NL GenWebAvalon South Region ~ Southern ShoreMarriages 1870 - 1879Holy Trinity RC Church, FerrylandContributed by Frank Fitzpatrick, January 2016. Transcribed from While I have tried to be as careful as possible, there may be errors or omissions. |
Day | Month | Year | Groom | Age | Place of Birth | Bride | Age | Place of Birth | Married by Rev: | Witness 1 | Witness 2 | Comments |
1 | Nov | 1870 | PAUL, John | POWER, Sarah | J Conway | James Williams | Mary Paul | |||||
20 | Nov | 1870 | CONWAY, Martin | POWELL, Catherine | J Conway | Matthew Canning | Mary Ann Lemasney | |||||
24 | Nov | 1870 | CANNING, Patrick | JORDAN, Mary Ann | J Conway | Joseph Costello | Mary Ann Walsh | |||||
11 | Jan | 1871 | KELLY, Michael | AYLWARD, Johanna | J Conway | Michael O'Brien | Mary Stamp | |||||
11 | Jan | 1871 | MURPHY, Peter | KELLY, Margaret | J Conway | Michael Fowler | Theresa Kelly | |||||
17 | Jan | 1871 | DUGGAN, Laurence | COSTELLO, Mary Ann | J Conway | Michael O'Brien | Anne Keough | |||||
18 | Jan | 1871 | GRANT, William | SAUNDERS, Ellen | J Conway | Thomas Green | Mary Green | |||||
## | Jan | 1871 | COSTELLO, William | WILLIAMS, Anne | J Conway | Joseph Costello | Esther Burke | |||||
10 | Jun | 1871 | MAHER, Michael | KEOUGH, Anne | J Conway | James Maher | Margaret Farrell | |||||
9 | Jun | 1871 | YETMAN, Robert | REDDY, Frances | N Roach | Patrick O'Brien | Maria Deacon | |||||
11 | Oct | 1871 | RENOUF, Henry | STEPHENSON, Emily Ann | J Conway | John Renouf | Isabelle Stephenson | |||||
22 | Oct | 1871 | BOLAND, Thomas | OLDRIDGE, Anne | J Conway | Richard Walsh | Catherine Walsh | |||||
7 | Nov | 1871 | SHANAHAN, Columb | DOOLEY, Mary Ann | JJ Nugent | Thomas Costello | Mary Ann Walsh | |||||
10 | Nov | 1871 | GREEN, John | GREGORY, Margaret | JJ Nugent | James Maher | Ellen Keough | |||||
8 | Jan | 1872 | KEOUGH, John | BRENNAN, Mary Ann | JJ Nugent | Robert Brennan | Bridget Walsh | |||||
11 | Jan | 1872 | HOPKINS, William | CULLETON, Johanna | JJ Nugent | Thomas Costello | Esther Morey | |||||
15 | Jan | 1872 | KEOUGH, Michael | SULLIVAN, Mary | JJ Nugent | John Keough | Catherine Keough | |||||
16 | Jan | 1872 | O'BRIEN, Michael | AYLWARD, Bridget | JJ Nugent | Richard Walsh | Margaret Lane | |||||
17 | Jan | 1872 | HARTERY, Garrett | O'BRIEN, Catherine | JJ Nugent | John O'Brien | Catherine Pendergast | |||||
18 | Jan | 1872 | POWER, Michael | Cape Broyle | KEOUGH, Catherine | JJ Nugent | Andrew Keough | Mary Sullivan | ||||
19 | Jan | 1872 | QUIRK, Thomas | BRENNAN, Catherine | JJ Nugent | Robert Brennan | Catherine Quirk | |||||
23 | Jan | 1872 | DEMPSEY, John | HALLEY, Catherine | JJ Nugent | Robert Swain | Ellen Walsh | |||||
26 | Jan | 1872 | HOPKINS, Henry | SWEENEY, Anastasia | JJ Nugent | Patrick Sweeney | Mary Fahey | |||||
24 | Apr | 1872 | CANNING, William | STAMP, Elizabeth | JJ Nugent | George Oliphant | Sarah Ryan | |||||
30 | Apr | 1872 | WILLIAMS, Thomas | Bay Bulls | SAUNDERS, Catherine | JJ Nugent | Thomas Costello | Mary Fahey | ||||
4 | Jun | 1872 | RICE, Thomas | Aquaforte | DALTON, Bridget | J Conway | Richard O'Brien | Mary Oldridge | ||||
9 | May | 1872 | HAYES, John | Cape Broyle | WALSH, Mary | JJ Nugent | Thomas Hayes | Margaret Gregory | ||||
25 | May | 1872 | CULLETON, William | Cape Broyle | GREEN, Mary | J Conway | James Brennan | Mary Kane | ||||
30 | Jul | 1872 | CRAIG, William | Scotland | WHITE, Anne | J Conway | Robert Templeton | Clara Winsor | ||||
21 | Oct | 1872 | POWER, John | REDDIGAN, Ellen | J Conway | Martin Reddigan | Mary Ann Gatherall | |||||
3 | Nov | 1872 | GRANT, George | AYLWARD, Theresa | J Conway | John Aylward | Mary Aylward | |||||
10 | Nov | 1872 | GRANT, Thomas | CASHIN, Mary Jo | J Conway | Michael Harvey | Margaret O'Brien | |||||
17 | Nov | 1872 | YARD, Peter | DOYLE, Anne | J Conway | Edward Power | Mary Power | |||||
6 | Jan | 1873 | KAVANAGH, Patrick | ROSSITER, Margaret | J Conway | Matthew Rossiter | Mary Kane | |||||
13 | Jan | 1873 | DEVEREAUX, Joseph | HARDING, Bridget | J Conway | Martin Culleton | Esther Morey | |||||
14 | Jan | 1873 | PENDERGAST, John | O'DONNELL, Elizabeth | J Conway | John Badcock | Agnes Pendergast | |||||
21 | Jan | 1873 | MORRISSEY, James | Holyrood | CAREY, Theresa | J Conway | Nicholas Harvey | Winifred Kent | ||||
23 | Jan | 1873 | JONES, Charles | CASE, Harriet | J Conway | William Condon | Caroline Jones | |||||
22 | Jan | 1873 | LOVETT, William | CONDON (MAHER), Bridget | J Conway | James Maher | Anne O'Brien | |||||
12 | Jun | 1873 | YETMAN, Michael | GEARY, Mary | J Conway | Robert Yetman | Ellen Barnable | |||||
12 | Jun | 1873 | JORDAN, John | HYNES, Catherine | J Conway | John Morgan | Alice Tobin | |||||
2 | Nov | 1873 | POWER, Walter | GREGORY, Mary | J Conway | John Badcock | Mary Power | |||||
3 | Nov | 1873 | CAREY, Henry | MOREY, Esther | J Conway | Rudolph Hanrahan | Clara Morey | |||||
12 | Nov | 1873 | RYAN, Nicholas | RYAN, Mary Ann | J Conway | Thomas Rossiter | Mary Maher | |||||
6 | Jan | 1874 | GRANT, Richard | AYLWARD, Ellen | J Scott | John Oldridge | Anne Aylward | |||||
8 | Jan | 1874 | MAHER, James | SAUNDERS, Frances | J Scott | Patrick Graham | Anne Condon | |||||
8 | Jan | 1874 | WALSH, James | GATHERALL, Mary | J Scott | Robert Brennan | Bridget Walsh | |||||
10 | Jan | 1874 | O'BRIEN, Thomas | OLDRIDGE, Mary | J Scott | Michael Whelan | Anne Grant | |||||
18 | Jan | 1874 | CANNING, Matthew | BARNABLE, Ellen | J Walsh | James Meade | Veronica Mountain | |||||
25 | Jan | 1874 | REDDY, Michael | DOYLE, Bridget | J Whelan | Thomas Pendergast | Margaret Borris | |||||
8 | Feb | 1874 | WILLIAMS, John | CAREY, Margaret | MA Clancy | Richard Williams | Bridget Cashin | |||||
13 | Feb | 1874 | MCBRIDE, John | RYAN, Elizabeth | MA Clancy | Michael Ryan | Frances Cahill | |||||
15 | Feb | 1874 | RYAN, John | PENDERGAST, Anne | MA Clancy | John Aylward | Catherine Pendergast | |||||
24 | Jun | 1874 | LEMASNEY, John | KINSELLA, Mary | MA Clancy | Joseph Kinsella | Frances Sisk | |||||
6 | Nov | 1874 | HYNES, John | JOHNSON, Anne | MA Clancy | John Rossiter | Elizabeth Rossiter | |||||
2 | Nov | 1874 | EVOY, Thomas | KELLY, Catherine | MA Clancy | Thomas Kelly | Catherine Keough | |||||
23 | Nov | 1874 | ROWSLY, Thomas | ROSSITER, Catherine | MA Clancy | Thomas Rossiter | Ellen Rossiter | |||||
26 | Nov | 1874 | WILLIAMS, James | MORGAN, Catherine | MA Clancy | Thomas Norris | Mary Ann Williams | |||||
26 | Nov | 1874 | WALSH, Thomas | HEPDITCH, Ellen | MA Clancy | Martin Culleton | Catherine Farrell | |||||
13 | Jan | 1875 | MEANEY, Francis | DUNPHY, Anne | Calvert | MA Clancy | Robert Swain | Bridget Reddigan | ||||
14 | Jan | 1875 | REDDIGAN, Martin | Calvert | REDDIGAN, Bridget | MA Clancy | Matthew Ryan | Ellen Walsh | ||||
17 | Jan | 1875 | HAYES, Thomas | MORRIS, Margaret | Island Cove | MA Clancy | John Badcock | Anne Howlett | ||||
17 | Jan | 1875 | HEARN, James | Toad's Cove | PENDERGAST, Mary | Admiral's Cove | MA Clancy | Michael Power | Teresa Pendergast | |||
19 | Jan | 1875 | HISCOCK, John | HEALEY, Mary | Aquaforte | MA Clancy | George Oliphant | Mary Rose | ||||
22 | Jan | 1875 | O'BRIEN, John | AYLWARD, Anne | Cape Broyle | MA Clancy | Patrick O'Brien | Margaret Moore | ||||
25 | Jan | 1875 | TOBIN, John | NORRIS, Ellen | Ferryland | MA Clancy | Andrew Healey | Mary Noonan | ||||
25 | Jan | 1875 | LEAHY, Thomas | BARNES, Emily Ann | Cape Broyle | MA Clancy | Michael Whelan | Johanna Furlong | ||||
2 | Jun | 1875 | JOHNSON, Thomas | DELANEY, Elizabeth | Calvert | MA Clancy | Martin Kavanagh | Mary Jo McCarthy | ||||
6 | Jun | 1875 | OLDRIDGE, John | WALSH, Catherine | Cape Broyle | MA Clancy | John Aylward | Catherine Delahunty | ||||
6 | Jun | 1875 | O'BRIEN, Richard | KEOUGH, Mary Ann | Cape Broyle | MA Clancy | Matthew Furlong | Johanna Furlong | ||||
6 | Jun | 1875 | HEALEY, Andrew | GEARY, Margaret | Cape Broyle | MA Clancy | James Sisk | Alice Oldridge | ||||
21 | Jun | 1875 | POWER, Michael | GEARY, Anne | Calvert | MA Clancy | Andrew Keough | Mary Jo McCarthy | ||||
21 | Nov | 1875 | WILLIAMS, Martin | NOONAN, Mary | Ferryland | MA Clancy | Matthew O'Brien | Catherine Williams | ||||
23 | Nov | 1875 | BURNS, John | DOYLE (YARD), Anne | Brigus | MA Clancy | John Badcock | Ellen Badcock | ||||
## | Nov | 1875 | KINSELLA, Joseph | WILLIAMS, Mary Ann | Ferryland | MA Clancy | James Meade | Bridget Lemasney | ||||
9 | Jan | 1876 | KEOUGH, Patrick | CASE, Mary | Aquaforte | MA Clancy | John Bennett | Sarah Ryan | ||||
9 | Jan | 1876 | FLEMING, Edward | Broad Cove | KELLY, Alice | Ferryland | MA Clancy | James Sheehan | Ellen Meaney | |||
11 | Jan | 1876 | WALSH, Richard | AYLWARD, Mary | Cape Broyle | MA Clancy | Richard O'Brien | Anne Rice | ||||
16 | Jan | 1876 | CRANE, Thomas | HICKEY, Bridget | Brigus | MA Clancy | Martin Badcock | Catherine Gregory | ||||
20 | Jan | 1876 | O'DRISCOLL, Thomas | Mobile | WHITE, Elizabeth | Ferryland | MA Clancy | James Furlong | Catherine White | |||
26 | Jan | 1876 | KEOUGH, Patrick | Ferryland | SKEANS, Mary Charlotte | St. John's | MA Clancy | Robert Brennan | Mary Ann Murphy | |||
27 | Jan | 1876 | PRIOR, Richard | St. John's | WHITE, Matilda | Ferryland | MA Clancy | Rudolph Hanrahan | Maria Winsor | |||
28 | May | 1876 | FARRELL, Patrick | Ferryland | WILLIAMS, Ellen | Bay Bulls | MA Clancy | Rudolph Hanrahan | Esther Burke | |||
29 | Oct | 1876 | COSGROVE, Patrick | O'KEEFE, Lucy | Ferryland | MA Clancy | John Walsh | Esther Barnable | ||||
12 | Nov | 1876 | GATHERALL, William | Bauline | GREGORY, Monica | Brigus | MA Clancy | Michael Hynes | Catherine Hynes | |||
28 | Nov | 1876 | PAUL, Joseph | Ferryland | LEMASNEY, Bridget | Ferryland | MA Clancy | Peter Barnable | Esther Barnable | |||
11 | Jan | 1877 | WHELAN, Michael | O'BRIEN, Margaret | Cape Broyle | MA Clancy | Peter Furlong | Mary O'Brien | ||||
12 | Jan | 1877 | CULLETON, Martin | BRENNAN, Margaret | Ferryland | MA Clancy | John Brennan | Anastasia Culleton | ||||
29 | Jan | 1877 | O'BRIEN, Michael | PENDERGAST, Teresa | Cape Broyle | MA Clancy | Philip Pendergast | Winifred Kent | ||||
29 | Jan | 1877 | CASHIN, John | GRACE, Anne | Cape Broyle | MA Clancy | John Cashin | Anne Badcock | ||||
12 | Feb | 1877 | WILLIAMS, James | HAYDEN, Mary Ann | Ferryland | MA Clancy | Patrick Hayden | Margaret Mountain | ||||
25 | Apr | 1877 | O'BRIEN, Michael | ASPELL, Bridget | Calvert | MA Clancy | James Kavanagh | Catherine Hynes | ||||
11 | Nov | 1877 | POWER, James | WALSH, Ellen | Calvert | MA Clancy | Thomas Rossiter | Catherine Condon | ||||
14 | Jan | 1878 | HOGAN, Thomas | Fermeuse | O'KEEFE, Margaret | MA Clancy | Thomas Walsh | Bridget Walsh | ||||
3 | Mar | 1878 | KEOUGH, John | Brigus | POWER, Mary Jo | MA Clancy | Richard Shallow | Ellen Gregory | ||||
29 | Jul | 1878 | SWEENEY, Patrick | Ferryland | O'BRIEN, Ellen | Cape Broyle | MA Clancy | James Meade | Catherine Pendergast | |||
11 | Oct | 1878 | HAYES, James | CRANE, Mary | Brigus | MA Clancy | Patrick Scully | Johanna Doyle | ||||
24 | Nov | 1878 | KAVANAGH, James | MOUNTAIN, Veronica | MA Clancy | Martin Kavanagh | Catherine Connors | |||||
7 | Jan | 1879 | MEADE, James | Ferryland | BARNABLE, Esther | MA Clancy | Peter Barnable | Margaret Lovett | ||||
8 | Jan | 1879 | O'BRIEN, Patrick | Cape Broyle | FURLONG, Johanna | MA Clancy | Stephen O'Brien | Anne Howlett | ||||
8 | Jan | 1879 | AYLWARD, John | PENDERGAST, Catherine | MA Clancy | Michael O'Brien | Ellen Pendergast | |||||
12 | Jan | 1879 | MACKEY, John | Ferryland | KEOUGH, Catherine | MA Clancy | John Brennan | Ellen Keough | ||||
13 | Jan | 1879 | MILLS, Thomas | Ferryland | POWELL (ANTLE), Elizabeth | MA Clancy | Charles Meade | Mary Meade | ||||
13 | Jan | 1879 | SWEENEY, Anthony | Ferryland | CAHILL, Frances | MA Clancy | Thomas Sweeney | Bridget Sweeney | ||||
29 | Jan | 1879 | CONDON, Edward | Aquaforte | JONES, Caroline | MA Clancy | Richard Saunders | Sarah Oliphant | ||||
21 | Jun | 1879 | MORRISSEY, Daniel | Cape Broyle | JONES (CONDON), Emily | MA Clancy | John Carew | Anne Buckley | ||||
1 | Oct | 1879 | MORRISSEY, George | Parrsboro | JONES, Elizabeth | Bay Roberts | MA Clancy | Richard Cashin | Mary Jo Walsh | |||
5 | Oct | 1879 | BADCOCK, John | Brigus | GREGORY, Ellen | MA Clancy | Edward Power | Mary Kent | ||||
16 | Nov | 1879 | MAHON, James | Ferryland | WALSH, Ellen | MA Clancy | Michael Kinsella | Anne O'Brien | ||||
19 | Nov | 1879 | KEOUGH, James | Ferryland | MURPHY, Catherine | MA Clancy | Patrick Farrell | Letitia Murphy | ||||
11 | Jan | 1880 | CAREY, Pierce | Cape Broyle | O'BRIEN, Anne | MA Clancy | Nicholas Harvey | Anne O'Brien | ||||
11 | Jan | 1880 | POWER, Michael | Calvert | KANE, Mary | Ferryland | MA Clancy | James Rossiter | Mary Jo Walsh | |||
11 | Jan | 1880 | MURPHY, Thomas | KEOUGH, Ellen | MA Clancy | Robert Brennan | Margaret Farrell | |||||
11 | Jan | 1880 | BRENNAN, John | MURPHY, Letitia | MA Clancy | Martin Brennan | Lucy Keough | |||||
18 | Jan | 1880 | BRENNAN, John | Ferryland | SLINEY, Mary | MA Clancy | John Walsh | Anne Brennan | ||||
27 | Jan | 1880 | GAHAN, Patrick | Aquaforte | CONDON , Anne | MA Clancy | John Bennett | Sarah Oliphant | ||||
5 | Feb | 1880 | ROSSITER, Matthew | Calvert | GATHERALL, Teresa | MA Clancy | John Rossiter | Mary Swain | ||||
1 | Jun | 1880 | MARRY, Thomas | WHITE, Catherine | Renews | MA Clancy | Alfred White | Florence Marry | ||||
11 | Aug | 1880 | KAVANAGH, Martin | WALSH, Agnes | Renews | MA Clancy | Peter Johnson | Catherine Swain | ||||
2 | Oct | 1880 | BRENNAN, James | FAHEY, Mary | MA Clancy | Henry Morey | Winifred Kinsella | |||||
9 | Oct | 1880 | LARKIN, Edward | St. John's | O'BRIEN, Mary | Aquaforte | MA Clancy | Thomas O'Brien | Margaret Moore | |||
11 | Oct | 1880 | O'LEARY, Thomas | Brigus | HAYES, Ellen | MA Clancy | Martin Badcock | Frances Higgins | ||||
21 | Nov | 1880 | FURLONG, Simon | Ferryland | KEOUGH, Lucy | MA Clancy | Michael Farrell | Agnes Keough | ||||
8 | Jan | 1881 | COADY, Michael | Fermeuse | PENDERGAST (AYLWARD), Anne | Cape Broyle | MA Clancy | John Fenelly | Jane Morrissey | |||
8 | Jan | 1881 | JOHNSON, Thomas | Calvert | O'BRIEN, Catherine | Cape Broyle | MA Clancy | Michael Ryan | Mary Ann Leahy | |||
9 | Jan | 1881 | O'BRIEN, Richard | Cape Broyle | O'DRISCOLL, Teresa | Lord's Cove | MA Clancy | Michael Walsh | Bridget Leahy | |||
9 | Jan | 1881 | BARNABLE, Peter | Ferryland | WILLIAMS, Catherine | Ferryland | MA Clancy | Richard Barnable | Caroline Williams | |||
9 | Jan | 1881 | BRENNAN, Robert | Ferryland | MURPHY, Mary Ann | MA Clancy | John Walsh | Anne Brennan | ||||
20 | Feb | 1881 | NOWLAN, Laurence | Mobile | GREGORY, Catherine | Brigus | MA Clancy | Thomas Fitzgerald | Ellen Power | |||
8 | May | 1881 | TOBIN, John | Ferryland | FITZGERALD (CURRAN), Bridget | MA Clancy | Patrick Murphy | Margaret Farrell | ||||
29 | May | 1881 | POWELL, William | Ferryland | O'BRIEN, Teresa | MA Clancy | Richard Delahunty | Catherine O'Brien | ||||
27 | Oct | 1881 | COLLINS, Patrick | St. John's | OLDRIDGE, Alice | Cape Broyle | MA Clancy | William Fagan | Margaret Grant | |||
8 | Nov | 1881 | WILLIAMS, William | Ferryland | DEVINE, Elizabeth | MA Clancy | Robert Brennan | Margaret Jackman | ||||
9 | Nov | 1881 | FARRELL, Patrick | Ferryland | KINSELLA, Winifred | MA Clancy | James Devereaux | Catherine Delahunty | ||||
21 | Nov | 1881 | CAREY, Robert | Ferryland | LE MESSURIER, Mary | MA Clancy | John Morey | Alice Morey | ||||
24 | Nov | 1881 | BARNABLE, Richard | LOVETT, Margaret | MA Clancy | John O'Keefe | Mary O'Brien | |||||
26 | Nov | 1881 | WHELAN, John | Cape Broyle | O'BRIEN, Alice | MA Clancy | Patrick Whelan | Mary Dalton | ||||
8 | Jan | 1882 | DUNPHY, Thomas | Renews | O'BRIEN, Margaret | Ferryland | MA Clancy | Thomas Dunphy | Bridget Gregory | |||
11 | Jan | 1882 | AYLWARD, Martin | Cape Broyle | PENDERGAST, Agnes | MA Clancy | John O'Brien | Mary Pendergast | ||||
15 | Jan | 1882 | HARDING, Joseph | Renews | QUIRK, Catherine | Ferryland | MA Clancy | James Devereaux | Margaret Farrell | |||
24 | Apr | 1882 | KINSELLA, Nicholas | Ferryland | BRENNAN, Teresa | MA Clancy | Valentine Kinsella | Ellen Brennan | ||||
2 | May | 1882 | FITZGERALD, Peter | Cape Broyle | GRANT, Anne | MA Clancy | Richard Aylward | Susanna Furlong | ||||
1 | Jun | 1882 | DEVEREAUX, John | O'KEEFE, Catherine | MA Clancy | Patrick Walsh | Elizabeth O'Brien | |||||
14 | Sep | 1882 | SISK, William | Ferryland | O'BRIEN, Agnes | MA Clancy | Joseph Hewett | Elizabeth O'Brien | ||||
8 | Nov | 1882 | BARNABLE, Matthew | Ferryland | O'BRIEN, Mary | MA Clancy | John Kane | Ellen O'Brien | ||||
23 | Nov | 1882 | CRANE, Patrick | Cape Broyle | PENDERGAST, Teresa | MA Clancy | Nicholas Harvey | Mary Pendergast | ||||
14 | Jan | 1883 | CRANE, John | Brigus | DOYLE, Johanna | Admiral's Cove | MA Clancy | Andrew Aspell | Mary Howlett | |||
14 | Jan | 1883 | HYNES, Edward | Ferryland | MEANEY, Ellen | MA Clancy | John Healey | Ellen Brennan | ||||
5 | Feb | 1883 | MAHER, John | Calvert | RYAN, Mary Ann | Fermeuse | MA Clancy | Thomas Healey | Mary Delahunty | |||
29 | May | 1883 | DEVEREAUX, James | WALSH, Mary Jo | Cape Broyle | MA Clancy | Martin Walsh | Ellen Walsh | ||||
14 | Aug | 1883 | O'BRIEN, James | Cape Broyle | FURLONG, Susanna | MA Clancy | Richard O'Brien | Catherine Dalton | ||||
31 | Oct | 1883 | WALSH, William | Forest Pond | DALTON, Mary | Cape Broyle | MA Clancy | John Dalton | Monica Hartery | |||
25 | Nov | 1883 | WALSH, Robert | BROTHERS, Mary | MA Clancy | James Clooney | Mary Mountain | |||||
26 | Nov | 1883 | SWAIN, John | Calvert | MORRISSEY, Ellen | Cape Broyle | MA Clancy | John Swain | Mary Duggan | |||
29 | Nov | 1883 | O'BRIEN, Richard | Cape Broyle | ROSSITER, Anne | Calvert | MA Clancy | James Furlong | Johanna Boland | |||
30 | Nov | 1883 | BOLAND, John | Calvert | MCCARTHY, Mary Jo | MA Clancy | James Rossiter | Johanna Boland | ||||
7 | Jan | 1884 | WALSH, James | Brigus | MORRISSEY, Mary | Admiral's Cove | MA Clancy | Maurice Aspell | Monica Hartery | |||
7 | Jan | 1884 | RYAN, Michael | Calvert | LEAHY, Bridget | Cape Broyle | MA Clancy | Martin O'Toole | Mary Rossiter | |||
7 | Jan | 1884 | O'BRIEN, Stephen | Cape Broyle | HOWLETT, Anne | Cape Broyle | MA Clancy | Richard O'Brien | Ellen Badcock | |||
12 | Jan | 1884 | FORTUNE, Sylvester | Tors Cove | CHIDLEY, Lucy | Cape Broyle | MA Clancy | John Carey | Sarah Howlett | |||
3 | Feb | 1884 | GEARY, Patrick | MOORE, Margaret | LK Vereker | John Delahunty | Agnes Moore | |||||
28 | Apr | 1884 | O'BRIEN, Patrick | GREGORY, Bridget | LK Vereker | Thomas Sweeney | Maria Gregory | |||||
25 | May | 1884 | CROFT, John | MCCARTHY, Johanna | LK Vereker | John O'Brien | Mary Ellen White | |||||
12 | Sep | 1884 | WALSH, Walter | POWER, Mary | LK Vereker | Michael Badcock | Mary Higgins | |||||
15 | Sep | 1884 | JOHNSON, William | HYNES, Catherine | LK Vereker | Michael Hynes | Bridget Fitzgerald | Groom Non-Catholic | ||||
28 | Oct | 1884 | WALSH, Patrick | MOHAN, Ellen | LK Vereker | Richard Delahunty | Margaret Farrell | |||||
7 | Jan | 1885 | O'BRIEN, Michael | POWER, Ellen | LK Vereker | John O'Brien | Mary Badcock | |||||
7 | Aug | 1885 | GATHERALL, John | FURLONG, Anne | LK Vereker | Philip Kent | Mary Carew | |||||
2 | Nov | 1885 | SHEEHAN, Thomas | MILLS, Sarah | LK Vereker | Henry Clowe | Mary Clowe | |||||
8 | Nov | 1885 | O'KEEFE, Valentine | TUCKER, Mary Jane | LK Vereker | John O'Keefe | Bridget O'Keefe | |||||
28 | Nov | 1885 | SWAIN, Peter | JONES, Bridget | LK Vereker | Joseph Swain | Mary Ryan | |||||
28 | Nov | 1885 | HARVEY, Thomas | PENDERGAST, Mary Ann | LK Vereker | Francis Pendergast | Catherine Morrissey | |||||
10 | Jan | 1886 | DELAHUNTY, Joseph | TOBIN, Elizabeth | LK Vereker | Thomas Walsh | Elizabeth O'Brien | |||||
19 | Jan | 1886 | SHANAHAN, Solomon | DELAHUNTY, Mary | LK Vereker | Richard Sullivan | Catherine Delahunty | |||||
14 | Oct | 1886 | LAWLOR, Timothy | RYAN, Mary | LK Vereker | Henry Clowe | Johanna Roche | |||||
29 | Oct | 1886 | POWER, John | DELAHUNTY, Catherine | LK Vereker | Walter Walsh | Ellen Londregan | |||||
21 | Nov | 1886 | CRANE, Laurence | DELAHUNTY, Hannah | LK Vereker | James Byrne | Mary Jo Badcock | |||||
8 | Jan | 1887 | O'KEEFE, James | DUGGAN, Mary | LK Vereker | Martin Chidley | Catherine Dalton | |||||
16 | Jul | 1887 | CARNEY, Pierce | GATHERALL, Mary | LK Vereker | Michael Costello | Elizabeth Gatherall | |||||
27 | Oct | 1887 | CLOWE, Henry | ROCHE, Johanna | LK Vereker | John Meade | Bridget Hayden | |||||
8 | Jan | 1888 | O'NEILL, Cornelius | LEAHY, Mary Ann | LK Vereker | John Leahy | Anne Costello | |||||
22 | Jan | 1888 | KAVANAGH, James | JORDAN, Ellen | LK Vereker | Bernard Moore | Veronica Shanahan | |||||
24 | Jan | 1888 | GREGORY, Richard | BABCOCK, Ellen | LK Vereker | Michael Gregory | Alice Power | |||||
22 | Apr | 1888 | COADY, John | BADCOCK, Mary Jo | LK Vereker | William Badcock | Elizabeth Cashin | |||||
9 | Jan | 1889 | DALTON, John | WHELAN, Esther | LK Vereker | Patrick O'Brien | Catherine Duggan | |||||
9 | Jan | 1889 | KIERCEY, Patrick | O'BRIEN, Mary | LK Vereker | Peter Chidley | Anne Cashin | |||||
9 | Jan | 1889 | O'BRIEN, Martin | KENT, Bridget | LK Vereker | Edward Hartery | Bridget Furlong | |||||
13 | Jan | 1889 | KEOUGH, James | PENDERGAST, Mary Jo | LK Vereker | Edward Hartery | Bridget Pendergast | |||||
13 | Jan | 1889 | JOHNSON, Peter | KENT, Ellen | LK Vereker | William Jackman | Margaret Whelan | |||||
12 | Jun | 1889 | CAREW, John | DELAHUNTY, Catherine | LK Vereker | John Morey | Anne Cashin | |||||
8 | Sep | 1889 | CRANE, Laurence | COSTELLO, Anne | LK Vereker | Peter Doyle | Mary O'Brien | |||||
7 | Jan | 1890 | WILLIAMS, William | DELAHUNTY, Anne | LK Vereker | Joseph Williams | Elizabeth Cashin | |||||
12 | Jan | 1890 | CAREY, Matthew | CASEY, Mary | LK Vereker | Malachy Power | Anne Yard | |||||
12 | Jan | 1890 | FURLONG, James | DUGGAN, Bridget | LK Vereker | Patrick Curran | Bridget Kelly | |||||
27 | Jan | 1890 | WHITE, Alfred | JAMES, Frances | LK Vereker | William Carter | Anne Hackett | |||||
16 | Nov | 1890 | ASPELL, Andrew | HARVEY, Jane | LK Vereker | James Byrne | Margaret Harvey | |||||
11 | Jan | 1891 | PENDERGAST, Philip | AYLWARD, Sarah | LK Vereker | Joseph Pendergast | Bridget Pendergast | |||||
11 | Jan | 1891 | O'BRIEN, Patrick | DUGGAN, Catherine | LK Vereker | Edward Duggan | Ellen Dalton | |||||
11 | Jan | 1891 | WALSH, Thomas | BOLAND, Elizabeth | LK Vereker | William Leahy | Ellen Walsh | |||||
25 | Jan | 1891 | DUNN, Michael | YARD, Margaret | LK Vereker | James Casey | Anne Yard | |||||
7 | Feb | 1891 | CAREY, John | DALTON, Cecilia | LK Vereker | John Walsh | Mary Howlett | |||||
16 | Apr | 1891 | COURTNEY, John | HOOK, Jane | LK Vereker | John Ryan | Mary Ryan | |||||
19 | Apr | 1891 | CONDON, Peter | BEST, Rosanna | LK Vereker | James Pendergast | Anastasia Kennedy | |||||
29 | Apr | 1891 | STAFFORD, Nicholas | RYAN, Ellen | LK Vereker | Michael Sliney | Mary Canning | |||||
11 | Oct | 1891 | DENINE, John | HARVEY, Margaret | LK Vereker | William Best | Hannah Vickers | |||||
15 | Oct | 1891 | STONE, Steward | MOORE, Agnes | LK Vereker | Joseph Williams | Anne Hackett | |||||
4 | Nov | 1891 | FLYNN, Martin | 35 | Conche | CLOWE, Mary | 32 | LK Vereker | James Clowe | Mary Ryan | ||
11 | Nov | 1891 | MURPHY, Patrick | 29 | KELLY, Bridget | 27 | LK Vereker | Michael Devereaux | Gertrude Kelly | |||
15 | Nov | 1891 | ASPELL, Maurice | 29 | MORRISSEY, Catherine | 27 | LK Vereker | Michael Badcock | Anne Hartery | |||
28 | Nov | 1891 | CONWAY, Jeremiah | 30 | GATHERALL, Elizabeth | 40 | LK Vereker | John Power | Ellen Clancy | |||
28 | Nov | 1891 | WHELAN, Matthew | 57 | BOLAND, Anne | 44 | LK Vereker | James Rossiter | Flora Foley | |||
10 | Jan | 1892 | DOYLE, Patrick | 32 | PENDERGAST, Sarah | 36 | LK Vereker | Patrick Lee | Ellen Carew | |||
10 | Jan | 1892 | DOYLE, Peter | 35 | DENINE, Ellen | 27 | LK Vereker | William Best | Mary Ann Badcock | |||
11 | Jan | 1892 | RYAN, Patrick | 24 | KINSELLA, Esther | 28 | LK Vereker | Francis Ryan | Mary Paul | |||
13 | Jan | 1892 | WALSH, Walter | 27 | BRENNAN, Mary | 23 | LK Vereker | Richard Walsh | Mary Rossiter | |||
18 | Jan | 1892 | AYLWARD, Richard | 34 | HOWLETT, Mary | 27 | LK Vereker | Peter O'Brien | Anne Cashin | |||
21 | Jan | 1892 | MOLLOY, William | 50 | O'BRIEN, Elizabeth | 35 | LK Vereker | William O'Neill | Bridget Pendergast | |||
31 | Jan | 1892 | PENDERGAST, Joseph | 33 | MORRISSEY, Jane | 31 | LK Vereker | William Pendergast | Mary Hynes | |||
22 | Aug | 1892 | SWAIN, William | 28 | MULLOWNEY, Elizabeth | 25 | LK Vereker | Alfred Canning | Mary Swain | |||
9 | Nov | 1893 | POWER, Joseph | 38 | CONDON, Anne | 24 | LK Vereker | Patrick Power | Mary Condon | |||
26 | Nov | 1893 | CANNING, Alfred | 28 | SWAIN, Mary | 23 | LK Vereker | Thomas Swain | Charlotte Swain | |||
8 | Jan | 1893 | CHIDLEY, Martin | 29 | YARD, Hannah | 24 | LK Vereker | Thomas Jones | Anne Yard | |||
8 | Jan | 1893 | O'BRIEN, Patrick | 50 | AYLWARD, Margaret | 46 | LK Vereker | Peter O'Brien | Catherine O'Brien | |||
8 | Jan | 1893 | O'BRIEN, Patrick | 40 | LAWLOR, Mary Ann | 34 | LK Vereker | Francis Ryan | Mary Paul | |||
9 | Jan | 1893 | O'KEEFE, John | 37 | SWEENEY, Esther | 25 | LK Vereker | Daniel O'Keefe | Catherine Sliney | |||
22 | Jan | 1893 | O'BRIEN, Joseph | 36 | KELLY, Margaret | 23 | LK Vereker | Michael Kent | Mary Coady | |||
5 | Feb | 1893 | HOPKINS, Henry | 50 | FARRELL, Margaret | 48 | LK Vereker | Valentine O'Keefe | Bridget Walsh | |||
11 | Jun | 1893 | KINSELLA, Thomas | JAMES, Catherine | LK Vereker | Patrick Kinsella | Anne Hackett | |||||
30 | Oct | 1893 | MEANEY, Thomas | 48 | WHITEWAY, Anastasia | 32 | LK Vereker | Michael Swain | Mary Boland | |||
12 | Nov | 1893 | WALSH, Thomas | 48 | WHITE, Mary Ellen | 30 | LK Vereker | Peter Hiscock | Sophia Ryan | |||
25 | Nov | 1893 | O'BRIEN, John | 38 | CRANE, Hannah | 33 | LK Vereker | Michael Pendergast | Alice Howlett | |||
30 | Nov | 1893 | HARVEY, Patrick | 30 | PENDERGAST, Bridget | 26 | LK Vereker | William Bruff | Bridget Waddleton | |||
7 | Jan | 1894 | LEAHY, John | 37 | O'BRIEN, Mary | 35 | LK Vereker | Charles Martin | Catherine Johnson | |||
8 | Jan | 1894 | CLOWE, Edward | 30 | O'KEEFE, Anastasia | 31 | LK Vereker | Valentine O'Keefe | Catherine Sliney | |||
29 | Jan | 1894 | CASE, John | 44 | RYAN, Sarah | 55 | LK Vereker | Peter Casey | Sophia Ryan | |||
4 | Feb | 1894 | PENDERGAST, Michael | 44 | KENNEDY, Anastasia | 46 | LK Vereker | Ernest Carew | Anastasia McNeill | |||
29 | Apr | 1894 | COADY, Robert | 47 | O'BRIEN, Anne | 42 | LK Vereker | Michael Morrissey | Ellen O'Brien | |||
30 | Apr | 1894 | SULLIVAN, John | 27 | SLINEY, Catherine | 25 | LK Vereker | James O'Toole | Catherine Sliney | |||
30 | Apr | 1894 | QUIRK, James | 50 | PENDERGAST, Elizabeth | 42 | LK Vereker | John Sullivan | Alice Sullivan | |||
30 | Apr | 1894 | RYAN, John | 33 | HAND, Ellen | 22 | LK Vereker | William Hand | Frances Hand | |||
18 | Jun | 1894 | CLANCY, James | 35 | ROSSITER, Mary | 33 | LK Vereker | Patrick Power | Maria O'Toole | |||
25 | Nov | 1894 | WALSH, Patrick | 31 | WALSH, Ellen | 45 | LK Vereker | Solomon Walsh | Josephine Kinsella | |||
28 | Nov | 1894 | RYAN, William | 25 | PAUL, Mary | 23 | LK Vereker | Francis Ryan | Elizabeth Paul | |||
14 | Jan | 1895 | CULLETON, James | 55 | QUIRK, Catherine | 52 | LK Vereker | Daniel O'Keefe | Bridget Walsh | |||
21 | Jan | 1895 | CURRAN, Martin | 27 | ROSSITER, Margaret | 22 | LK Vereker | Edward Curran | Monica Rossiter | |||
22 | Jan | 1895 | GREGORY, Michael | 34 | HAYES, Mary | 21 | LK Vereker | Thomas Hawkins | Elizabeth Hartery | |||
17 | Aug | 1895 | COSTELLO, John | GATHERALL, Anne | LK Vereker | Michael Power | Elizabeth Gatherall | |||||
13 | Oct | 1895 | MARTIN, Charles | 25 | O'BRIEN, Mary Jo | 17 | LK Vereker | James Kelly | Catherine Kelly | |||
28 | Nov | 1895 | LOVETT, Robert | 32 | MAHER, Bridget | 22 | LK Vereker | Peter Casey | Mary Maher | |||
9 | Jan | 1896 | ROSSITER, James | 36 | SWAIN, Ellen | 32 | LK Vereker | Matthew Whelan | Bridget Swain | |||
12 | Jan | 1896 | KENT, Michael | 35 | HARTERY, Elizabeth | 28 | LK Vereker | Michael Walsh | Catherine O'Brien | |||
2 | Feb | 1896 | JONES, Thomas | 39 | NOWLAN, Sarah | 21 | LK Vereker | Patrick Duggan | Anne Coady | |||
15 | Apr | 1896 | HEALEY, James | 24 | MEADE, Margaret | 21 | LK Vereker | John Jordan | Josephine Kinsella | |||
29 | Apr | 1896 | POWER, John | 32 | GRANT, Theresa | 31 | LK Vereker | Patrick Power | Mary Grant | |||
11 | Aug | 1896 | FURLONG, Joseph | 25 | DUGGAN, Catherine | 20 | LK Vereker | Peter Walsh | Mary Ann Walsh | |||
7 | Nov | 1896 | DENINE, Joseph | 24 | WHELAN, Bridget | 19 | LK Vereker | Robert Best | Catherine Whelan | |||
24 | Nov | 1896 | MOORE, Edward | 35 | SLINEY, Mary Jo | 33 | LK Vereker | Richard Walsh | Polly Sliney | |||
25 | Nov | 1896 | BEST, William | 35 | MCNEILL, Anastasia | 30 | LK Vereker | Peter Yard | Anne Hartery | |||
28 | Nov | 1896 | O'TOOLE, Martin | 32 | CONDON, Mary | 32 | LK Vereker | William O'Toole | Millicent Condon | |||
11 | Jan | 1897 | WALSH, John | 25 | COADY, Anne | 21 | LK Vereker | Richard Grant | Mary Coady | |||
11 | Jan | 1897 | HART , John | 27 | LEAHY, Catherine | 25 | LK Vereker | Edward Hart | Anne Leahy | |||
11 | Jan | 1897 | DEVEREAUX, Michael | 30 | LOVETT, Anne | 27 | LK Vereker | Richard Walsh | Mary Sliney | |||
12 | Jan | 1897 | MELVILLE, Thomas | 31 | GREGORY, Margaret | 29 | LK Vereker | George Melville | Mary Melville | |||
14 | Jan | 1897 | SWEENEY, William | 29 | O'BRIEN, Anne | 31 | LK Vereker | John O'Brien | Sophia Ryan | |||
18 | Jan | 1897 | O'BRIEN, Peter | 35 | HOWLETT, Alice | 30 | LK Vereker | William O'Brien | Sarah Howlett | |||
25 | Aug | 1897 | MCNAMARA, John | 30 | CAREW, Anne | 22 | LK Vereker | Louis Williams | Gertrude Sevior | |||
3 | Nov | 1897 | O'BRIEN, Joseph | 35 | BOLAND, Elizabeth | 21 | LK Vereker | Edward Martin | Mary Boland | |||
23 | Nov | 1897 | JORDAN, William | 25 | EAGAN, Elizabeth | 22 | LK Vereker | Robert Gordan | Mary Paul | |||
24 | Nov | 1897 | RYAN, Francis | 27 | WALSH, Mary | 22 | LK Vereker | James Ryan | Anastasia Walsh | |||
9 | Feb | 1898 | HARTERY, Edward | 40 | CLANCY, Clara | 33 | LK Vereker | Ernest Carew | Mary Keough | |||
5 | Jun | 1898 | O'BRIEN, James | 25 | TOBIN, Mary Ann | 17 | LK Vereker | John O'Brien | Ellen O'Brien | |||
5 | Jun | 1898 | FURLONG, Peter | 45 | WHITEWAY, Bridget | 34 | LK Vereker | John Whelan | Lucy Leahy | |||
5 | Jun | 1898 | DUGGAN, Edward | 28 | KENT, Mary Jo | 22 | LK Vereker | Patrick Duggan | Catherine Kelly | |||
23 | Jun | 1898 | WALSH, James | O'NEILL, Mary Jo | LK Vereker | Patrick Ryan | Bridget Lemasney | |||||
19 | Nov | 1898 | CURRAN, Patrick | 35 | BOLAND, Mary | 32 | LK Vereker | Patrick Whelan | Ellen Boland | |||
22 | Jan | 1899 | CAREY, James | 34 | YARD, Anne | 27 | LK Vereker | Edward Maddigan | Mary Aylward | |||
23 | Jan | 1899 | HAYDEN, John | 42 | GATHERALL, Elizabeth | 24 | LK Vereker | William Power | Matilda Hartery | |||
13 | Feb | 1899 | WILLIAMS, William | 42 | BADCOCK, Alice | 40 | LK Vereker | John Williams | Sarah Byrne | |||
6 | Aug | 1899 | BEST, Robert | 28 | KELLY, Alice | 23 | LK Vereker | Denis Morrissey | Mary Oldridge | |||
10 | Aug | 1899 | KELLY, William | 27 | HARTERY, Elizabeth | 23 | LK Vereker | Peter Walsh | Ellen Brennan | |||
13 | Aug | 1899 | COADY, John | 52 | GRANT, Theresa | 52 | LK Vereker | Michael Condon | Mary Walsh | |||
1 | Oct | 1899 | LEAHY, John | 42 | WALSH, Mary | 34 | LK Vereker | Richard Walsh | Mary Oldridge | |||
19 | Nov | 1899 | POWER, Cornelius | 36 | BULGER, Maria | 37 | LK Vereker | Patrick Power | Mary Power |
E R R A T A | ||
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