia Long, Hy. Wadman, Elizb. Forsaith - -
Apr 7 1838 St Johns Thomas ANDERSON - Mary DIXON - Sarah Ward, Charlotte Lay - -
Apr 16 1838 St Johns William COLLINS - Sarah GEARY - William Rowe, Mary Pike, Susan Geary - -
June 28 1838 St Johns Joseph HAMMOND - Fanny CUMMINGS - Samuel Knight, Isabella Knight - -
Aug 1 1838 not given Thomas PRINGLE Petty Harbour Harriet McGRATH - Martin Lynch, Esther Byrne - Some offspring baptized Anglican.
Aug 2 1838 St Johns Michael WALLACE - Bridget ASPEN - Nora Wilton/Witton?, Charlotte E.J. Lay - -
Sep 8 1838 St Johns John CAVANAGH - Ellen BAKER - James Keith, Bridget Walsh - -
Nov 16 1838 St Johns William WHALEN - Maria ATKINS - William Whitten, Sarah Butler, Harriet Knight, Sarah Knight - -
Nov 20 1838 St Johns William EBSARY - Belinda PITTS - John Gibbons, Elizabeth Ford, Henry Ebsary, Jane Wittycombe - Some offspring baptized Anglican.
Nov 23 1838 St Johns George THOMPSON - Eliza LODGE - John Robinson, Adelaide Lodge - -
Dec 1 1838 At home, St Johns Charles RANKIN - Mary Ann DAVIDSON - William Davidson, Andrew Tasker?, Elizabeth Stacey, J.S. Rutherford, Margaret Davidson, Sarah G_____? - -
Aug 10 1839 St Johns Capt. James CALDWELL - Catherine Goodridge LASH - William Lash, Elizabeth Forsaite, Alan Goodridge, Frederick Lash, Elizabeth McLeod. - -
Aug 28 1839 St Johns Thomas MORGAN - Mary McLenan - Richard Doherty?, Honor Molloy - -
Oct 9 1839 St Johns Thomas HOPKINSON - Elizabeth HACKNELL? - Nathaniel Rich, Joanna Kennedy - -
Nov 1 1839 At home, St Johns James GRAY - Clementina KING - William Fe__alson, Ann McCreath?, Robert Harris, Ann Ailes?, Jas. McCreath?, Elizb. ___?, Alan Allen, Clara Caldwell. - -
Nov 17 1839 St Johns Alexander BOYD cooper Mary VAUGHN?* - Johanna Green, Margaret Byrne - *best guess at bride's surname: letters are missing
Dec 19 1839 St Johns Andrew STEWART?* - Mary FLING - Elizabeth? Walsh, Margaret Barber - *letters missing
Feb 28 1840 St Johns Charles SLATE - Mary O'NEIL - William Upson, Mary Upson - At least one offspring baptized Anglican.
Mar 3 1840 St Johns Daniel GRANGER - Bridget HANDRIGAN - Nthaniel Chancey, Sarah Ward - -
June 29 1840 St Johns George WILLS - Mary JAMIESON - Thomas Melvin, Anne Melville, Hy. Woodinott, Ellen Madigan - -
July 14 1840 St Johns Charles TALBOTT - Mary TOMEY - James Talbott, Mary Venables - -
July 29 1840 St Johns John CLOUSTON - Eleanor LODGE - William King, Eliza Thompson, John Colton, James Gray, ____? Lang, Ann ____?. - -
Sep 9 1840 St Johns Robert MATTHEWS? - Mary STEWART - Sarah Ward, Matt. Cozens - -
Oct 27 1840 St Johns Thomas ROBERTS - Susan GEARY - Stephen March, Rachel French - -
June 17 1841 St Johns James MURRAY - Elizabeth STACEY - Anne Stacey, Jas. J. Rogerson, Charles Stacey - -
Aug 11 1841 St Johns John MAGEE - Fanny HOGAN - Edward McInvoy, Mary Hogan - -
Aug 19 1841 St Johns John Robert JEANES - Elizabeth Roberts? LILLY - Mary Ann Pgne?, G. Lilly, John Hayward, Robert Rell? Lilly, Robert Finlay, Patience Lilly, John J.R. Lilly, George Anderson. - -
Aug 22 1841 St Johns Richard KNIGHT - Charlotte Elizabeth LEY (aka LAY) - George Chancey, Sarah Butler - -
Nov 6 1841 St Johns Joseph BELL - Sarah BARCLAY - Charles Talbot, Mary Talbot - -
Nov 6 1841 St Johns Henry PICKARD - Mary Ann GORMAN - ____? Collis, Elizabeth Gorman, Mary Butler, Sarah Collis - -
Dec 1 1841 St Johns Nicholas JENKINS - Ann HARTWILL - Charles Talbot, Mary Talbot - Some offspring baptized Anglican.
Feb 2 1842 St Johns John LESTER - Mary Grace EALES - John Eales, Mary A. Hutchings, Henry Pope, Elizabeth Eales, Sarah S. Holbrook, Eunice ___?, Isabella Holbrook - Mary Grace EALES was likely the daughter of John EALES of Devon & Mary ASHTON of Liverpool. Per Randy Whitten, John LESTER was b 1818 Dorset and died 1893 NF.
Apr 5 1842 St Johns Thomas WILDS? - Mary Ann ROWE - John Keenan, Ann Pine, Thomas Brace - -
June 14 1842 At James Kirkland's? home. Peter RITCHIE - Irene MOORE - Barbara Crossman, James Moore, Sarah Moore, William Crawford, Janet Ritchie, Jas. P. Moore, John Ritchie, Archibald ''Withwel?'', Mary Moore, John Crossman - -
June 22 1842 At Hy. Winton's home William WARREN - Eliza WINTON - Henry Winton, Elizabeth Winton, Elizabeth Forsaith, Duncan Thomson, Annie Boyd, Cornelius Winton. - -
July 23 1842 St Johns John James BRACE - Sarah Jane BARRETT - William C. Brace, Elizabeth Batstone, Samuel Jeynes, Louisa Street Rains, Sarah Janes - -
Sep 12 1842 St Johns Edward GAGE - Mary McDONALD - Henry Andrews, Maria Andrews, David Jones - Some offspring baptized Anglican.
Sep 20 1842 St Johns Thomas RAWLINGS - Catherine SULLIVAN - David Jones, Matthew King, Catherine Curran - At least one offspring baptized Anglican.
THERE IS A GAP in the VITAL STATISTICS Volume 23 FROM Sept 1842 TO Jan 1845.
Jan 30 1845 Bride's home, St Johns John Moore HASKELL? bach, St Johns Hannah FANNON? spin, St Johns Wm. Lash, Wm? Crawford, Robert? Finlay, ?, Mary Grace Lash, Christopher Brown? - -
Feb 5 1845 St. Johns Robert FINLAY bach, St Johns Grace LASH spin, St Johns S? Finlay, John Lash, William Lash, Rosannah? McLeod Jr? - -
Apr 16/10? 1845 St. Johns William SIMMONDS bach, Brigus CB Mary CARTER spin, Greenspond BB Henry ___?, ___? Janet ___?, Charles Antle - -
May 26 1845 St. Johns Thomas RADFORD Pt/Lt?, bach, St Johns Sarah PECKFORD spin, St Johns Thomas McConnan?, J.C. McMurdow? - -
Dec 27 1845 St. Johns John GILL?, bach, St Johns bach, St Johns Anne CONNOR spin, St Johns Patrick Burke?, Margaret Connor - -
Jan 20 1846 St. Johns James DEARIN? bach, St Johns Bridget DAY spin, St Johns James Day, Margaret Hunt, Philip Luscombe - -
Feb 2 1846 St. Johns James? Joseph HARVEY bach, mariner, St Johns Francis Amelia NICOLLS? spin, St Johns James Flood?, Elizabeth Williams - -
Feb 9 1846 St. Johns William CHRISTIE bach, St Johns Jane COSTIE?/COSTRIE? spin, Carbonear Michael Phelan, Jane Cullin - -
May 6 1846 St. Johns Richard PARNELL? bach, fish, St Johns Elizabeth PHILLIPS widow, St Johns William Fullerton, Eliza French, George Squires - -
May 20 1846 St. Johns Owen? STANTAFORD bach, carpenter, St Johns Harriet HISCOCK spin, Bell Island Elizabeth Verge, Alice Dwyer, John R. Lilly, John Kelligrew - -
Aug 6 1846 St. Johns Patrick MORIARITY bach, tailor, St Johns Honora BALDWIN spin, St Johns John Byrne, Sarah Byrne - -
Aug 10 1846 St. Johns William PEET bach, St Johns Catherine LODEN? spin, St Johns Elizabeth Bowden, Henry Maddock - -
May 30 1844* St. Johns John HUTCHINGS bach, Dartmouth Mary Ann Sawyer IAGO?/GAGE?/SAGE? spin, Dartmouth George Goodridge, Henry Emmet, Mary Ann Hutchings - Year of marriage is chronologically out of order with respect to preceding and following entries: possibly year should be 1846. Bride's surname very hard to read.
Sep 9 1846 St. Johns John DEVANY? bach, French? Cove, St Johns Mary REDMAN? spin, French? Cove, St Johns Walter? Dalton?, Margaret Walsh - -
Sep 14 1846 St. Johns William BYRNE bach, Bideford Ellen OWENS spin, St Johns Mary Owens, Charles Duder - -
Oct 5 1846 St. Johns James Sabine KNIGHT bach, St Johns Jane THOMAS spin, Torquay, Eng. William Forbes, Mary Martin, Mary L. Duder, Mary Janet Tasker?/Tucker?, C/E? D. Hutchings - -
Oct 1 1846 St. Johns William HADDON bach, builder, St Johns Mary Grace LASH spin, St Johns M. Haskell, Frederick Lash, James Caldwell, George Lash - -
Nov 4 1846 St. Johns John HAYWOOD/HAYWARD? bach, baker, St Johns Sarah THOMPSON spin, St Johns Richard Holland?, Mary Davison - -
Dec 7 1846 St. Johns John M. BRIDE bach, St Johns Caroline WARREN spin, St Johns William Barker/Barter?, Ann Goss - -
Feb 10 1847 St. Johns John PITTS bach, wheelwright, St Johns Marsha COOPER spin, St Johns Robert Coope, Cornelius Faulkner, David? Pierpoint, Mary Collins, John Konagh? - -
Oct 4 1847 St. Johns William COWAN bach, St Johns Elizabeth PITTS spin, St Johns John Brewster?, Ann Coyell, Julia Piccott?, William Coyell - -
Dec 17 1847 St. Johns Joseph CLEMENTS bach, St Johns And Green Bay/Twillingate Mary MILLS? spin, St Johns Simon Leacey (?Lacey), John Winsor - Joseph & Mary had 3 children baptized at Salt Harbour, Herring Neck, Notre Dame Bay (ANGLICAN): Adelaide 1850, Agnes 1852 and Mary 1853.
Dec 22 1847 St. Johns Henry John DUDER bach, St Johns Jane Sophia PITTS spin, Bell Island William Coyell, Ann Duder, Harriet Coyell, J. Ellis, J.M. Snowball, M.L. Duder - -
May 4 1848 St. Johns William JUDGE? bach, Ballaghy?, Ireland Mary HEARN spin, Wexford, Ireland James Horwood, Mary Carroll - At least 2 children baptized Anglican.
May 20 1848 St. Johns Moses PIKE bach, merchant, Carbonear Mary Ann STOWE spin, n/g Eliza Bulley, William Noad?, Lawrence? Knight, S.A. Knight - -
June 5 1848 St. Johns Robert McKEOWN bach, St Johns Mary Ann KNOTT spin, St Johns Richard McKeown, Mary Ann Burridge - -
Aug 15 1848 St. Johns William GILLESPIE bach, St Johns Johanna KEATES? spin, St Johns Samuel Carson, Margaret Carson, William Shortman?, Isabel Nixon - -
Aug 18 1848 St. Johns Capt. George GISSELL? bach, East Oggall, Devon, Eng. Elizabeth Simmons? HUTCHINGS spin, St Johns Jas. Soper Hutchings, Mary Ann Hutchings, Jas. Soper Hutchings Jr, John Hutchings - -
Dec 11 1849 St. Johns John CURRIE bach, St Johns Elizabeth Frances CHANCEY spin, Carna__shire?, wales Jabez Markey?, Lionel T. Chancey, Susannah Knight, Elizabeth Winton - The residences of the bride and groom are mixed up in the VS version. John Currie was from Llanberris Parish, Caernvon, (North) Wales; Elizabeth was from St Johns, the eldest dau of Lionel Chancey (Courier Dec 15 1849)
Dec 22 1849 St. Johns James HOWAN? bach, St Johns Eliza SCAPLAN spin, St Johns Maria Shofield, Emma Maria Scaplan - -
Dec 27 1849 St. Johns Thomas McDOUGALL bach, St Johns Mary DUNN? spin, St Johns J. McLoughlin, Margaret Murry - -
Feb 9 1850 St. Johns Luke FALLON bach, St Johns Margaret Murray spin, St Johns John Pepper, Catherine Sudbury? - -
Mar 8 1850 St. Johns William Coles BRACE bach, St Johns Caroline BARATT (?BARRETT) spin, St Johns Richard Brace, Mary Brace - -
Mar 18 1850 St. Johns William LAY bach, St Johns Mary Grace TIBBO spin, St Johns John Cousins, Henry Thomas, Richard Knight, Jane Tibbo - -
Mar 19 1850 St. Johns William Lemon SOLOMON bach, St Johns Louisa WINTON spin, St Johns Oliver Tedsmith/Tredsmith?, Martin Petrie, Catherine S. Emerson - -
Mary 27 1850 St. Johns William John SCOTT? bach, St Johns Elizabeth Ashton EALES spin, St Johns John Eales, William H. Eales, James Reed, John Lester - -
May 1 1850 St. Johns Edward BURFORD? bach, St Johns Marion LeBUFF spin, St Johns Matilda Knight, Maria Sholefield - At least 2 offspring baptized Anglican.

Bride's marital status should be WIDOW; she was nee Mary Ann HENNEBURY, dau of William Hennebury & Mary Mallard, and was first married 1837 to Thomas LeBuff.

June 17 1850 St. Johns John McCORMACK? bach, St Johns Anna DAVY? spin, St Johns Samuel Adams, Ann Murphy - -
July 2 1850 St. Johns John HOLMES bach, St Johns Mary WOUNDY spin, St Johns William Peet, Elizabeth Ivamy - Some children baptized Anglican.
July 3 1850 St. Johns John Taylor TURNER bach, St Johns Ann HARRISSEY? spin, St Johns H? Crysland, Caroline Ady. - -
July 22? 1850 St. Johns William WOODS bach, St Johns Eliza MOREY? spin, St Johns John Roberts, Elizabeth Duffy - At lest 1 offspring baptized Anglican.
Sep 12 1850 St. Johns Robert McKEOWN bach, St Johns Catherine CULLEN spin, St Johns Charles MeKeown, Mary Tobin - -
Sep 17 1850 St. Johns William LAYMAN bach, St Johns Bridget COADY spin, St Johns Susan Park?, Mary Jane Mineard - -
Oct 3 1850 St. Johns Richard FENNELL bach, St Johns Jane JORDAN spin, St Johns Patience Doran, Mary Kennedy - -
Oct 11 1850 St. Johns Michael TAYLOR bach, St Johns Mary RYAN spin, St Johns Edmond Ryan, Bridget Fitzgerald - -
Oct 16 1850 St. Johns William WILKSHIRE (WILTSHIRE*) bach, St Johns Catherine QUIGLEY spin, St Johns M. Wilcox, Anne Sullivan - *Surname was actually WILTSHIRE per 4 baptisms of their children at St Thos ANG Church.
Nov 5? 1850 St. Johns Thomas STEVENSON bach, St Johns Elizabeth McKINNON spin, St Johns George Hill, Harriet Hill - -
Nov 12 1850 St. Johns Henry THOMAS bach, St Johns Jane TIBBO spin, St Johns John Cousins?, George Thomas, Mary Grace Sage, Mary A. Aylward - -
Nov 5? 1850 St. Johns Neil McDOUGALL bach, St Johns Sarah Forward? OLSON spin, St Johns Bride W? Elson, H? H. Brace - -
Nov 16 1850 St. Johns Joseph HART bach, Trinity Bay Mary ''HILLS or MILLS'' spin, Bonavista John Edwards, Charles LeDrew - -
Dec 26 1850 St. Johns Robert GIDDINS bach, St Johns Catherine BRINE spin, St Johns John Mills, John Maddock? - -
Jan 1 1851 St. Johns Henry MELVIN bach, St Johns Mary Anne Parsons spin, Harbour Grace Samuel Jefferson, Susannah Jefferson - At least 2 children baptized Anglican.
Jan 16 1851 St. Johns Thomas SUDBURY bach, St Johns Catherine SAUGHROUGH? spin, St Johns John MacCormack, Hannah Dady? - -
Feb 14 1851 St. Johns John WINDER bach, St Johns Maria ''STOWE or STONE'' spin, St Johns Samuel Pardy??, Elizabeth Stowe - At least 1 offspring baptized Anglican.
Mar 1 1851 St. Johns William GOSS bach, St Johns Mary MILLER spin, St Johns Henry MacDonald, Elizabeth Churchill - Likely one offspring baptized Anglican, but mother's name missing.
Mar 17 1851 St. Johns Thomas O'CONNOR bach, St Johns Sophia ADWATERS? widow, St Johns Joh Roberts, Catherine Maher - -
Apr 26 1851 St. Johns George DREW bach, St Johns Anne PEA__W?? spin, St Johns William Hadley/Thadley?, Isabella Feanny/Fenney? - At least one child baptized Anglican.
May 22 1851 St. Johns John HUMPHREYS bach, St Johns Mary Ann PALMER spin, St Johns Henry Williams, Elizabeth Balsam - -
June 6 1851 St. Johns James GAINE/CAINE? bach, St Johns Anne STONE spin, St Johns John Winder, Maria Winder - -
Aug 5 1851 St. Johns James Hunt MARTIN bach, St Johns Mary Anne TUCKER spin, St Johns Marianne Page, Mary Ann Hutchings, Mary Knight, John Tucker Corrected from TASKER? & Tasker. The maiden name of the bride has been confirmed by both the newpaper acct of the marriage & the middle name of the first born son (John Tucker Martin 1852).
Aug 16 1851 St. Johns Hugh QUIRK bach, St Johns (Rn.Ca.)* Eliza DEAR spin, St Johns (illegible), Ellen Halliday - *presumably means Roman Catholic.
Sep 4 1851 St. Johns William RODENNGIN? bach, St Johns Mary Anne MORE (?MOORE) spin, St Johns James Thomson, Elizabeth Whallon? - -
Sep 16 1851 St. Johns Richard William KENT bach, St Johns Anne STEWART spin, St Johns Robert ''Giddin or Liddin''*, Catherine ''Giddin or Liddin''* - *likely is GIDDENS; Robert GIDDENS & Catherine BRINE md Dec 1850.
Nov 13 1851 St. Johns William WHELAN widower, St Johns Providence COLE widow, St Johns Harriet H/N? Knight, G.A. Knight, Maria Janes - -
Nov 26 1851 St. Johns George STONEMAN bach, Albany, NY, USA Jane LODGE spin, St Johns Caroline A. Stoneman, Eliza Stoneman - -
Dec 19 1851 St. Johns William REDMON bach, St Johns (Rn.Ca.) Maud WHITE spin, St Johns William Theard?, Eliza Piggins - Groom Roman Catholic.
Feb 4? 1852 St. Johns James Joseph ASPREY bach, St Johns (Rn.Ca) Catherine PRENDERGAST spin, St Johns William Humphrey, Mary Ann Humphrey - Groom Roman Catholic.
Feb 11 1852 St. Johns George LASH bach, St Johns Marianne PAGE spin, St Johns Mary A. Winton, Frederick R. Page, Caroline Guswell, Jeffrey Lash - -
Feb 18 1852 St. Johns William Joseph CAMMINS (?CUMMINS) bach, St Johns Mary Ann PEARCEY spin, St Johns William Retford?, Margaret Power - -
May 29 1852 St. Johns John Harrison PHIPPS?/ PHIBBS? bach, St Johns Mary ISAAC spin, St Johns William Thomson, Margaret Murray - -
June 17 1853* St. Johns William Codner MADDICOTT bach, Sheldion?, Devonshire Mary ''TOWELL or TOWALL'' widow, St Johns William Elsworth, Eveline Gail____? Strikley? - *year given is chronologically out of order with respect to preceding and following entries. Also NOTE that on Jan 12 1847 ANGLICAN CATHEDRAL a George Codner MADDICOTT and a Mary TOWELL, both single, were married.
June 8 1852 St. Johns Ebenezer BARNES bach, St Johns Jessie BRINE spin, St Johns Eliza D. Marsh, Wm/Hen? Brine - -
June 10 1852 St. Johns Patrick?/Hadrick? DORAN bach, Royal NF Co, St Johns Margaret CROTTY spin, St Johns John Larkin?, Mary Kennedy - -
July 7 1852 St. Johns Capt? Philip HEATH? bach, St Johns Mary Anne H. HUTCHINGS spin, St Johns James S. Hutchings, John Heath?, James Hutchings Jr, John Hutchings - -
July 20 1852 St. Johns Christopher BROWN bach, St Johns Elizabeth Anne FINLAY spin, St Johns Geo? Brown, J?N? Finlay, Jabez Nurse, H.H. Cozens? - -
Aug 28 1852 St. Johns John William BATCHER/BUTCHER? widower, Royal NF Co., St Johns Margaret Murray spin, St Johns William Goss, Mary Cox - -
Sep 8 1852 St. Johns Richard MATTHEWS bach, St Johns Eliza FOALE widow, St Johns Susan E. Budgeman?, Fanny M. Budgeman? - Bride is likely nee ELIZABETH HUNT DAWE, married June 11 1846 Anglican Cathedral to HENRY FOALE.
Sep 16 1852 St. Johns Capt. William TAYLOR bach, St Johns Mary COADY spin, St Johns Margaret Tynan, William F. Hayes, Mary Grace Starges? - Bride's occupation given as ''seaman'', may be for the next entry, as bride's husband was CAPTAIN.
Feb 26 1853 St. Johns Thomas TRAMILLS (TREMILLS) bach, Petty Harbour, St Johns W? Sarah FRENCH spin, Petty Harbour, St Johns W.? Thomas Seivier, Mahala Marshall - Groom's occupation may have been seaman if it was entered on preceding line in error.
July 2 1853 St. Johns George LEADER bach, St Johns Elizabeth ''STOWE or STONE'' spin, St Johns Maria Winder, Joseph Aylesbury - -
Aug 26 1853 St. Johns Richard NEYLE bach, St Johns Elizabeth Maria WINTON spin, St Johns Mary Anne Winton, Robert Winton, Jas. Tasker/Tucker? - Corrected from HEYLE?/HOYLE
Sep 15 1853 St. Johns George WARRICK bach, Royal NF Co, St Johns Jane HORWOOD spin, St Johns Francis Long, Elizabeth Kaine - At least 2 children baptized Anglican.
Sep 20 1853 St. Johns Corp'l Michael BURKE? bach, St Johns Jemima Harriet PRENDERGAST spin, St Johns Edward Cavanaugh, Ellen Foran - -
Sep 20 1853 St. Johns John GLOVER? bach, St Johns Margaret ANDERSON spin, St Johns F. Sanders, Mary Kennedy - -
Sep 27 1853 St. Johns Thomas FLOAT/FLOOD? bach, St Johns Margaret SCYNES spin, St Johns William Wren, Janet Morgan - -
Nov 17 1853 St. Johns John FOOTE bach, St Johns Mary Elizabeth KNIGHT spin, St Johns Philip Knight, Susan Knight - -
Dec 14 1853 St. Johns Lionel Thomas CHANCEY bach, St Johns Margaret Parnell WILKINSON spin, St Johns George Ozzard, William Wilkinson, John T. Heath?, Sarah Chancey - -
Feb 20 1854 St. Johns Thomas GALL bach, Royal NF Co, St Johns Ann CAIN spin, St Johns Joseph Herley (?Hurley), Sophia McDavid? - -
May 30 1854 St. Johns John TRITLA? bach, St Johns Elizabeth JEFFERS widow, St Johns William Horwood/Howard?, Ellen Kelly - -
Apr 25 1854 St. Johns William Lemon SOLOMON bach*, postmaster general, St Johns Eliza Rogers WARD spin, St Johns Sarah Patritts?, George A. Schofield MARGIN NOTE: ''Very faint on record'' *while his marital status is given as BACHELOR, I doubt this is accurate. William Lemon SOLOMON married 1850 to Louisa WINTON (see above record), and there was unlikely to be two bachelors with this same full name.
May 4 1854 St. Johns William HOOK bach, Royal NF Co, St Johns Elizabeth DISCOMBE spin, St Johns James Kiellam?, Susannah Banks? - At least 4 offspring baptized Anglican.
May 7 1854 St. Johns Joseph HALSEY bach, St Johns Elizabeth EARL spin, St Johns T? McBay, Elizabeth Feild - -
June 10 1854 St. Johns John MARSHALL widower, St Johns Mary Ann ROACH widow, Prince Edward Island George Wiltshire, Susan Louis - -
Aug 9 1854 St. Johns Henry WINTON bach, St Johns Elizabeth Brown CHANCEY spin, St Johns Henry Winton, Mary A. Winton, R? Brown, Emma Maria Chancey - -
Aug 9 1854 St. Johns John Jordan PHILLIPS bach, St Johns Charlotte JEANS spin, St Johns John Stoneman, James Thomas Phillips - -
Aug 16 1854 St. Johns John CHAMBERS bach, Royal NF Co, St Johns Mary DOOLING spin, St Johns William Hook, Elizabeth Hook - Groom's surname likely aka SHAMBERS
Oct 20 1854 St. Johns Robert MILMON? (WILLMAN*) bach, Royal NF Co, St Johns Catherine ASHE spin, St Johns John Murphy, Mary Ann Murphy - Surname appears to be WILLMAN per bapt at St Thomas ANGLICAN.
Oct 21 1854 St. Johns Roger HISCOCK widower*, St Johns Elizabeth CADWELL spin, St Johns S.J. Boone, James Allen - He was previously married to Emma/Amy Handless. Roger & Elizabeth (Cadwell) had at least 5 children baptized Anglican.
Nov 2 1854 St. Johns John MADDOCK n/g, Royal NF Co., St Johns Anne HIBBS widow, St Johns William Rawson, Jane Rawson - -
Nov 9 1854 St. Johns John DOWNER bach, Fogo Susannah RENDALL spin, Fogo Frederick Praise?, James Rendall. - -
Nov 21 1854 St. Johns William DOWN bach, St Johns Marianne DOWDEN spin, St Johns William Nelder, William Coleridge - -
Dec 5 1854 St. Johns William WAINWRIGHT bach, St Johns Amelia HANTING?/HANTNEY? spin, St Johns Richard Thacker?, Elizabeth Tribble - At least 2 children baptized Anglican.
Dec 7 1854 St. Johns Pierce? MANSFIELD bach, St Johns Ellen MURPHY widow, St Johns John R. Hughes, Mary Ann Myles/Myler? - -
Dec 20 1854 St. Johns John EALES JR bach, St Johns Mary HALLIDAY spin, St Johns John Eales Sr., Jas. Gibbson, Wm. Hy. Eales, Elizabeth Scott {nee Eales} - John Eales Jr must be son of John EALES Sr & Mary ASHTON.
Dec 21 1854 St. Johns Peter PAYNE bach, Ferryland Elizabeth CARTER spin, St Johns James L? Williams, William Wills, John Radford, T.R. Ewing - At least 1 child bapt Anglican.
Dec 21 1854 St. Johns John METTAM? bach, Royal NF Co, St Johns Margaret FITZPATRICK spin, St Johns Robert Johnston, Mary Brown - -
Jan 17 1855 St. Johns James TUCKER?/TASKER? bach, Sheldon, Devon, Eng. Mary Ann WINTON spin, St Johns R. Brown, R.B. Winton, Lydia Winton, Maria Hoyle - -
Feb 28 1855 St. Johns Thomas GORMAN bach, Royal NF Co, St Johns Virtue BUTT spin, St Johns William Wren, Charles Copeslake? - -
Mar 20 1855 St. Johns William WREN bach, Royal NF Co, St Johns Priscilla PYNN spin, St Johns George Grace, S. Wilcox - At least 2 children baptized Anglican.
July 3 1855 St. Johns John Dreweatt? HOOD bach, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Mary Ann COLTON spin, St Johns Edward Colton, A. Horwood - -
Aug 2 1855 St. Johns Capt. William TAYLOR bach, Master of ??ZENGAIN*, St Johns Jane MORTIMER spin, St Johns Frederick R. Page, Jeffrey Lash, Emma Mortimer, Thomas Taverner - *name of vessel VERY hard to read.
Aug 3 1855 St. Johns Samuel REED bach, Royal NF Co, St Johns Elizabeth GREEN spin, St Johns P. Downey, Elizabeth Donelly - At least 1 child bapt Anglican.
Aug 27 1855 St. Johns James KING bach, St Johns Amelia SPARKS spin, St Johns John Garland, Stephen Sanford. - -
Sep 29 1855 St. Johns Jean* Mous/Mons? ARNAUD bach, St Johns Mary Ann SHEA spin, St Johns Michael Walsh, Caroline Stantaford?/Stentaford - *Groom's first name ''Jean'' had an accent over the 'e'.
Oct 12 1855 St. Johns John WILKINSON bach, Royal NF Co, St Johns Julia MAS? spin, St Johns William Kingston, Mary Hewitt - -
Oct 12 1855 St. Johns John RINGWOOD bach, St Johns Melvina PYE spin, Carbonear Margaret Madden??, Caroline Stantaford/Stentaford? - -
Oct 23 1855 St. Johns James DOOLING bach, St Johns Mary Ann MONKS spin, St Johns William Mosdell, Darius Mosdell - -
Nov 7 1855 St. Johns John OLDHAM bach, St Johns Mary Ann ROGERS spin, St Johns George Marshfield, Rosanna* Marshfield - *from personal research, Rosanna Marshfield was NEE ROGERS of Fair Island, Bonavista Bay; with the bride's surname also being ROGERS, this might suggest the bride was also originally from Fair Island BB, although there is no extant baptism of a sister Mary Ann to Rosanna who was the daughter of Richard & Jane Rogers. NOTE ALSO: at least 2 children baptized ANGLICAN at St Johns.
Dec 11 1855 St. Johns Capt. Andrew MEAINS? bach, captain of ?CUTLASS*, St Johns Ann EALES spin, St Johns John Eales, Elizabeth A. Scott {nee Eales}, David Slade?, Sarah Jane Eales - *name of vessel difficult to read.
Jan 14 1856 St. Johns William DYER bach, St Johns Elizabeth ANNING widow, St Johns Richard Woolridge, Caroline Stentaford - -
Feb 13 1856 St. Johns William DODD bach, London, England Margaret Elizabeth PHILLIPS spin, St Johns James Thomas Phillips, F.H. Holden - At least 2 or more children baptized Anglican.
May 6 1856 St. Johns John Phillips HEATH? bach, Exeter?, England Sarah CHANCEY spin, St Johns L.T. Chancey (Lionel Thomas), Harriet N. Knight - -
May 7 1856 St. Johns John STANSBURY bach, St Johns Caroline BARNES spin, St Johns Amelia Wainwright, John Burridge - At least 2 children baptized Anglican.
May 28 1856 St. Johns William BRIGHT bach, Royal NF Co, St Johns Rebecca VOKEY spin, St Johns Matthew Coghlan, Rachel Quirk. - Several children baptized Anglican.
May 28 1856 St. Johns Rev. Alexander ROSS bach, clergyman, Harbour Grace Maria Susanna ROSS spin, Harbour Grace A.P? Ross, Smith McKay - -
June 15 1856 St. Johns Caleb MARSHALL bach, St Johns Maria GAULTON spin, St Johns Alfred Pennock, John Gaulton - Caleb Marshall was b 15 May 1834 St Johns & died Feb 19 1900 Flat Island, Bonavista Bay, the son of David MARSHALL & Mary ROBINSON. He was a church carpenter/builder along with his father David. He and Maria had at least 7 children, some born at St Johns and others presumed born at Bonavista Bay.
June 20 1856 St. Johns Daniel ROGERS bach, New York Ann MUNDY spin, St Johns Mary Clark, John Beckford - -
June 30 1856 St. Johns Charles STONEMAN widower, St Johns Catherine COX spin, St Johns Mark Pelley, George Stoneman - At least 3 children baptized Anglican.
Sept 1 1856 St. Johns Edward WHITE bach, St Johns Catherine YARD widow*, Witless Bay Roger Hiscock, Peter Noftall - *her marital status overwritten w/s (widow/spinster). They had several children baptized Anglican.
Sept 10 1856 St. Johns John CADWELL bach, St Johns Elizabeth RILEY spin, St Johns James Cooper, Roger Hiscock - At least 9 children baptized Anglican.
Oct 3 1856 St. Johns Sergt. Peter McBAY bach, Royal NF Co, St Johns Elizabeth FIELD spin, St Johns John Butcher/Batcher?, Margaret Butcher/Batcher? - -
Oct 16 1856 St. Johns Stephen BROOKS bach, St Johns Ellen COLLINS spin, Trinity D.M. Cull, Mary Ann Collins - At least 9 children baptized Anglican.
Oct 20 1856 St. Johns George BILLETT? bach, butcher, Brigus Jane ROBERTS spin, Brigus Charles Roberts, William Roberts - -
Oct 27 1856 St. Johns Joseph HARBRAY/HARDRAY? bach, St Johns Mary CAHILL spin, St Johns John Tibbo, Richard Shear - -
Nov 20 1856 St. Johns Benjamin COWAN bach, St Johns Lucy Mary MEEHAN spin, St Johns W. Meehan, Janet Cowan - -
Dec 3 1856 St. Johns Zachariah BATSTONE bach, Quidi Vidi Mary BRACE spin, Quidi Vidi Thomas Brace, Richard Horner? - -
Dec 6 1856 St. Johns James TARRANT bach, St Johns Sarah DAGFORD spin, St Johns George Cribb, Jardian? King - At least 1 child baptized Anglican.
Jan 4 1857 St. Johns William Charles AVALINE widower, St Johns Sophia McCARTHY spin, St Johns John Nowlan, Bridget Walsh - -
Jan 6 1857 St. Johns Edward WRIGHT bach, St Johns Louisa STONEMAN spin, St Johns John Bemister, Alice Hudson - At least 2 children baptized Anglican.
Jan 6 1857 St. Johns Robert COLEMAN bach, Royal NF Co, St Johns Diana SKINNER spin, St Johns Patrick Merwick, Martha Morgan - -
Jan 7 1857 St. Johns Patrick MERWICK bach, Royal NF Co, St Johns Mary Ann CUMMINS spin, St Johns R. Coleman, Diana Coleman {nee Skinner, just md} - -
Feb 4 1857 St. Johns William WHITE bach, Royal NF Co, St Johns Bridget PEARSON spin, St Johns Joseph ''Tilton or Tilson'', Mary Meehan - -
Feb 5 1857 St. Johns James COCKERN bach, St Johns Katherine JOY spin, St Johns William Lambell, Michael McCaul. - -
Nov 1 1857 St. Johns John BUTLER bach, St Johns Matilda KNIGHT spin, St Johns Mary Knight, Hannah Butler Whitten - -
Nov 14 1857 St. Johns Thomas WAYMOUTH bach, St Johns Margaret ANNABURY? (?HENNEBURY) spin, St Johns George Anderson, Sarah Jane Harvey - -
Nov 28 1857 St. Johns James Thomas PHILLIPS bach, St Johns Mary Ann THORNE spin, St Johns William Dodd, John Phillips - At least 2 children baptized Anglican; mother went by ANN.
Feb 2 1858 St. Johns George Henry CASSIDY bach, Bristol, Eng. Mary Ann BROWN widow, St Johns Joseph Conway, Elizabeth Welsh/Walsh? - -
Feb 6 1858 St. Johns Peter German TESSIER widower, St Johns Ann Catherine Weston CARTER spin, St Johns Lewis Tessier, Sarah Tessier, John Tessier, James C. Tessier - NOTE: Peter Germon Tessier was b 1819 Newton Abbott, Devon and died 1886. He first married 1849 to Jane Caroline CARTER: she and Ann Catherine Weston Carter were sisters, daughters of Robert Carter & Anne W Hutchings of Ferryland.
Aug 3 1858 St. Johns Samuel HULAHAN (?HOULIHAN) bach, Catalina Mary Anne HITCHCOCK spin, St Johns Julian King, John Hitchcock - IF same couple, at least one child baptized Anglican under the surname HALLERAN.
Sep 18 1858 St. Johns William BUDDEN bach, St Johns Isabel Cecilia SAUNDERS spin, St Johns George John Brine, Lemuel March, Geo/Gus? A. Winter - -
Oct 2 1858 St. Johns John W. ALSHON? bach, Liverpool, Eng. Catherine BIDDISCOMBE/BIDDIECOMBE? spin, St Johns William D.R. McCoubrey, Emeline Martin - Names are John Wadsworth ALSTON Catherine BIDDISCOMBE. Wedding notice in the Gazette 9 Oct 1858 is here:
Oct 6 1858 St. Johns Daniel KENNEY bach, St Johns Mary WELSH spin, St Johns John B. Bulley, Stephen Jeans - -
Oct 24 1858 St. Johns Isaac COLLINS widower, Burin Mary Hannah PAYNE widow, St Johns Henry Winter, George Dicks, Frederick R. Page - Corrected from May 24 1858. As per information from archivist Charles Young at PANL, using original records
Nov 1 1858 St. Johns Henry THOMAS bach, St Johns Emelina Sarah MURRID/MARRID? widow, St Johns Edward Thomas, Magdalen Bown - -
Dec 16 1858 St. Johns James Lauders MUIR bach, Newcastle on Tyne Emelina Frances MARTIN spin, St Johns James Simms, Diana Scaplan - -
Feb 17 1859 St. Johns Archibald McFARLANE widower, St Johns Jane HAYES widow, St Johns John Shambers, Mary Shambers - -
May 26 1859 St. Johns Charles COOK bach, St Johns Sarah TURNER spin, St Johns John Laird, Alfred Diamond, Thomas Cook - Believed to be the Charles & Sarah COOK who had daughter Mary Jane COOK born 17 May 1860 St Johns, baptized Methodist Sep 15 1860 LOWER ISLAND COVE (the Turners were an old Lower Island Cove family).
June 10 1859 St. Johns Matthew COGLAN widower, St Johns Emma ''BARTER or BARBER'' spin, St Johns William Kent, Ann Abbot. - -
Nov 16 1859 St. Johns Heber BUDDEN bach, St Johns Louisa Harriet SAUNDERS spin, St Johns William Budden, John M. Brine, James Q. Scaplan, John ?Wintal - -
Apr 15 1860 St. Johns Andrew BARNES bach, St Johns Hannah WHITTEN spin, St Johns Sarah Ann Whitten, H. Lamzed - -
Apr 21 1860 St. Johns William SUMMERS bach, Portugal Cove Mary CLIFFORD spin, Teighnmouth, Eng. James Daley. T. Oke - At least 1 child baptized Anglican.
Aug 8 1860 St. Johns William Thomas SALTER bach, St Johns Elizabeth Brown CHANCEY spin, St Johns Joseph Woods, George Witten, Mary A. Chancey, Lydia Winton - -
Sep 21 1860 St. Johns Benjamin BENSON widower, Grates Cove, Trinity Bay Elizabeth MURPHY widow, Grates Cove, Trinity Bay Nehemiah Froud, Mary Payne - -
Oct 1 1860 St. Johns Edward THOMAS bach, St Johns Sarah Jane HARVEY spin, St Johns Thomas Waymouth, John Southcott - -
Oct 4 1860 St. Johns James GARRETT bach, St Johns Amelia BOWDEN spin, St Johns Henry Collis, Elizabeth Adlen (?Adlem) - -
Nov 6 1860 St. Johns William JAMES bach, St Johns Tryphena HISCOCK spin, St Johns Henry Hiscock, Richard Hiscock - -
Nov 13 1860 St. Johns John MEASEY? bach, St Johns Mary PENNY spin, St Johns Philip Lacey, James Campbell - -
Nov 24 1860 St. Johns George REVER? (?LEVER*) widower, Liverpool, Eng. Emma IVINEY (?IVIMEY) spin, Bonaventure, Trinity Bay Thomas Selby, Grace Stirling - At least 1 child baptized Anglican: in that record, father's surname spelt LEVER.
Dec 7 1860 St. Johns Hugh SWATRIDGE bach, St Johns Elizabeth MILLS spin, St Johns Henry Fitzpatrick, Amelia Wainwright - Several children baptized Anglican.
Feb 22 1861 St. Johns Edward BLACKLER bach, Bay Roberts CB Charlotte FORD spin, St Johns William Coaker, Elizabeth Ford - Several children baptized Anglican.
May 14 1861 St. Johns Joseph BUTLER bach, Port de Grave Mary Anne DANSEY? spin, St Johns George T? Freeman, Elias Piccot? - -
June 24 1861 St. Johns John MENCHENTON bach, St Johns Mary Ann TUCKER/TASKER? widow, *St Johns R.D.Cockeran?, Lydia Winton, Emma M. Chancey - Bride believed to be nee Mary Ann WINTON, who married 1855 to James Tucker/Tasker? in these records: note that Lydia WINTON was a witness on both occasions.
July 27 1861 St. Johns Thomas Henry MATIN?/MARTIN? bach, St Johns Annie MERCHANT spin, St Johns Richard Rowall?, Mary Jane Rowall? - -
Aug 13 1861 St. Johns George WITTEN (WHITTEN) bach, St Johns Mary Ann F. CHANCEY spin, St Johns Peter Witten (Whitten), William Thomas Salter - -
Oct 5 1861 St. Johns George DODD bach, St Johns Lavinia IVIMEY spin, St Johns Archibald Noftal, Samuel Snow - -
Nov 9 1861 St. Johns Thomas BADCOCK? widower, St Johns Frances WESCOTT (WESTCOTT) spin, St Johns Roger Hiscock, Alice Elizabeth James - At least 3 children baptized Anglican.
Nov 11 1861 St. Johns Henry POPE bach, St Johns Frederica CARRINGTON spin, St Johns John McKraig?, Patience Carrington - At least 1 child baptized Anglican.
Dec 19 1861 St. Johns Samuel SEARLE bach, Long Pond CB Patience GRINSLATE (GREENSLADE) spin, Long Pond CB John Tapper, Edward Grinslett (Greenslade) - Samuel SEARLE was bc 1835 & died 1911 Long Pond; Patience Greenslade Searle was bc June 1836 Long Pond & died June 7 1927 age 92 years.
Feb 25 1862 St. Johns David SMALLWOOD bach, Prince Edward Island Julia COOPER spin, St Johns Joseph Cooper, Anastatia Murphy - David Smallwood was b 1839 Southport PEI and died 1928. He came to NF in 1861 seeking employment as a carpenter or building contractor and was employed in the building of St Patricks Church. He and Julia COOPER were the grandparents of Joseph R (Joey) Smallwood, Premier of NF. David Smallwood was also a businessman, sawmill operator and eventually operated a shoe & boot manufacturing business at St Johns.
Mar 3 1862 St. Johns Alexis LeBAL bach, Montreal, Canada Bridget POWER spin, St Johns Richard Power, Minnie McKay - -
Sep 28 1862 St. Johns Martin PHELAN bach, Trinity Eleanor WHITE spin, Trinity John Currie, Joseph Verge - -
Oct 5 1862 St. Johns George WILLIAMS bach, St Johns Anne Elizabeth McDONALD spin, St Johns Josiah Mitchell, Emma ''Arlane? or Adams'' - 14 children baptized Anglican.
Nov 30 1862 St. Johns John COLTON bach, St Johns Rosanna FISHER widow, St Johns John Bond, Lavinia Stephens - -
Dec 2 1862 St. Johns Daniel FLYNN widower, St Johns Patience LUCAS? n/g, St Johns Thomas Charles, Mary Walsh - -
Jan 20 1863 St. Johns Thomas RafflesJOB bach, St Johns Agnes Beater BROWN spin, St Johns H.H. Mare?, D.W. Prowse, H.P.Staff, Fanny Brown, Henry Shea, Frederick J.H. Folk, ''& others''. - Groom is son of son of Thomas Bulley JOB and Jessie CARSON
Jan 26 1863 St. Johns William CROSSMAN bach, St Johns Eliza OKE spin, St Johns Mary Birmingham, R? H. Freeman. - At least 5 children baptized Anglican. William Seaward Crossman was b Oct 11 1842 St Johns, the son of Aaron CROSSMAN & Amelia Angel WESTCOTT.
Feb 24 1863 St. Johns Henry HISCOCK bach, Trinity Elizabeth Ann WARREN spin, Petty Harbour St Johns Dist. James Gillost?, Elizabeth Hennebury - -
June 11 1863 St. Johns Charles MUGFORD bach, Port de Grave CB Elizabeth Sarah ''BUTTON or BATTEN'' spin, Bareneed William H. Cole, Mary Jane Cole - At least 3 children baptized Anglican.
June 18 1863 St. Johns Abraham MARTIN bach, St Johns Sarah ELLIOTT spin, St Johns Nathaniel Parsons, Elizabeth Martin - At least 6 children baptized Anglican.
June 22 1863 St. Johns Aubrey John CROCKER bach, St Johns Dinah MAIDMENT spin, St Johns James Wiseman, Martha Maidment - At least 1 child baptized Anglican.
June 24 1863 St. Johns Laurence MALLON? bach, Canadian Rifles Co., St. Johns Elizabeth MULLALEY spin, St Johns Thomas Farmer?, Mary Farmer? - -
Oct 28 1863 St. Johns John H. WHISTON? bach, Boston, Mass., USA Theresa STIRLING widow, St Johns John Campbell, Catherine Day - -
Nov 3 1863 St. Johns Charles GOULD bach, Bonavista Bay Mary GREENING spin, Bonavista Bay Robert Pranie??, Robert Gould - -
Nov 25 1863 St. Johns Nathaniel MARTIN widower, St Johns Susannah TRAPNELL spin, St Johns John Pike, Louisa Pike - At least 1 child baptized Anglican.
Dec 9 1863 St. Johns William H. PICKARD bach, St Johns Martha ROWE spin, St Johns William E. Hatchett, Elizabeth Rowe - -
Mar 9 1864 St. Johns William CARTER bach, St Johns Emma BEMISTER spin, St Johns Benjamin Milley, James Greene - At least 1 child baptized Anglican.
May 31 1863* St. Johns William EALES widower, Newton Abbot, Devonshire, Eng. Eliza HAMLIN widow, St Johns James H. Martin, Mary H. Martin - *year of marriage out of order.
Mar 28 1864 St. Johns George Frederick A. WILLIAMS bach, Royal Artillery, St Johns Elizabeth Ann SHEPPARD spin, St Johns George Langford, Jane Gest - At least 2 children baptized Anglican.
Apr 20 1864 St. Johns Henry FRENCH bach, St Johns Mary Jane HARVEY spin, St Johns William Taylor, Rebecca Moores - At least 5 children baptized Anglican.
May 3 1864 St. Johns Peter McCONNELL widower, Royal Canadian Rifles, St Johns Catherine MURPHY spin, St Johns William Hewardine, Rose Hewardine - -
May 20 1864 St. Johns Edward MENCHINTON? bach, St Johns Johanna KELLEY spin, Wexford, Ireland John Power, Alice Quirk - -
May 30 1864 St. Johns John ROBERTS bach, St Johns Sarah TAYLOR spin, St Johns M.F. Crocker, John Wiseman - -
Sep 30 1864 St. Johns William Thomas PERCY bach, Brigus CB Lavinia NORMAN spin, Brigus CB Emma? Percey, Anna M. Ward - -
Nov 4 1864 St. Johns John DOWNER bach, St Johns Cassandra BUTLER spin, Greenspond BB Jeremiah Downer, Thomas Humphries - -
Jan 3 1865 St. Johns Charles GARLAND* bach, Harbour Grace Elizabeth HAWKINS spin, Twillingate Charles ''Caul or Cane'', John T. Gillard - *his full name: Charles Davis Garland; at least 8 children baptized Anglican.
Mar 8 1865 St. Johns Frederick Rowdan? PAGE widower, St Johns Emma Maria CHANCEY spin, St Johns Henry Winton, Lydia Winton, George W. Chancey, John Rorke - -
Mar 14 1865 St. Johns Caleb PHILLIPS bach, St Johns Rebecca BARTLETT spin, St Johns William Lacey, William ?, Susan? Phillips - -
Oct 30 1865 St. Johns John HANCOCK widower, Kings Cove BB Mary LEWIS spin, St Johns Alex'r Shaw, Louisa Coburn - -
Nov 2 1865 St. Johns Benjamin Martin FORDHAM bach, St Johns Catherine Frances DALEY spin, St Johns G. Langmead, Ann Langmead, James C. Tessier - -
Dec 19 1865 St. Johns James Carter TESSIER bach, St Johns Annie Jackman Langmead spin, St Johns George Langmead, Ellen Langton, William Pridieaux?, Richard Shortall - At least 1 child baptized Anglican.
Dec 31 1865 St. Johns Peter G. HOLDEN, bach, St Johns bach, St Johns Saral SALTY? spin, St Johns Mary Ann Pride, Andrew Holden - At least 4 children baptized Anglican.
May 22 1866 St. Johns Garrett PENDERGRAST (aka PENDERGAST) bach, St Johns Elizabeth Jane MARTIN spin, St Johns Jeremiah Williams Margaret Carroll MARGIN NOTE: ''This marriage was omitted from Register and a Declaration was made on ___? by Mr? Rev Thos. Hacl?, Congregational minister, at this date, 26 June? 1869. Signed M. Butterly/Butterby?, Notary Public.'' PLEASE NOTE: this marriage is entered in this Register on OCTOBER 8 1869, with different witnesses: see later. ALSO: at least 2 children baptized Anglican.
July 25 1866 St. Johns James HOWE 39, widower, merchant, St Johns Emma Maria SCAPLAN 36, spin, St Johns Sarah Scaplan, Jane Huie, Jas. R. Howe - -
Aug 28 1866 St. Johns William CADWELL 26, bach, seaman, St Johns Mary Anne SQUIRES 21, spin, Broad Cove CB Joseph Noftal, George White - -
Dec 24 1866 St. Johns William E. HATCHETT 24, bach, medical student, Charlottetown PEI Jemima Frances EBSARY 22, spin, St Johns John H. Ebsary, Elizabeth Ann Ebsary - At least 1 child baptized Anglican
Mar 5 1867 St. Johns Alexander CRUICKSHANK 34, bach, salesman, Huntley, Aberdeen Mary Anne MENCHINTON 36, spin, St Johns A. Bray, Lydia Winton - -
Mar 26 1867 St. Johns John PIPPY 28, bach, mariner, St Johns Louisa SMITH? 27, spin, St Johns Henry G. Collis, Eliza Diamond - At least 1 child baptized Anglican.
Apr 30 1867 St. Johns George Findlay CHRISTIAN 25, bach, trader, Grand Bank Mary Anne B. CHANCEY 26, spin, St Johns William F. Rennie, Isabel Chancey, L.T. Chancey - NOTE: name corrected by Tom Hynes, Ottawa ON (June 2 2003), from Christian George FINDLAY as it appeared in records. G F Christian was b 1842 and d 1886, the son of William CHRISTIAN of Old Perlican (who had moved from Trinity).
May 26 1869 St. Johns William SHAW 27, bach, farmer fisherman, St Johns Amelia PARSONS 20, spin, St Johns James? Noseworthy, Eunice Shaw, Emma J. Williams - Several children baptized Anglican.
June 3 1869 St. Johns Adam McCOUBREY 22, bach, tinsmith, St Johns Mary Anne MADDOCK 21, spin, St Johns William R. Cook, Mary Ann LeDrew - At least 7 children baptized Anglican.
June 17 1869 St. Johns Thomas MARSHALL 27, bach, occ illegible, Lanshgrow?, Lanark Jessie SHAW 27, spin, St Johns C. Lander, E. Browning - -
Oct 8 1869 St. Johns Garrett PENDERGRAST (aka PENDERGAST) 29, bach, White Hills Elizabeth Jane MARTIN 30, spin, White Hills John B. Bulley, Martha Hall, S. Easterbrook - This marriage was previously entered under the date of May 1866: see earlier.
Nov 12 1869 St. Johns Silas G. KNIGHT 21, bach, clerk Bonavista Marsella McGRAW 20, spin, St Johns Nathan Knight, Anabella Farrell - -
Mar 18 1870 St. Johns J.* SIMPSON 33, bach, soldier, St Johns Anne SEARLE 22, spin, St Johns Edward Kinsor, Catherine Squire - From subsequent entries, his first name was JOHN. At least 2 children baptized Anglican
Apr 2 1870 St. Johns Samuel TURNER 28, bach, soldier, St Johns Maria WILLIAMS 24, spin, St Johns Isaac Nuel?/Noel?, Selina Churchill - -
Apr 12 1870 St. Johns Edward KINSOR 42, bach, St Johns Virtue BUTT 37, widow, St Johns John Simpson, Anne Simpson - -
June 30 1870 St. Johns William Perlay? HIGGINS 23, bach, currier, St Johns Tryphena KING 25, spin, dressmaker, St Johns William N. Woodley, Rachel Hudson - -
July 6 1870 St. Johns Patrick SHAUGHNESSEY 40, bach, soldier, St Johns Elizabeth LEWIS 24, spin, St Johns James C. Scott, Alice Elizabeth Janes - -
Sep 22 1870 St. Johns Allan C. KNIGHT 25, bach, carpenter, St Johns Jessie Elizabeth FACEY? 21, spin, St Johns Edward Jackman, Belena? Coyell Byrne - -
Dec 8 1870 St. Johns Francis BRIDDEN 28, bach, seaman Anne MARSHALL 28, spin, St Johns John J. Rowe, Elizabeth Lewis - ORIGINAL PARISH RECORDS name him as the son of John & Elizabeth Bridden, and her as the dau of the David & Mary Marshall. Her mother was nee Mary ROBINSON.
Jan 2 1871 St. Johns John Milne MITCHELL 39, widower, master mariner, St Johns Jane HAMLIN 40, widow, St Johns Franklin Hamlin, Susannah Tapper - -
Jan 16 1871 St. Johns Duncan Anderson McLAREN 32, bach, draper, St Johns Sophia PAYNE 26, spin, St Johns Francis Ryan, Mary Jane Cole - -
Mar 29 1871 St. Johns Ishmael WILTSHIRE 24, bach, joiner, St Johns Elizabeth SEARLE 23, spin, St Johns Robert Miller, Sarah Snow - Ishmael WILTSHIRE was b May 24 1846 Lower Island Cove CB, the son of William WILTSHIRE & Elizabeth BURSEY; orig parish records from Cong. Ch name him as son of William & Elizabeth; Elizabeth SEARLE was named in orig parish records as the dau of Capt Richard & Susanna Searle: she was bc 1847 & died Jan 24 1884 St Johns age 37 yrs (date from Herb Goudie). Ishmael Wiltshire remarried Nov 29 1884 St Thomas ANG Church to Jane Goudie of Lower Island Cove.
Apr 1 1871 St. Johns John COX 29, bach, seaman, St Johns Elizabeth SNOW 30, spin, St Johns Jonathan Noseworthy, Margaret J Quirk - -
Apr 10 1871 St. Johns James THOMPSON 29, bach, moulder, St Johns Jane DOWNIE 21, spin, St Johns Alexander? Thompson, Margaret A. Lash - -
Aug 28 1871 St. Johns Henry WELLS 29, bach, fish, Three Arms NDB Charlotte Caroline LANGDOWN 24, spin, Jacksons Cove (NDB) Julia Wells, Mary L. Knight - Per the Wells family Bible, this couple were prev married Nov 22 1865, perhaps a layman marriage. Henry Wallace WELLS was b 22 Oct 1841 (family register), the son of John Burge WELLS & Elizabeth STRONG and died Mar 20 1917 Pilleys Island. Charlotte C Langdown was b June 6 1848 Nippers Hr & died July 11 1913 (church records) or 23 July 1912 (headstone, Pilleys Island), the dau of Charles LANGDOWN & Martha KNIGHT & g-dau of Richard LANGDOWN & Rebecca ADAMS.
Aug 29 1871 At house of bride William ENGLAND 50, bach, St Johns Emma WISEMAN 40, spin, Herring Neck NDB John England, Martha Hall, Mary L. Knight - This couple resided at Kings Cove, NOTRE DAME BAY, and were cohabiting and having children from at least 1862.
Aug 29 1871 At house of bride William ANSTIS (ANSTEY) 39, bach, St Johns Mary ENGLAND 22, spin, Kings Cove (NDB) John England, Mary L. Knight - William Anstey is believed to have been born June 2 1831 Bryants Cove (Hr Grace), the son of William & Eleanor; despite being named as bach at this marriage, he is also believed to have been first married 1858 Kings Cove NDB to Elizabeth King.
Aug 30 1871 St. Johns Jesse KNIGHT 32, bach, Shoe Cove NDB Sarah BARTLETT 25, spin, Halls Bay (NDB) Mary L. Knight, Martha Hall - Jesse KNIGHT was b Aug 18 1839 ?Jacksons Cove, the son of John Robert(s) Knight & Mary Ann Vincent. Sarah Bartlett was bapt Sep 6 1846 Three Arms Islands age 9 months, the dau of Robert & Jane.
Aug 30 1871 St. Johns Temple KNIGHT 24, bach, Halls Bay Elizabeth Ann ROUSALL (ROWSELL) 20, spin, Wards Hr (NDB) Martha Hall, Mary L. Knight - Temple KNIGHT was b Nov 13 1846 ?Jacksons Cove, the son of John Robert(s) Knight & Mary Ann Vincent. He died July 27 1901 Jacksons Cove. Elizabeth Ann Rowsell was bap June 11 1851 Wards Hr age 8 months & died Dec 25 1907 Jacksons Cove, the dau of Thomas Rowsell & Eliza Cadwell.
Oct 5 1871 St. Johns Charles James BARNES 27, bach, draper, St Johns Lucretia Jane BURRIDGE 25, spin, St Johns William J? Barnes, M.E? Burridge - -
Nov 13 1871 St. Johns Henry WITTEN (WHITTEN) 38, widower, shoemaker, Petty Harbour Sarah BARTLETT 25, spin, Trinity Charles Witten (Whitten), Susan Witten (Whitten) - Several children baptized Anglican.
Nov 30 1871 St. Johns Thomas H. NICHOLS? 28, bach, carpenter, St Johns Bridget Fanny JACKMAN 28, spin, St Johns John Chaplin?, H/W? D. Higgins, Ebenezer Butler, Fanny Jackman - -
Dec 19 1871 St. Johns George LEE 30, bach, fish, Petty Hr. Eliza Jane PARK 24, spin, Bay Bulls William Taylor, Salome Easterbrook, John White - -
Apr 4 1872 St. Johns Samuel Curyon? MILIAY/MILIVY?? 22, bach, accountant Mary Stewart MATTHEWS 21, spin, St Johns John E. Roach, Elizabeth Matthew, Elizabeth Winter?, Charles S. Matthew - -
Apr 9 1872 St. Johns F? T? (Thomas John) Hoyles ROW 21, bach, merchant, St Johns Margaret Carson BULLEY 21, spin, St Johns Hill H. Haven?, Emma H. Rennie? - His initials as transcribed were incorrect; full name (Thomas John Hoyles Row) known from baptisms of children: at least 2 children were baptized Anglican.
Apr 25 1872 St. Johns Francis SCOTT 29, bach, manufacturer, St Johns Ann WHITE 33, spin, St Johns Henry McDonald, Louisa McDonald - At least 4 children baptized Anglican.
May 21 1872 St. Johns John Robert COOKE 27, bach, carpenter, St Johns Priscilla HANNABURY (HENNEBURY) 22, spin, Quidi Vidi Henry McDonald, Sarah Hannabury (Hennebury) - Priscilla Anne (Hennebury) Cooke was buried July 28 1872 age 24 yrs: Anglican Cathedral parish records. John R Cooke remarried Aug 25 1873, St Thomas Ang, to Ellen Churchill of Portugal Cove.
June 1 1872 St. Johns Richard YABSLEY 23, bach, cooper, St Johns Rossila? MARCH 19, spin, St Johns Ellen Ring, Samuel Lay - -
June 22 1872 St. Johns David T. SHAW 26, bach, seaman, St Johns Sarah Ann TASKER? 22, spin, St Johns Henry Shaw, Eliza Perkins - -
July 10 1872 St. Johns Peter TAYLOR 37/27?*, bach, mariner, St Johns Mary Anne HOWARD 20, spin, St Johns C. Barrie?, Johannah? Stantaford - *age was overwritten.
Aug 1 1872 St. Johns William LAMB 22, bach, schoolteacher, Clarkes Beach Margaret SLOAN 25, spin, Clarkes Beach Richard C. Lambe, Mary Hannah Martin - -
Aug 7 1872 St. Johns John St. G. AUSTIN 23, agent, St Johns Adelaide Isabel BURTON 21, spin, St Johns Francis L. Scott, Martha Hall - AT least 1 child baptized Anglican.
Aug 14 1872 St. Johns James DOWN 27, bach, ship's steward, R.N., St Johns Elizabeth Ann EBSARY 25, spin, St Johns William E. Hatchett, Jemima Hatchett - -
Aug 14 1872 St. Johns George Ross? NEWMAN 26, bach, Master HM LAPWING, England. Mary EBSARY 20, spin, St Johns H.S. Barlow?, Sophia Coyell - -
Aug 14 1872 St. Johns Peter Augustus LINDSTROM 24, bach, jeweller, St Johns Charlotte KLOOK (sic) 28, spin, St Johns John Lindberg?, G. Harrington? - -
Nov 21 1872 St. Johns John BUTLER 26, bach, seaman, St Johns Naomi GIFFORD 24, spin, St Johns Joseph Ireland?, Sarah Daymond - -
Nov 23 1872 St. Johns William LUSH 24, bach, fish, Greenspond Jane DANIEL 23, spin, Greenspond Edmond Meadus, Susannah Daniel - At least 2 children baptized Anglican.
Nov 29 1872 St. Johns William PIKE 25, bach, cooper, New Harbour TB Elizabeth ARMSTRONG 26, spin, Port de Grave Fanny Mercer?, Elizabeth Mercer? - At least 1 child baptized Anglican.
Dec 11 1872 St. Johns Arthur BARNES 26, bach, sea captain, St Johns Jemima DALE 26, spin, St Johns Samuel Peach, Elizabeth Barnes - -
Dec 20 1872 St. Johns Richard MARTIN 24, bach, farmer, St Johns Catherine LEARY 21, spin, St Johns William Martin, Johanna Crow - At least 6 children baptized Anglican. Corrected from LAY? (?LACY)
Jan 30 1873 St. Johns James C. NELLIS?/MELLIS? 22, bach, clothier, St Johns Isabella CHANCEY 27, spin, St Johns Robert Mellis? (Nellis?), Maria Chancey - -
Feb 17 1873 St. Johns George DODD 33, widower, tailor, St Johns Rhoda SLADE 31, spin, St Johns Joseph Beer, Mary M. Barter - -
May 19 1873 St. Johns Joseph GEARY? 24, bach, fish, Greenspond?* Sarah JOLIFFE 22, spin, Greenspond?* Louise Jolliff, John Moore - *place of residence looked like Freanchpond?
May 27? 1873 St. Johns Louis YOUNG 24, bach, fish, Greenspond Julia IRELAND 22, spin, Greenspond Frederick White, Emily Maria White - -
June 22 1873 St. Johns Charles FOX 59, widower, chemist, St Johns Mary Anne MURPHY 40, widow, St Johns John Berry, Mary Anne Berry - -
Nov 15 1873 St. Johns Jordan CHURCHILL 33, bach, mariner, Portugal Cove Agnes HUDSON 30, widow, Pouch Cove H.T. Truman, Martha Williams - -
Feb 12 1874 St. Johns Robert MARTIN 28, bach, farmer, St Johns Janet EBSARY 25, spin, St Johns John Dowden, Sarah Wheeler - -
Apr 7 1874 St. Johns William MURRIN n/g, n/g, seaman, St Johns Elizabeth MATTHEWS n/g, n/g, St Johns Edward Snow, Elizabeth Murrin - At least 6 children baptized Anglican.
Apr 28 1874 St. Johns Moses BROWN 35, widower, fish, Spaniards Bay Mary Grace TURNER 39, widow, Salmon Cove, Port de Grave Thomas H. Nichols, Anne Nichols - At least 3 children baptized Anglican.
May 14 1874 St. Johns William HUDSON 22, bach, Adams Cove, fish Catherine HUDSON 24, spin, Pouch Cove Solomon Hudson, Dora Sullivan - -
July 14 1874 St. Johns William MURRAY 74, widower, grocer, St Johns Lydia RADFORD 46, spin, St Johns William G. Pickard, Elizabeth Radford - -
Aug 17 1874 St. Johns William James MERCER 22, bach, seaman, St Johns Sarah Jane PROUSE (PROWSE) 20, spin, St Johns Richard Medlay?, Beniah King - -
Oct 3 1874 St. Johns Thomas Haddon GALES 27, widower, baker, St Johns Louisa Jane WILLS 27, spin, St Johns Thomas Charles, Samuel Shaw - Surname given as GALE in baptisms of children.
Oct 5 1874 St. Johns Benjamin EARLE 23, bach, carpenter, St Johns Anne A. SHEPHERD 20, spin, St Johns John Ash, Elizabeth A.O. Williams - -
Oct 20 1874 St. Johns James N. KELLEY (aka KELLY) 22, bach, butcher, St Johns Sarah WHEELER 22, spin, St Johns John Charles Milley, Hannah Wheeler - At least 3 children baptized Anglican.
Nov 17 1874 St. Johns R.C. LAMB 23, bach, jew(e)ller, St Johns M. H/N? MARTIN 21, spin, St Johns Solomon Butler, Nicholas Collins - -
Dec 4 1874 St. Johns Thomas CHRISTIAN 32, bach, seaman, St Johns Elizabeth McGOWAN 33, spin, St Johns Sarah Hiscock, John B______? - Note from Tom Hynes, Ottawa ON: Elizabeth died Dec 19 1907, age 64 yrs, buried Trinity NF. Thomas was b 1842 - d 1919, the son of George Christian of Trinity (brother of William who moved to Old Perlican).
May 1 1875 St. Johns Frederick George WINSOR 21, bach, carpenter, St Johns Mary Ann J?/I? WHELAN 19, spin, St Johns William Hellyer, Sophia Knight - At least 4 children baptized Anglican.
May 13 1875 St. Johns J.P. (James Pearl) MOORE 33, bach, accountant, St Johns Mary Jane HARTARY/HARDING? 20, spin, St Johns Andrew Hiscock, Johanna Harding/Hartary? - At least 3 children baptized Anglican.
July 6 1875 St. Johns William John BURFORD 25, bach, mariner, St Johns Margaret Jane HUGHES? 29, spin, St Johns Henry Pippy, Margaret R. Colton - -
Aug 24 1875 St. Johns John KLADVIK? (KENDRICK) 23, bach, mariner, St Johns Lucretia EBSARY 23, spin, St Johns Henry Marshall, Sam Shaw - At least 3 children baptized Anglican: correct spelling of surname known from baptisms.
Sep 25 1875 St. Johns Solomon HOLLETT 27, bach, fish, St Johns Susannah GUY 22, spin, St Johns Sjsannah Hollett, Manuel? Hollett - -
Oct 18 1875 St. Johns John H. MORTIMER 28, bach, caulker? in R.N., St Johns Emma MURRAY 20, spin, St Johns Timothy Corcoran, Mary A. Murray - -
Nov 18 1875 St. Johns Richard LEWIS 23, bach, mariner, St Johns Eliza PERKINS 23, spin, St Johns John Beer, Jane Tapson - Richard Gardner Lewis b May 5 1851 St Johns - d Jan 11 1924 Colonial St; son of William LEWIS & Elizabeth ROBINSON. He md (2) 1891 Ang Cath to Barbara Butt.
Feb 2 1876 St. Johns William M. BEARNS 39, bach, accountant, St Johns Elizabeth DEALY 21, spin, St Johns Henry Earle, Maria Earle - -
Mar 15 1876 St. Johns Thomas DAVIS 65, widower, master mariner, St Johns Emma H. PAGE 47, widow, St Johns L.T. Chancey, Maria Knight Chancey - -
Apr 11 1876 St. Johns William GREEN? 22, bach, printer, St Johns Adeline S. MULLINGS 20, spin, St Johns H.W. Herder, Elizabeth Plaise? - -
Apr 11 1867* St. Johns William WHITE 25, bach, policeman, Harbour Grace Rebecca EASTMAN 25, spin, Trinity William Eastman, Charlotte Ainsworth - At least 1 child baptized Anglican. Year of marriage given as 1867, but likely should be 1876.
Apr 22 1876 St. Johns John COLLINS 26, bach, planter, Old Perlican Amelia F. MEWS 36, spin, New Perlican John J. Gray, Annie Collins - NOTE from Tom Hynes, Ottawa ON June 2 2003: The HARBOUR GRACE STANDARD of June 18 1887 (Sat): Married at St Johns, on the 15th inst, by Rev. George Boyd, at the residence of the bride's father, Archibald Humphrey, youngest son of William CHRISTIAN Esq. of Old Perlican, to Amelia F., eldest daughter of James L. MEWS, of Saint Johns. HOWEVER, at that 1887 marriage (George Street METH records), Amelia F. MEWS was described as being a spinster, and married under the MEWS surname, suggesting there were 2 different woman both named Amelia F. Mews.
June 9 1876 St. Johns Richard SPRACKLIN 26, bach, policeman, Cupids Jessie Louise BURT 21, spin, Old Perlican John Marshall, Louisa Marshall - -
Aug 27 1876 St. Johns William Dawe MORGAN 40, bach, fish, Cupids CB Susannah MAPIN? 49, widow, Burnt Head CB Jane Butler, Agnes Butler - -
Sep 9 1876 St. Johns Henry PIPPY 26, spin, shipwright, St Johns Fanny TAPSON 19, spin, St Johns Joseph Beer, Mrs. Tapson, Julia M. Crocker? - -
Sep 27 1876 St. Johns George B. FOLKINS? 24, bach, shoemaker, St Johns Elizabeth PHILLIPS 23, spin, St Johns Samuel Down, Johanna Kelley - -
Oct 5 1876 St. Johns Ebenezer R. KNIGHT 22, bach, farmer, St Johns Honora KNIGHT 21, spin, St Johns Mary Ann Wiseman, Jane Butler - -
Oct 20 1876 St. Johns James COOK 26, bach, seaman, St Johns Elizabeth CRANIFORD 22, spin, St Johns Richard Cook, Sarah Penney - At least 2 children baptized Anglican.
Oct 25 1876 St. Johns Gilbert Moore PYNN 26, bach, cabinet maker, Harbour Grace Susannah Maria WHITTEN 22, spin, St Johns Elias J. Tasker?, Eliza Caroline Tasker? - Corrected from Susanna M. Pynn (information from Randy Whitten)
Nov 2 1876 St. Johns James CLIFFORD 23, bach, shoemaker, Trinity Harbour Anne MILLS 26, spin, Old Perlican George Chislett, Maria Boarder? - -
Nov 13 1876 St. Johns Jasper PARSONS 26, bach, fish, Ochre Pit Cove Clara WHEELER 22, spin, Lower Island Cove William Garland, MaryJoseph Whitte(n)? - Original parish records note him as son of John & Leviana, and her as the dau of Edward & Isabella. From own research, her mother was nee Isabella SNELGROVE.
Nov 13 1876 St. Johns William MOORES 25, bach, Northern Bay Elizabeth GILLINGHAM 23, spin, Ochre Pit Cove William Garland, Mary A. Garland - -
Jan 28 1877 St. Johns William PRIDEAUX 28, bach, watchmaker?, St Johns Bella POWER 19, spin, St Johns Peter J. Power, Elizabeth Waymouth - -
Apr 27 1877 St. Johns John PIKE 25, bach, seaman, New Harbour Mary Anne CLOW 24, spin, Bonavista William Pike, Matilda Good - At least 1 child baptized Anglican.
May 19 1877 St. Johns William WEIR 22, bach, cabinet maker, St Johns Eliza C. DAW (DAWE) 23, spin, St Johns William King, Louisa King - At least 5 children baptized Anglican.
May 21 1877 St. Johns George CHISLETT 27, bach, shipwright, St Johns Maria BUTCHER 28, spin, St Johns Richard Murray?, D. Margarett Dunn - At least 4 children baptized Anglican.
May 24 1877 St. Johns David Beydan?? LONGWILL 31, bach, draper, St Johns Mary Lewis KNIGHT 25, spin, St Johns P.D. Knight, Fanny Knight - -
June 8 1877 St. Johns Nicholas TAYLOR 38, bach, master mariner, Carbonear Jane MARCH/MARSH? 35, widow, New Perlican Agnes Butler, Jane Butler - -
June 14 1877 St. Johns Albert STRONG 22, bach, fish, Greens Hr TB Fanny SCOTT* 28, widow, St Johns Thomas Crickard?, Amelia Normore - *Candidate is Fanny JANES who md Nov 1870 St Thomas Ang to Richard SCOTT. Albert STRONG remarried Oct 1883 St Marys ANG, 29, widower, to Elizabeth Ann BURSEY of Lower Island Cove.
June 16 1877 St. Johns William N. PRENIC? 28, bach, mariner, Provincetown, Mass (USA) Amelia KING 16, spin, St Johns James A. Knowlton, Frederick W. ''Kelley or Pelley'' - -
July 22 1877 St. Johns William ASH 22, bach, cooper, Harbour Grace Mary Ann RAMSEY 22, spin, Broad Cove James Berry, Mary Anne Fearfall? - -
Aug 5 1877 St. Johns Cyprian McCOUBREY 21, bach, draper, New Calisle, PQ, Canada Keziah E. DANIELS 20, spin, Greenspond John Jas. Gordon, Ca. Jones/Janes? - At least 4 children baptized Anglican.
Oct 10 1877 St. Johns George PECKHAM 29, bach, fish, St Johns Mary A. NORMORE 23, spin, St Johns Alexander Boost?, E. Boost? MARGIN NOTE: ''Very indistinct.'' At least 6 children baptized Anglican.
Nov 1 1877 St. Johns George HOPKINS 46, widower, carpenter, St Johns Sarah MURRAY 40, widow, St Johns William Standing, Martha Hall - -
Jan 10 1878 St. Johns William F. FIELD 33, bach, farmer, St Johns Eliza Jane WADLAND 20, spin, St Johns William A. Phillips, Margaret Phillips - -
Feb 20 1878 St. Johns Charles ANDREWS 20, bach, constable, Kelligrews Charlotte AINSWORTH 17, spin, Trinity William Easment? (?Eastman), Susannah Tuff - Charles Andrews was b Dec 22 1857 Upper Gullies and died at Toronto ON, the son of Henry William ANDREWS & Ann COATES. Besides children baptized in the Congregational Ch, they had at least one child baptized Anglican at Upper Gullies
Mar 12 1878 St. Johns George McDONALD 19, bach, engineer, St Johns Sarah FISHER 17, spin, St Johns Peter J? McDonald, Mrs? McDonald - At least 5 children baptized Anglican.
Mar 16 1878 St. Johns John RAMSEY 30, bach, patternmaker, St Johns Mary Jane PRIMER 32, spin, St Johns William Phay??, Elizabeth Waymouth - -
Apr 10 1878 St. Johns William QUIRK (QUICK*) 25, bach, seaman, Newton Abbot, Devon, England Jemima CHURCHILL 24, spin, St Johns James Hibbs, Fanny Churchill - Corrected to QUICK by Raelene Earle, June 2 2003; Jemima Churchill was the dau of Edward & Catherine Churchill.
Apr 14 1878 St. Johns William VOISEY 22, bach, wheelwright, St Johns Hannah FITZGERALD 20, spin, St Johns Richard Voisey, Elizabeth Miller - -
May 6 1878 St. Johns Richard CAINS? 28, bach, clerk, St Johns Mary COMEFORD? 23, spin, St Johns Francis B. Payne, William White - -
May 8 1878 St. Johns Henry W. SEYMOUR 57, widower, grocer, St Johns S.A. ALLWARD 47, spin, St Johns Annie Seymour, Henry Seymour - -
Aug 7 1878 St. Johns John J (S*) WISEMAN 27, bach, joiner, St Johns Mary Elizabeth BARNES? (or RAINES) 27, spin, tailoress, St Johns James W. Lawrence, Ernest G. Martin - At least 5 children baptized Anglican; father's middle name STEPHEN per those baptisms.
Oct 19 1878 St. Johns E.F? BARNES?* 24, bach, engineer, St Johns Mary Anne BURRIDGE 24, spin, St Johns Charles J. Burridge, Sarah Filmore - Per bap record of child, likely father likely Edward BARNES
Nov 18 1878 St. Johns William F. TURNER 30, bach, ship's steward, St Johns Amelia NORMORE 21, spin, St Johns George Snow, Mary Ann Stephens - At least 1 child baptized Anglican.
Dec 24 1878 St. Johns Jacob WINSOR 29, bach, fish, St Johns Susan HALL 30, spin, St Johns Maria Jane Winsor, John Frampton - -
May 17 1879 St. Johns John T (H) BRINE 18, bach, housepainter, St Johns Julia Johanna REED 21, spin, St Johns George Maudner, Sarah Garland - At least 1 child baptized Anglican; father's middle name HOWARD per that baptism.
Aug 1 1879 St. Johns P.A. WISKELL? 23, bach, seaman, Sweden Elizabeth PARSONS 22, spin, St Johns James Flanning?, Ann? Bartlett - -
Aug 3 1879 St. Johns James MORGAN 23, bach, police officer, Twillingate Emily DAW (DAWE) 17, spin, St Johns Charles Andrews, Charlotte Andrews - -
Sep 6 1879 St. Johns Nathaniel STEPHENSON 24, bach, baker, St Johns Harriet BUTLER 22, spin, St Johns Albert E. Vey, Julia Stephenson - -
Oct 20 1879 St. Johns John LEDREW 30, widower, fish, Green? Bay Elizabeth LEDREW 23, spin, Cupids J.J.F__ih?, M. Hall - -
Nov 9 1879 St. Johns John DYMOND 23, bach, farmer, St Johns Mary Ann VOYSEY 19, spin, St Johns John Gall___ie? (?Gulliver), Margaret Voysey - At least 7 children baptized Anglican
Nov 17 1879 St. Johns John BRYANT 27, bach, draper?, St Johns Selina HOLLETT 26, spin, Arnolds Cove Josiah Simmons, Martha Simmons - -
Dec 2 1879 St. Johns William KNIGHT 32, widower, farmer, St Johns Mary F. DYMOND 22, spin, Pouch Cove Ebenezer Knight, Honora Knight - Bapt record gives parents names as WILLIAM A. and MARY JANE.
Jan 8 1880 St. Johns John GULLIVER 23, bach, farmer, St Johns Margaret VOYSEY 20, spin, St Johns John Dymond, Mary Anne Dymond - -
Feb 14 1880 St. Johns Thomas HELLYER 26, bach, currier, St Johns Agnes Louisa TUFFIN 22, spin, St Johns Rosswell Rose?, Sarah Tuffin - Agnes Louisa TUFFIN was b Nov 25 1857 St Johns, the dau of Charles TUFFIN & Priscilla UNK.
Feb 23 1880 St. Johns John EVELY* 28, bach, sailor, Appledore, Devon, Eng. Rebecca LEER? 22, spin, Port de Grave John Hoskin, Jane Butler - *corrected in another hand from EVYILY?. Her surname likely an alternate of LEAR/LEHR.
Feb 28 1880 St. Johns Alfred G. GENT 24, bach, seaman, Trinity Mary Anne TILLEY 22, spin, Kelligrews William R. Turner, Sarah Tilly - -
Mar 19 1880 St. Johns Levi TREEM? 22, bach, painter, St Johns Elizabeth REED 21, spin, Hants Harbour William Holland, Susannah Strong - -
May 6 1880 St. Johns Joseph MILLER 23, bach, blacksmith, Topsail Mary Jane BUTT? (?BATT) 19, spin, Carbonear Robert Ryan, Harriet Mercer - -
May 27 1880 St. Johns William COLLINS 26, bach, engineer, St Johns Christiana NEWELL 22, spin, Pouch Cove Slanes? Collins, Emma A. Newell - -
Oct 4 1880 St. Johns George G. HARRIS 25, bach, seaman, St Johns Elizabeth MERCER 20, spin, St Johns Sarah Mercer, George Mercer - At least 5 children baptized Anglican.
Oct 12 1880 St. Johns Albert SPENCER 38, widower, fish, Twillingate Mary Jane CLO__DER? 27, widow, Carbonear Thomas Sabbons?, Jane Butler - Albert Spencer was first married to Jane UNKNOWN. Several children with both wives, baptized at Twillingate North.
Oct 12 1880 St. Johns John BUTLER 33, widower, carpenter, Port de Grave Patience STEVENS 25, spin, Port de Grave Elizabeth Bennett, Martha Hall - At least 1 children baptized Anglican.
Nov 15 1880 St. Johns John GREEN? 21, bach, clerk, St Johns Marion DOWN 18, spin, St Johns George Lindsay, Mary Fishey? - -
Dec 20 1880 St. Johns Edward Mortimer NOONAN 25, bach, clerk, St Johns Margaret Rachel COLTON 25, spin, St Johns John LeMessurier, Bessie Wiley - -
Dec 24 1880 St. Johns James William? CADWELL 22, bach, monodec??, St Johns Hannah Elizabeth WHELAN 23, spin, St Johns John George Backstrom?. Catherine Cadwell - Bride's first name actually appears to be HARRIET, consistently for all baptisms of their children.
June 4 1881 St. Johns Robert CALLAHAN 26, bach, seaman, St Johns Jessie HALLAHAN 23, spin, St Johns William Hy. Read, John Hiscock? - -
June 6 1881 St. Johns Jacob CHAFE 23, bach, fish, Petty Harbour Mary Ann DAWE 21, spin, St Johns Isaac Moore, Martha Noseworthy - Their daughter Annie Priscilla CHAFE married Edgar Marshall ANTLE (born Edgar Antle Marshall)
June 18 1881 St. Johns Thomas B. MIFFLIN 24, bach, carpenter, St Johns Catherine GARLAND 23, spin, St Johns James Newberry?, Deborah Mifflin - Thomas MIFFLIN was actually from Bonavista, and Catherine GARLAND was b Feb 9 1858 Lower Island Cove CB, the dau of George Garland & Rachel UNKNOWN. The newspaper acct of their marriage gave their true places of origin.
June 30 1881 St. Johns John CLOUSTON 23, bach, draper, St Johns Martha WILLIAMS? 20, spin, St Johns William G. Hill, Hannah Murray - AT least 2 children baptized Anglican.
Aug 14 1881 St. Johns Samuel ATWILL 21, bach, carpenter, St Johns Charlotte BARTERS? 22, spin, St Johns William Layman, Mary Taylor - -
Aug 18 1881 St. Johns George WALSH 24, bach, printer, St Johns Lavinia Pickavint BUTLER 17, spin, St Johns Robert Mercer, Emma Waymouth - -
Oct 2 1881 St. Johns J. BLATCHFORD 27, bach, sergt., R.N., Cornwall, England Nina MURRAY 21, spin, St Johns Charles Barnes?, Johanna Power - -
Nov 7 1881 St. Johns John DIAMOND 23, bach, carpenter, St Johns Annie CONWAY 22, spin, St Johns William Goudie, Mary A. Diamond - -
Nov 30 1881 St. Johns William RIGGS 38, bach, fish, St Johns Elinor FOOKE 20, spin, St Johns Mary Johnston?/Coheston?, Bessie Payne - -
Dec 5 1881 St. Johns George P HUTCHINGS 29, bach, draper, St Johns Jannie SMITH 24, spin, St Johns James Smith, Selina Radford - -
Mar 9 1882 St. Johns William GRAY 23, bach, blacksmith, St Johns Susan YOWE?/GOWE? 23, spin, St Johns Nehemiah Gray, Louisa Gray - -
Apr 18 1882 St. Johns John E. BERYONE? 43, bach, shopkeeper, St Johns Maria R. CHANCEY 34, spin, St Johns Bertha M. Heyle/Hoyle/Neyle?, John Hill, L.T. Chancey - -
May 18 1882 St. Johns James W. TUCKER 27, bach, jeweller, St Johns Isabel M. CROSS 26, spin, St Johns Elizabeth Cross, Bertha M. Heyle/Hoyle/Neyle - Corrected from James H. TUCKER/TASKER? Full name is James Winton Tucker
May 22 1882 St. Johns Henry Thomas SNOW 23, bach, harness maker, St Johns Hannah MARTIN 19, spin, St Johns Charles Mackay, Jacob Howard - At least 1 child baptized Anglican.
June 3 1882 St. Johns Eugene Perkins BEARNS 23, bach, cabinet maker, St Johns Bridget MOORE 20, spin, St Johns H? G. Smith, Alice Bearns - -
June 5 1882 St. Johns George W. DUDER 24, bach, seaman, St Johns Sarah HODSON 21, spin, St Johns H.H. Rhodes, E.H. Gabriel? - -
Nov 1 1882 St. Johns William CRAIGIE? 26, bach, cabinet maker, St Johns Emma ANDREWS 20, spin, St Johns Thomas F. Murray, Mrs. T. Murray - His surname actually looked like ??Chargie, but known to be CRAIGIE from baptism record of their child. At least one child baptized Anglican.
Nov 2 1882 St. Johns John WHELAN 23, bach, trader, Cupids Deborah BRIFFETT/BUFFETT? 19, spin, Cupids Mary Ann Cochan/Cashin?, Francis Cochan?/Cashin? - -
Jan 15 1883 St. Johns William H. READ (REID) 23, bach, trader, Harve Bay, St Barbes Sophia Jane COOK 18, spin, St Johns Francis Cook, Peter Andrews - William H Read (Jr) was bc Apr 1861 Hare Bay & died Dec 8 1925 St Johns age 64 yrs, the son of William REID SR of Dorset & Grace ANDREWS of NF. Sophia Jane COOK was b Jan 15 1865 St Johns & died July 12 1928 St Johns, the dau of William COOK of Devon & Harriet Jane ANDREWS of Port de Grave). They had 11 children.
Feb 28 1883 St. Johns Edwin Roastledge? SLEAKER/STEAKER? 27, bach, photographer, Sligo, Ireland Margaret Emma Waymouth* 20, spin, St Johns Elizabeth Waymouth, R? P. Rice - *''mouth'' added to bride's surname.
Apr 2 1883 St. Johns F.R. WALKERS (?WALTERS) 34, widower*, builder, New York Harriet MITCHELL 22, spin, Halifax Richard Lewis, Mrs. Lewis - *his marital status overwritten w/b, presumed to be widower.
Apr 24 1883 St. Johns John BUCKLER 23, bach, shoemaker, St Johns Mary Anne JONES 25, spin, Brigus Henry Penny, Mary Anderson - -
Apr 26 1883 St. Johns George W. PIPPY 25, bach, moulder, St Johns M.A.F. WHITE* 22, spin, St Johns Alice Cornick, W. Cornick - From baptism of child, mother/wife was MARY NORRIS WHITE.
May 29 1883 St. Johns Henry COFFIN 33, bach, trader, Long Island PB Sarah TUFFIN 28, spin, St Johns William Coffin, Emma Batten? - Sarah Ann TUFFIN was b Nov 30 1854 St Johns, the daughter of Charles Tuffin & Priscilla UNK.
June 5 1883 St. Johns James C. TESSIER 44, widower, agent, London, England Julia Ann TROTMAN 44, widow, Dartmouth, England James H. Martin, Catherine S. Tessier - -
Sep 10 1883 St. Johns Edward WALSH 35, bach, laborer, Carbonear Elizabeth DOBBIN 32, spin, Spaniards Bay Arthur Reid, Selina Billings - -
Sep 10 1883 St. Johns Michael DWYER 22, bach, cooper, St Johns Matilda REID 26, spin, St Johns Frederick Myse?, Louise Whyte - -
Oct 1 1883 St. Johns George SPENCER 38, widower, sailor, Twillingate Mary FRY 25, spin, Brigus Joseph Simmonds, Martha Simmonds - -
Oct 3 1883 St. Johns Thomas FORWARD 37, bach, mason, Bridport, Eng. Margaret WALSH 24, spin, Holyrood William Ivy?, Hannah Ivy? - -
Oct 6 1883 St. Johns Charles AINSWORTH 22, bach, fish, Trinity Mary ROBERTS 20, spin, Brigus David Ainsworth, Priscilla Roberts - -
Oct 17 1883 St. Johns John MOORE 23, bach, trader, St Johns Velina MARTIN 22, spin, Port de Grave Samson Rowe?, Lydia Smart - -
Nov 28 1883 St. Johns William A. BUTLER 29, bach, sailor, Port de Grave Mary E. NICHOLS 23, spin, n/g Mary Summerton, William Chipman - -
Feb 7 1884 St. Johns Eldred G. CHANCEY 28, bach, carpenter, St Johns Lydia BUTLER 22, spin, St Johns John Chancey, Elizabeth E. Chancey - -
Feb 19 1884 St. Johns H.H. PARSONS 21, bach, photographer, Fall River, Mass?/Maine? (USA) Eliza ROBBINS 22, spin, Bonavista Joseph Hedderbury, J. Hedderbury - -
Mar 19 1884 St. Johns Albert GUZZELL (GUZZWELL) 23, bach, farmer, St Johns Agnes BUTLER 26, spin, St Johns Hector? J. Butler, Lavia? J. Butler - At least 2 children baptized Anglican.
July 17 1884 St. Johns William F. GLASS? 28, bach, upholsterer, Paisley, Scotland Isabella MacKIM 24, spin, St Johns James Black, Mary A. Beadon?, Marion Scaplan - Full name William Fleming Glass per baptism of child.
Oct 21 1884 St. Johns Robert Carmichael/CAMBELL* 24, bach, book keeper, St Johns Millie W. HEYLE/HOYLE/NEYLE? 25, spin, St Johns Frederick W. Finlay, Bertma Maria Hoyle/Heyle/Neyle - *Carmichael was replaced by "Cambell", and another illegible word was part of his name. Note errata table
Nov 21 1884 St. Johns John SHEPPARD 24, bach, fish, Harbour Grace Elizabeth MARTIN 22, spin, Grates Cove George Eastman, Mary Jane Eastman ''?'' - -
June 22 1885 St. Johns James BLACK? 25, bach, draper, St Johns Grace Jackson TWEEDIE 23, spin, St Johns Arch. N (H). Christian, Adeline Taylor - Correction for witness: Arch. H. Christian (Archibald Humphrey Christian bc 1859 - d 1936, another son of William CHRISTIAN of Old Perlican who had moved to OP from Trinity.
___ __ 1885 St. Johns George Barton? HARRIS 25, bach, draper, St Johns Anne SEYMOUR 24, spin, n/g A.H. Layman, Henry J. Layman - At least 1 child baptized Anglican.
Aug 1 1885 St. Johns Robert HISCOCK 26, widower, engineer, Trinity Hr Maggie HANSFORD 27, widow, Brigus? George Butterworth, Lizzie Lynch - -
Aug 5 1885 St. Johns Sylvester H. CORNICK 24, bach, accountant, St Johns Martha H. WHITE 21, spin, St Johns Sarah White, Thomas Searle - At least 4 children baptized Anglican.
Sep 21 1885 St. Johns James SMITH 23, bach, carpenter, St Johns Elizabeth CROSS 24, spin, Trinity Henry Roper, Henrietta Cross - -
Oct 13 1885 St. Johns George HENNEBURY 22, bach, printer, St Johns Eliza GARRETT 23, spin, St Johns Samuel Garrett, Sarah Garrett - -
Dec 2 1885 St. Johns Walter REYNOLDS 25, bach, mariner, Ipa__?, Eng. Elizabeth WILLIAMS 25, spin, St Johns Henry Frisky, Martha Clouston - -
Dec 12 1885 St. Johns John WAY 50, widower, ships carpenter, Grates Cove Mary PARSONS 50, widow, Conception Bay Azariah Parsons, Jane Parsons - -
Apr 24 1885 St. Johns Ebenezer? SQUIRES 23, bach, shipwright, St Johns Susannah BOWDEN 21, spin, St Johns William Bowden, Louisa Bowden - -
Feb 22 1886 St. Johns John CAINS* 28, bach, cabinet maker, St Johns Jessie KING 25, spin, St Johns William Hy. Bickford, Henrietta Soper - *At least 2 children baptized Anglican: surname alternated KANE & CAINES
May 10 1886 St. Johns Joseph BARNES 25, bach, carpenter, St Johns Jessie VEY 22, spin, St Johns John Barnes, Janet Barnes - -
May 29 1886 St. Johns Samuel Owen STEELE 25, bach, draper, St Johns Sarah Blanche HARRIS 22, spin, St Johns James H. Martin, M. H. Martin - Samuel Owen STEELE was b 1862 near Manchester, England & died 1936 Paignton, Devon. He came to NF 1882 and worked for Philip Hutchins, & later for Ayre & Marshall; in 1885 he opened his own dry goods store. In 1889 he acquired the business of J.H. Martin (see WITNESS) a relative of his wife, who operated a crockery and tableware import and retail business. It was incorporated as S.O. Steele & Sons Ltd in 1919, and continued to operate until a grandson, James Steele, retired in 1989. {SOURCE: Encyclopedia of NF & LAB}
June 24 1886 St. Johns William T QUIRK? (QUICK*) 22, bach, moulder, St Johns Fanny CHURCHILL 22, spin, St Johns William Barnes, Annie Barnes - Per Raelene Earle, he was QUICK, and she was another daughter of Edward & Catherine Churchill.
Nov 18 1886 St. Johns Edward Thomas SNOW 22, bach, druggist, St Johns Ellen Harriet REDSTONE 21, spin, St Johns John Cooke, Ellen Cooke - At least 2 children baptized Anglican.
Apr 10 1886 St. Johns James CHAFE 23, bach, coachman, St Johns Adelaide ROBERTS 26, spin, St Johns Robert Mercer, Hannah Churchill - At least 2 children baptized Anglican.
June 3 1886 St. Johns William COLLINS 31, bach, engineer, St Johns Annie RODGERS 25, spin, St Johns John Collins, Sarah Hodgkinson - -
Feb 26 1887 St. Johns John HILL 32, bach, draper, St Johns Bertha Maria NEYLE 32, spin, St Johns Richard Neyle, Edwin Murray? - At least 2 children baptized Anglican.
Aug 3 1887 St. Johns Richard John POPE 29, bach, draper, St Johns Anna Louisa BARNES 30, spin, St Johns Charles Barnes, Jessie? Cousens - At least 3 children baptized Anglican.
Oct 17 1887 St. Johns Henry NORMAN 36, bach, watchmaker, Brigus Henrietta C. HIERLIHY 28, spin, St Johns J.C. Norman, John Blanchard - -
Oct 18 1887 St. Johns John BUTLER 41, widower, carpenter, Port de Grave Jessie BARRETT 21, spin, St Johns James M. Neil, Fanny M. Neil - -
Oct 18 1887 St. Johns Dugald DALGLEISH 25, bach, boilermaker, ?, Scotland Mary A. KIRKANDAIL? 26, widow, St Johns Charles House, Honora Haffay - -
Dec 30 1887 St. Johns Samuel GARLAND 25, bach, fish, St Johns Margaret DODDS? 23, spin, St Johns George Dodds?, Joseph Dodds? - -
June 3 1888 St. Johns John MURPHY 24, bach, occ n/g, St Johns Mary Jane GIFFORD 25, spin, St Johns Richard Burke, Annie Fry - At least 2 children baptized Anglican.
June 9 1888 St. Johns James Adamson CARMICHAEL 28, bach, St Johns Mary Ellen COLTON 24, spin, St Johns J.F. Calder?, C.W. Noonan - -
Sep 15 1888 St. Johns John Bulley MITCHELL 34, bach, St Johns Hannah BARNES 27, spin, St Johns Robert Barnes, Mary E? Barnes - -
Nov 1 1888 St. Johns Francis Henry BALFOUR 28, bach, St Johns Mary EMERSON? 29, spin, St Johns Patrick J. Brown, Mary Duffey - -
Feb 5 1889 St. Johns Duncan? SMITH n/g, bach, St Johns Minnie Louisa EARLE n/g, spin, St Johns Frederick? Crane, Fanny Earle - -
May 21 1889 St. Johns James VEY 30, bach, St Johns Louisa A. WHITELAY? 19, spin, St Johns William H. Whitelay?, James Whitelay (?Whiteley) - -
July 30 1889 St. Johns Thomas James DULAY (DULEY) 27, bach, St Johns Tryphenia Chancey SOPER 22, spin, St Johns L.T. Chancey, Janet Cross - Surname DULEY at baptism of child.
Dec 4 1889 St. Johns Joseph BUTLER 28, bach, St Johns Naomi MITCHELL 35, spin, St Johns Robert Skein?, Marion Morrison - -
Jan 30 1890 St. Johns Henry Charles WINDSOR 33, bach, St Johns Sarah Judith? CROSS 19, spin, St Johns H.H. Cross, Janet Cross - -
July 16 1890 St. Johns Henry Thomas PAYNE 21, bach, St Johns Charlotte Knight WHITE 22, spin, St Johns William White, Sarah White - -
Jan 10 1892 St. Johns George McFarlane HENNEBURY 27, bach, printer, St Johns Elizabeth Ann GULLIVER 26, spin, n/g Robert Mercer, Maggie McGillvary - NOTE: groom may not have been a bachelor; a George McFarlane Hennebury was prev md to Eliza Jane Garrett, also a printer.

Name in RecordDescription of error / additional informationMy Name
Robert Carmichael/Cambell* I believe this is marriage between Robert Campbell Smith and Amelia (Millie) Westbrook Neyle, witness Bertha Maria Neyle. Amelia Neyle and Bertha Neyle were both daughters of Richard Westbrook Neyle ('Fishook' Neyle) of Neyle-Soper Hardware, premises now occupied by Auntie Crae’s Jean Murray
via Jill Marshall
ALSHON?/BIDDISCOMBE Should be John Wadsworth ALSTON Catherine BIDDISCOMBE. Wedding notice in the Gazette 9 Oct 1858," Geoff Martin

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St. John's Index